Happy Halloween Lunchers!!
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!!
So growing up, I never got to dress up in costumes, go trick or treating or decorate our house with spiderwebs and jack-o-lanterns...usually it was a night at Chi-Chi's with bad tex-mex food ending with a sombrero on my head and a bunch of servers singing a god awful "mexican" version of happy birthday to me. Anyways, so I missed out on the bags and buckets of candy, sweets, treats and more candy. My mom was good at making sure we had a stash of candy around on a regular basis anyways, but she'd always keep out an extra big bowlful during halloween. So I was always able to pack a few treats in my lunchbag so I could participate in the standard "swap candy with your friends ritual" after the big night...but in some ways it just wasn't the same *sigh*.
I want to hear what halloween was like for you guys! What was your favorite costume? Did you buy them or did you make them? Favorite candy? Favorite tricks? Did you trade your Baby Ruths for 100 Grands during lunch? Let me live vicariously through your halloween experiences!
And of course, what kind of devilishly delicious lunch will you be having today????
I was a boyscout. So I had a climbing harness and a sick sense of humor. So, I would carebeaner myself to the back of the harness. I would tie a black rope to a big branch on the tree in our front yard and connect it to the carebeaner. Then I would either take a sheet and tie it around me neck and then throw the other end over the tree and then stuff the end in the back of my shirt or I would tie a white rope into a noose and do the same. I would then put white makeup on with blue lips and blacked out eyes (boyscouts are all cross-dressers) and then wait in the tree like I was dead. The candy dish would be at the bottom of the tree (which always looked dead) and every time small kids would come towards the dish I would wake up as they were taking candy and scare the crap out of them.
If it was a bunch of teenagers I'd let the slack off the carebeaner and drop down on them.
Today is a run and a slim fast shake. In anticipation of insulin deficiency tonight.
I've never been a fan of dressing up or costumes. My mom used to make mine, and I remember them being fairly elaborate, but still, I never was into Halloween. It seemed dumb to me. Most of the candy given out was chocolate, so I didn't like it anyway.
I do remember a couple Halloweens of my dad taking me around while he was working and in uniform. I also remember other ones where he took me around, and was not working, but we went to all his friends houses, so for every handful of candy I got, my dad had a drink. That seems like a practice I could get behind.
Today for lunch is leftover pizza, and then a Dr. appt. at 4. Yippee!
oooo!! Happy b-day LAdy A!
of course, my trick was also a recipe for a Darwin award if something went wrong.
Yes, NotWitty - I noticed that too. I felt that Weeds was speaking to me last night with all the talk of Pittsburgh and the Master Cleanse!
Happy Birthday Lady A!
You too Brian!
I'm hungry.
Happy birthday, Lady A and anyone else who may be celebrating on this dark holy day.
Diz, I was about to argue that not all boy scouts are crossdressers, but I couldn't come up with counterexamples.
I've never been a big fan of Halloween. Over the course of my young life, my attitiude has slid back and forth from complete indifference to seething annoyance. I gave it the ol' college try a few years back when I made a sandwich board out of paper, wrote "Dear Prominent Politician or Television Personality..." on it, dusted myself with baby powder and went as an anthrax letter.
Phillipsburg, Montana was not ready for the costume. Which is a particularly bad idea when you swath yourself in easily combustible material before walking in to the bar.
So, I celebrated Halloween today by abstaining from the office Halloween party upstairs, even though it came with free lunch.
Instead, I went to the deli across the street and had a bowl of matzo ball soup and a huge-ass turkey sandwich with muenster and cole slaw. They call it the Moishe - apparently, he is Reuben's brother.
Taking half of it home for dinner. Giddyup.
wow, all quiet on the blog today. halloween was sorta fun when i was little but got stupid when i was in high school. it was like the movie mean girls where all the girls wanted to dress up like sluts. i would follow along, but i always felt stupid.
diz, it does not surprise me that you'd fly out of a tree like that and scare the crap out of people. you eagle scouts are all crazy.
my favorite halloween costume has to be what i was this year, which was a dead natalie wood. i made a life preserver and seaweed out of posterboard, glitter, and green paper streamer. shout out to ro-esq for suggesting the costume!
Happy Birthday Brian!!!!
Anyone interested in grabbing a drink at BB after work?
Had a smoked salmon pita with hummus and Lett/Tom. Delicious.
Is everyone in a candy induced coma?
Hey, thanks for the birfday wishes everyone, and a tip of the cap to fellow devil child Lady A.
I always had elaborate costumes growing up. My dad taught high school Industrial Technology (aka wood shop) so he'd always craft some behemoth structure that was uncomfortable to wear but crowd pleasing, such as:
-A three tiered birthday cake with candles (Xmas lights in place of actual flames)
-A robot with blinking lights
-My brother was an ice cream cone one year
-Garbage can with the bottom cut out and a dummy's torso strapped on the front. If you carry the can above the waist your legs appear to be attached to the dummy, who is lugging you around in the garbage
My mom is also pretty creative. She made his and hers pig costumes (pink long johns with nipples sewn on the front and a coat hanger curled up in back) and my fave, the hemorrhoid (red long johns with red balloons tied all over and a large box of Preparation H)
Between trick or treat candy and birthday cake Halloween was always a big sugar rush around my house.
i know it's late and likely few will read it but i feel a bit blog starved...
Just got back from philly for the last couple days and unfortunately didnt lunch the shit out of the city as i should have. i blame this on the fact that i have been hungover like never before since thursday.
everything hurts, all my muscles are twitching and i'm somewhere between ravenous and nauseous.
so i had buffalo chicken fingers and a pizza steak on monday and then a pesto something chicken sandwich at world cafe today. it's a pretty cool place (30th and walnut) if you hit the area.
so anyway, as per the post:
i love halloween.
i love everything about it
well one main thing.
i love being someone else.
i've dressed up everyear save one since i have memory. this year was spent as Brian Fontana from the News 5 News team (anchorman, y'all!). it was wonderful. i didn't drop out of character until 5:45 am when i finally got back to my friends place. (this could explain why i was refused by three cab drivers as i stumbled back from the east village.
anyway... have fun trickortreating you guys and happy birthday lady a and brian.
there best be more than 18 posts tomorrow!
keep it real
Yeah, peep, what was up with those biker dudes? I mean, come on, don't answer the door. Were they just answering the door all night long and everytime the bell rang they'd say "we don't celebrate"? And it was "we," too. Two biker dudes. Not celebrating Halloween. I just don't get it. In retrospect, I'm sure they had excellent treats.
I have to admit, I liked going to the grocery store and picking out the box-o-costumes -- I definitely remember being the $6,000,000 man and Gene Simmons.
Happy Birthday, Birthday folk. (Jo, it's coot's b-day, too.)
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