As I was walking from the metro to work this morning, I passed a guy with a shirt that said 'English Muffin' & it had a little union jack on it. It made me laugh. Thinking about it, that shirt would be more descriptive on a girl, but whatever. He was hott. Also, it made me happy b/c I didn't have a good idea of what to write about today - and does it matter much anyways? Is anyone even at work? Am I the only one? So if you could make a custom food shirt what would yours be labeled? During my mold problems in my condo I almost had a shirt made that said "Got Mold?" (like the milk ads! geddit? geddit??) and had a little mushroom on it (yeah, yeah, I know, mushrooms are fungi, not mold, blah blah blah), so I guess I'd go with that. Or, if I were back in college, when I was known for making the most ridiculous pool shots (not from skill, mind you, just from hitting as many balls as hard as possible-ah, good times. when cheese counted) & I was known as the Velveeta Queen, so I guess I'd get a shirt with that on it.
Happy Veterans Day to all the vets on our little blog. Which I guess means Shorty. ;-p
WFL, y'all?!
Funny you should mention breakfast Food.
So killer robots think we all taste like the most magical of foods. This may be something for another posting (mmmmm long pig), but I think it bares talking about.
oh and I am most definitely not at work. I get on Air France on Sunday .. headed towards West Africa ... I just saw the headline about a robot thinking we taste like pork and I had to write about it.
lt, I don't think I would recommend rolling around in a shirt that reads "Velveeta Queen." Too much room for misinterpretation.
I AM at work today, honoring our veterans by lubricating the gears of this capitalistic machine they fought to protect.
Interesting fact I heard on the radio this morning: there are only 14 living U.S. WWI veterans, the youngest of whom is 106 years old. Of course, that was a couple of hours ago, so the number may have dropped by now.
As for the specialized food t-shirt, my first instinct is to pay homage to my southern upbringing and wear something that reads "Kiss my grits."
Oh, and I haven't decided what to have for lunch yet. I ate enough food yesterday for about six or eight meals.
Between the two-hour marine life holocaust at Todai for lunch and the wonderfully tasty crab enchiladas at Lauriol Plaza (in honor of some out-of-town friends) last night, I feel like I'm still digesting things that were ingested on Monday.
lt, what are YOU having for lunch? We could eat the same things since we're the only ones working today...
when i frequented diners in philly i always wanted a shirt that said "i don't eat scrapple" just so the overweight, lazyeyed, yellow teethed, limping delores wouldn't insist that i try their scrapple as "it's the best in the city"
back of bitch, best or not it's still diced pig nasties...
EQ, were you listening to WTOP? I heard that same thing. And then they said that they've lived in three centuries. How crazy is that?? I'd have to live to 127 to make it to 3 centuries.
I don't know what I'm eating today! Marine life holocaust sounds really good, though. Hmm. I think I need to just get a salad or something small. Siiiiigh. Maybe I'll get the california cobb at Listrani's. I'd get a QUIZNO'S SALAD, but man. I think those things must have a million calories - all that bacon & cheese & garlic flatbread . . . . god, it's so good.
Hey, maybe I'll get a sapien sammich.
i'm working too. it blows.
and i, for one, welcome our porkflavoredhuman consuming overlords...
I am now reconsidering my commitment from yesterday to vote for you.
I loves me some scrapple and had it for breakfast today. Tastes like people.
Wow, this is like the bunny-rabbits-and-sunshiniest lineup of OWFLers I could have picked!
It's going to be a glorious, venomous day.
m, I first ran in to scrapple when I moved to eastern Maryland and started working with some folks from PA. Despite having grown up in the land of hog jowls and chitterlings, I had a hard time seating in the booth while someone first ordered and then listed the ingredients and then ate a double order of scrapple.
I'm not a queasy man, but shitfire! I guess, barring legitimate starvation, you can only eat the ludicrously disgusting food products you grew up on.
I;ll have to think about my lunch t shirt. i don't want to say the first thing that comes into my mind (Got Mike?)because I want to wow those of you who are similarly trapped at work.
I would wear a T-shirt with Hannible's face on the front proclaiming, "The other other white meat"
i htink it's a subconscious defense mechanism.. when the robots are unleashed i want to taste as little like pork as possible
Thanks notWit,
I will endeavour to taste the local cuizine. I will have a report when I come back and a bone in my nose :)
I'm definitely doing the Eatzi's sandwich today.
The Pinger used to take me to Eatzies up here in the MD suburbs and he had a thing with Helga, the sandwich maid. She would throw down a mean sandwich and then wink afterwards. Man Eatzies. If I had a car I'd be all up in that bitch.
Oh, yeah - have a good time diz! So jealous. I wish I could travel like that for work. Although I'm supposed to be going in San Fran (it's been "in about 2 weeks" for about a month now) in about 2 weeks. I'll have to pick up some sushi. Mmmm. One of my best sushi experiences ever was there. And on another trip, that's where I learned to love the uni. Mmmm. Anyways, have a great time, and don't drink bottled water unless they open it in front of you.
Scrapple scares me. As does corned beef hash. No beef should be that pink. And vomitous-looking. Anyone remember that old SNL skit for the pre-chewed restaurant? Ha ha!
Diz, I love your Hannibal shirt. That's a million dollar idea right there.
It's so nice out - I'd rather be outside than in here . . . I wish we could open the windows! Sigh!
I think you got the wrong impression notWit. I do have a thing for certain foods but its only because as much as I enjoy the taste ... I can no longer stomach them as well as I did before a long trip to Asia I took.
That was the turning point in how my body reacted to milk, garlic, and sadly amoebic dysentary (one of my all-time-favs). But hey, that is a story for another time.
Man, that Eatzi's looks good. Hm. Maybe I'll go to Earl's for a sammie instead of a salad today. Hum.
Mikey, you know!
I'm totally going to have the sandwich grrl cut it in quarters (like Mom used to do) and make sure they bake the hell out of the hard salami, muenster, and soft roll that I'm going to order.
One of my biggest disappointments is they don't have a sandwich steamer there.
Anyone ever have a steamed sandwich?
I just clicked on the Robot link. Time magazine just featured that little wine robot in thie weeks issue. He's a dumb looking little guy that they dressed up in a fruity little chef's hat. I'll look for a picture or link. After seeing it, your fears may be eased.
Killer Wine Bot
My friend turned me onto scrapple one day just a few years ago and I have adored him ever since! Soon after I discovered scrapple with bacon...I never really got that cause it is all supposed to be pig parts right? Whatever. It's still good. Hmmm....t-shirts...can I just put a picture of my boob cake on a t-shirt big enough and placed properly to be tacky like those "tuxedo t-shirts"...I guess I could do the same thing with my ass cake on a mini skirt or something.
In light of one of the thin threads of conversation we've had already today, I think my t shirt would be like one of the shirts that you can get at head shops that take a familiar logo and tweak it, so that if you look at it you get it, but if you glance at it, you get the impression of the original logo. Think aboout the 7-11 logo, but it is 4-20 instead, or Sunnoco but instead it's Stoner.
Mine would be the Snapple logo, but the word would say... Scrapple.
Zing, bitches! Beat that.
greetings from la choi's abode! i am listening to fleetwwod mac and planning a massive load of laundry. so this day off i am actually really working. go figure.
i think my t-shirt would say "all swine all the time" or "is it swine time?". it's just that i do love the pork so much that there should be a t-shirt dedicated to that lovely meat. hopefully it won't attract piggish men. that would so defeat the purpose.
speaking of pork...someone in my apt is cooking bacon, and it smells divine. i may have to join in and cook some myself.
diz, i thought you were leaving on thursday!!!! i had a post all ready to dedicate to you as a nice send off! oh well...have an excellent time and, please, do not come back to the states with a bone in your nose. it'd mess up yo' purty face. :P
oh, no more amoebic dysentery, though if you went to asia and had that, i cannot imagine what you're going to do in west africa! bring lots of imodium.
I always like the Canada flag with a pot leaf.
And aaawwwwwww!!! That wine-bot is so cute!!! I want one!
Try our new Scrapple\Cranberry!
Tastes great and good for you too!
Lachoi would be distressed to see that the bottle he's examing is yellowtail. She might infer that the japanese have no taste in wine.
Thanks LC, you da best!
I'll see what I can do about avoiding the evil food bunnies. (shout out to Cusak!)
I think that little robo-guy looks like the weird T-1 on the last lame terminator movie. In the beginning they all look cute. I just hope they build them all like my iPod Nano .. if so I could totally scratch them out of existence.
lunchwear: i'd prolly encase my lower half in waffles as i imagine that it would be woderfully insulatory and i think woudl provide a pleasant sitting experience.. the top i think woudl be a trisket chainmail t-shirt. it woudl be pretty breathable and i love triskets..
M. I love the cutsy killer wine bot. Well done.
I went to Friday's last night and ate those fried green bean things. They were quite tasty. I will be imploring Lady A to whip some up in her new deep fryer.
Today I think lunch is going to be Ben's though I can't remember what time, so I don't know if I have time to go to the gym first or not.
Get a' load of this guy:
Mr. Breakfast
Awww...that makes me think of massive delts...*sigh*
I already have many of those shirts that MikeySunshine was talk about.
I think for food, I would use everybody favorite logo for Oscar Mayer, but mine would say "Mitch is ILL' You know, because Mitch is the Illest.
Maybe i could also get sweat pants that have Mello yello logo on them, but they say... I don't know what. I just like the mello yello and they logo.
Busy weekend for ILL Mitch and fans and groupies. Today is free skate at Municipal skate park in Ybor City. Today is day I finally land the Mushroom Bruise. Vlad taught me that trick. it have jump grind and spin. Much difficulty. Then rapping show tonight at party.
Tomorrow, I use gift certificate at gym and get in good time with punching bag.
It like all that I love come together in wone weekend.
Ill Mitch does not taste like bacon. it's mor like steakum. any bodies have that ever?
Why is Mrs. Breakfast so much tanner than Mr. Breakfast? Ah, Massive Delts. I miss that guy.
My favorite t-shirts come courtesy of blog friend Brian. As the story goes, a friend of his has a kid who was turning one. So Brian made the kid a shirt that said "Illiterate." It was accompanied by a hat that said, "Unemployed." Apparently everyone but the baby's grandparents thought it was pretty funny.
My favorite lunch t-shirt is my hoagie/burger t-shirt.
My mom made steakums a lot...and pork butts and turkey loafs that "made its own gravy" when it baked...weird stuff.
For the record: We're on a good pace here today to get a respectable numper of comments. I know nobody keeps score, but it seems like in the last week or so that we have struggled to get 45 witty replies, lunch suggestions, or mindless chatter in by the end of the work day, but today' we've got it before the East coast goes on lunch break. It makes me proud to not honor veterans today just to be a part of this.
Yeah, where did Massive Delts go? Who was that? For that matter, where'd Ultimo Dragon go?
Could that be a t-shirt.."get me hot and I'll make my own gravy"
Yeah, Man-sausage makes it's own gravy if you rub it the right way
Lady A. Never have I tried this turkey loaf or pork butt.
Tell you what. You come down and I' rap for you; free, private show, all tracks on both CDs live
You cook these things for me and Vlad.
No, maybe I shouldn't meet any of the ladys on the WFL blog. I so in demand by all the ladys, I just break hearts.
i just made myself the best breakfast ever:
fried up that bacon just like i said i would. set it aside. then made some homemade arepas (corncake fritters) with mozzarella cheese inside. then, i scrambled two eggs in the bacon fat and sprinkled them with salt, pepper, and adobo.
laid the eggs atop the bacon and those delish mozzarepas on a large plate and drizzled salsa valentina on those fritters for extra kick. cafe bustelo is percolating in the mini espresso maker right now as i type. the mixture of foods is amazingly comforting. also steely dan and fleetwood playing in the background.
have i died and gone to brekkies heaven?
Mouth breathing, Jersey wearers. Peep, does this ogre work in the mail room or something?
Where do you work?
If you can call him a colleague, how does that reflect on you?
Let me answer for you:
being on the same level as a specimin such as that, equates you with him and makes you look like some sort of similar shlub. Get him fired.
Wow. Lady A is dirty.
I don't understand the point of the wine bot...
I feel like the fates are keeping me from the gym for two days now. Fingers crossed I can after Ben's...
Yeah, Lachoi. You're killing me. Thanks a lot. That salad's looking really fucking good now. Fuck.
M, your avatar's the best! Even as a sapien-hungry killing machine, he's so cute!!
oh peepy, just do what i do when i get angry at work. i just start having homocidal fantasies. i take the person who i want to choke and create scenarios like throwing them out the 4th floor of my office or humiliating them in front of the entire staff by pants-ing them or revealing their sheer incompetence.
i swear, it's healthy as long as you don't actually do these things. hey, that's what my therapist told me!
LC, I am now going to get my7 sandwich .. but I totally want to be in my jammies watching TV and having that breakfast with you .. I don't want any comments about man-gravy or sausages now ... she is like my sister.
Even though I'm evidently pretty.
saturday's lunch: mmmm steakums.. i'm going to make something i havent in a while.. i suggest youall do too.
Fry up three steakums (the brand in the black box is the best in my opinion). Cut off the top 1/4 of a large pita. stuff the pita with at least four types of cheese (colby jack counts as two and velveeta counts as zero), a couple tablespoons of spicey brown mustard, a dab of ketchup and the three fat soaked steakums... give them a bout a minute to cool a bit and for the fat to congeal. then start your heart attack. it will be worth it.
Whoop Whoop!
M .. my communication skills are lacking which is ironic because I'm considered an information worker.
Your login is finished .. but I was just thinking about moving the blog (still using blogger but on our own server) wholesale to theoriginalwhatsforlunch.com.
This totally OT. lo siento!
YEAH!!! congrats Uni!
YAY FOR LADY A!!!!!!!!!!!
Lady A, does this mean no more back-alley handjobs?
Awesome!! Congrats, Lady A!!
And yay for me! Free bagel for lunch! Rah! I'll probably go out in a couple hours & get a side salad, but for now I'm all over half a sesame seed bagel with half regular cream cheese & half veggie. Mmmmmm. Takes my mind of lachoi's breakfast.
congrats. new jobs are new opportunities to find new people to despise to new levels.
diz.. sounds like a good intermediate step. i'll check out the connection this weekend and trying and do something beyond just finding out what is rotting in my kitchen..
And get this the GK will be working at the WWF...unfortunately not layin' a smackdown...but saving pandas and shit!
work it lady a, WORK IT! congrats to you!!!!!
just finished my coffee. i think that delicious brekkies and coffee combo will have me making toilet in a few.
had a lamb gyro (w/o tomotoes) that was quite wonderful and am following that up with blueberry poptarts.
i have $20 that rachael ray gets housed this weekend... gotta make sure the pvr is all set for that one tho
Giada is going to whoop Rachel Ray's ass. I can't effin' wait. I'd like to see Giada sashay over to RR's cooking area and smack her in the face with a frying pan. Too bad it's not some kind of Iron Chef/Ultimate Fighting hybrid, cause that would rock. Setting my DVR now...
ht: the thought of Giada and Rachel Ray wrapped up in a UFC-style ground-'n'-pound just made me make my own gravy.
I really need to eat some lunch now. I love the idea of the gyro, but I don't know where to track something that down around out here in federal-holiday suburbia.
peep, how are you feeling? check your yahoo acct.
shorty!!!!! we wish you a speedy recovery! was thinking about you a lot and hoping that you are feeling better.
Lady A. You give the rest of us hope for a job in the future. Way to go.
man our house now has another tree hugging hippie in it.
We got the Pinger working to save wild life for NWF, the National Wildlife Federation (though I like to think of it as Niggaz with Feelings [as opposed to attitude]) And now one of the Chuds is with WWF. Dang!
I guess I'll have to stop shooting at squirrls for entertainment and burning plastic for heat. Damn Treehuggers.
Yay!!! Free lunch part ii!! Cosi sandwiches! And I think I made the happy 'mistake' of grabbing a chicken sandwich with bacon on it! Hooray!!!
Shorty! I hope you're feeling better - if at any point you need anything, give me a call, as you know I can be counted on to be around when everyone else is working.
Giada is just tiny, tiny, tiny - but no official midget status.
lady a: does this mean i have to watch what i say about my turtles around you? please don't take them away from me.
Well, I've decided with the new gig that I shouldn't eat roadkill stew anymore...
Off to go get my glasses! Changes, changes, changes...
I used to work at WWF, many, many years ago. Once I wore a leather skirt to work.
That didn't go over so good.
Take that as a fashion tip, Lady A.
oh HT...i so can imagine you strolling in with a leather skirt being like "what? what?"
Well, seriously. Cows aren't "wildlife" they're domesticated livestock. It's not like I walked in swathed in tiger pelts and baby harp seal furs with shoes made of the hides of black rhinoceros or anything. Sheesh.
HT, don't forget the whales...wearing makeup using endangered whale blubber....yeah!
i just had to beat my employee emotionally for taking a document that we needed to post last week, losing ALL THE REVISIONS that have been made and then resubmitting it to me after a month of holding it with NO CHANGES MADE TO THE ORIGINAL DRAFT. i guess she just wanted to see if i would notice.
god i want to use her lifeless body as a paperweight.
peep: you got any more of those shirts?
and with 10 Rattlesnakes in your mouth
I just got back from taking Sir Whinesalot to the vet. Seemed perfect for a day honoring America's Vets. And now he's all up in my business.
Eatzi's is the bomb--it's right next to my office so I eat there often.
omg, M, your office sounds just as annoying as mine. except take no revisions to 50 AFTER the due date. that shit blows my effing mind.
it's beautiful out, yet i have not left my apt. miss DevilCat is driving me insane at the moment.
great, now i want effing vodka.
just texted the Czar "WFL?"
his answer: boston market.
Where is the czar?
See what I was talking about. Half of our community is off today and we soar towards record comments.
Vacation is good for the soul of OWFL
Oh, and I grabbed a double stack from BK. I wasn't going to, but as I was walking by, I found myself inside before I knew it.
And since I am forced to read all of the magazines that Time Warner puts out, i just finished leafing through this week's People and found out that:
Doogie Howser is gay.
And he is ..."a very content Gay Man". So that raises the question; what does a gay, pre teen, M.D. eat for lunch?
I'm guessing it's still Pizza. Gay people, young folks, and Doctors all eat Pizza.
Peep, she could also have thought it stands for
Farm animal you want.
My theory on the number of comments increasing today: us working stiffs are jealous of the people who have the day off & thus are posting more than normal to pretend like we don't have to work. That's my theory.
Dude, you just found out Doogie Howser's gay? What have you been doing - following election returns or something?
it's because if i do an ounce more work today i'll snap.
here is what i just learned:
All About Brining
For exceptionally moist and tender meat, brining is the way to go! Immersing your turkey in a saltwater bath (the brine) overnight draws water into the cells of the turkey so it stays juicy and moist when cooked. For this method, you'll need a large clean plastic bucket or noncorrosive stockpot (not aluminum), enough refrigerator space and time, but it's a great do-ahead.
Just got back from my hour and half lunch...picked up my glasses, a bottle of vodka and something from Victoria Secrets (it's an XS though so definitely NOT for me...gotta love shopping for bachelorette items)!
Holy shite.
The Czar is in New England. Tis beautiful.
I saw some old lunchers last night in NYC.
I'm tired and hungery and just learned that I will be babysitting three kids tomorrow night.
Note to Dad: I won't be visiting anymore if this is what it has come down to.
My shirt would read "Full of Schlitz"
I would make Jo a shirt that says "Frozen Peas and Beer"
So as part of my personal
Project Lunch Mayhem
I have been shaking things up around here.
I am currently temping in Time Warner's DC headquarters and I am the lowly receptionist. One of my duties is to periodically check the fridge and make sure the drinks are stocked and that the cold ones are at the front.
So for my project lunch mayhem, I have been shaking every 3rd can of pop I put in the fridge. Shaking it good. I occasionally hear a can open somewhere followed by swearing. It's great.
Of course if I were in some sort of Temp Workers Union, I wouldn't be such a rogue, but Jo doesn't seem to want to help on that front... So the mayhem continues.
Muah ha ha ha
Wow Sunshine...Peek Ham Wood...
Good show Lady A. Way to bring up old posts... not even. Old comments.
You rocks
I have a date tonight... With a girl. So I won't be hitting happy hour this evening, but with my recent extension at this gig, i think i could get my HH on next week some time.
Who wants to hit up Atomic Billiards for Happy time next week?
And that's not a typo, I't my cute nickname for the ground shaker.
I'm in for Atomic next week! I'll have to bring my own set of pigs though since someone stole theirs.
I'd go out celebrating in DC tonight but I am off for a weekend with the ladies, tickle fights galore!
sweet baby jesus... did anyone else hear this?
'Burger King is (no, really) making a movie that use their King character as the star.'
i'm hoping the release it on the next friday the 13th..
Bk is also featuring 3 X Box 360 games that you can pick up, featuring the King
Pocket bike Racer
Sneak King
Big Bumpin
I mean I thought it was funny when i saw that king superimposed over Deion making an interception and running it back for a TD then doing the Dion dance, but pretty much everything since then has kind of creeped me out.
My little brother had a 7-Up game for Nintendo. It was highly addictive. And also stupid, as you might guess.
I'd rather they made a movie about subservient chicken.
what the hell is she doing in upstate ny?
and is she as hot in real life?
Is blumpkin when you get the oral sex while making poo?
No, Vlad tells me that is the Blumpie.
What is Blumpkin?
i guess it's too late for you to ask her if she is single and has low standards..
another chance that has slipped through my fingers.
I do not like when people wear T-shirts with types of food written on it. Sometimes it makes me hungry and want to eat the person. I know cannibalism is wrong and hate myself for it.
Oh, Massive Delts, how I've missed you!
Yay! MassiveDelts heard my pleas!
Lunch was a ChiliCheese Half Smoke at Ben's. No fries, b/c I'm healthy like that, though I considered stealing some from my dining companion. However, this would have resulted in my losing a finger and possibly a hand, as he finds such things wholly unacceptable.
Now I'm torn. I'm sleepy, but should go to the gym. I also need to go to the grocery. I have a feeling sleep is going to win. I'm so slovenly and slothlike.
Is 135 a new record? Anybody know?
I'm not sure, MS. I don't think so, but it's awfully close. I'm impressed with my fellow OWFLers! Yay us!
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