i know i haven't been as active on the blog lately. most of this is due to "the man" keeping la choi down. anyway, today is our work holiday potluck, and i brought one of the ultimate comfort foods: 5 cheese mac - a stick of butter, monterrey jack, sharp cheddar, mild cheddar, velveeta, muenster, half and half, and some egg went into making this beauty. it is a cholesterol lovers dream come true. however, i cannot take credit for this recipe as it was featured on oprah from the one and only patti labelle. damn, woman knows how to cook!

anyway, this got me to thinking about holiday eats. when you go home for the holidays (xmas, hannukah, winter solstice, kwanza, festivus), what do you have to have? what dish does your family/friends/loved one(s) make that causes you to drool uncontrollably with just the thought of devouring it? please tell us in great detail. consider this the holiday food porn post.
and also, don't forget to tell us WFL on this fine Tuesday in your neck o' the woods.
Feel good post LC. If I weren't in a food coma from last nights holiday party, I'd be all full of warm fuzzys.
I come from an Irish/american background via Philly. If you know anything about that, you know that cooking ain't our strong suit, drinking and having a good time are where we excell.
But with that said, there are some things I look forward to for the holidays. When we lived in Key Largo, we'd always have some shrimp coctail and white wine at sunset on Christmas eve. We'd go down to the wharf and watch the sun go down and have the best shrimps.
Then we'd always have cream chipped beef on toast on Christmas morning. Not the savoriest of meals, but the feelings that surround it are all good.
Also, I always make milkshakes when I am at the folk's place for holiday break. This year Ima make this one:
Candy canes in the blender
vanilla ice cream
mix again
I am excited to try it out.
Cookies, holidays were always about the cookies.
And Tuesdays are all about the wingies...HH@51st State! I'll be there at 4:15.
I got a little puky last week when I went a-boozin' before swim practice. Ima have to pass on the HH today.
Not sure yet Miso. I don't really have much time off, but it's still up in the air! I'll keep you updated fo' sho'!
Love holiday eats.
I love my mom's scalloped oysters.
I love Nana's sausage stuffing.
My mom may also prepare some lamb stuffed with a bunch of garlic.
Mouth watering.
On my way to a working lunch at Morton's.
For a while when I was a kid, my folks would put together a stellar three-course fondue dinner for New Year's Eve. My favorite was frying breaded cheese cubes in oil. Somewhere around the time my brother was old enough to drive, my folks decided that it was too much damned work to put that shit together, so they drew on their Chicago roots and started making New Year's Eve deepdish pizza from scratch. (Usually with Italian sausage my grandparents had just brought down on their Christmas visit straight from the shady back-door-in-a-dark-alley-sausage-shop where they have bought it for the past 50 years.) A few years back, my mom adjusted to the new New Year's order (by which I mean we never spend New Year's Eve as a family any more because I'm usually out boozin' in another city and my brother is now putting his son to sleep at home by that time of year) by shifting the traditional New Year's Eve pizza to Christmas Eve, which is awesome. There's nothing quite as nice as coming home from an ill-advised Christmas Eve round or six of cocktails to find freshly leftover homemade pizza for a midnight nosh.
For lunch today, I am making a Chick-Fil-A run. It's going to be awesome. I'm having a chicken sandiwch with provolone cheese and the biggest container of waffle fries I can wrangle out of them. And Dr. Pepper.
And, I'm going to listen to "Big Pimpin'" at least three times while I'm gone for lunch.
I love my grandma's scalloped oysters (maybe your mom and my grandma should have an oyster-off, Jo).
Love the "Christmas Rice" my mom makes (it's kinda like dirty rice, but not really).
Love my mom's apple cranberry pie.
And I love, love, love Christmas cookies. We always have sugar cookies cut out in festive holiday shapes, ginger cookies, and "snowballs" (really Russian Teacakes/Mexican Wedding Cakes). And we usually supplement with a few other varieties. All the recipes are from my grandmother and great-grandmothers (and in one case from my great-great-grandmother). But now, I do the baking. In fact, this weekend will likely be a cookie bake-a-thon. My apartment's going to smell AWESOME.
I love me some of Mom's warm grahm cracker crusted Peacan Pie with a scoop of homemade vanilla bean ice cream.
That is pretty porny for a food item. But if that doesn't get you. The orgy of the Turducken should pretty much do it for you.
Holiday food talk AGAIN??? Argh, when is this going to end?! Blow me. Happy this and Merry that and Jingle his and Gobble that. Fuck. I hate the fucking "Holidays."
That said, I was just saying to Lady A last night that I think I'll bake some cookies to take home to my dad, since he often expresses missing his precious holiday food. I have no gifts to buy this year, so I might as well trade in indulging in one misery-inducing holiday activity for another.
For xmas we'll have steak and lobster. Last year we did this while watching 2 Fast 2 Furious.
And, the best thing about New Year's is that it marks the end of the suckass, bullshit fucking "Holiday Season." While on the whole, going out on that night blows hairy donkey dick, I do like to celebrate the end of the worst 6 weeks of the fucking year.
For me, the highlight is the stellar line-up on cookies produced by my Baba (aka Grandma WD).
Classic toll house chocolate chip with walnuts
Angel wings
Apricot thingies
Dream bar type-thing
We serve the cookies both before and after dinner, and there's always room
Hold on HT. I'm confused. You're not being clear. Quit beating around the bush and let us know how you feel about the Holiday season.
My mom makes awesome cookies. Way back when, the breaking of the gingerbread house was great - we stopped that years ago, though, after we got a cat & realized she would jump up & lick at the frosting. Ugh. Also we weren't that young & it's such a mess to do. Ha ha! A couple of years ago we decided to see what the dog would do if we put it out for her so we put it on a flagstone in the middle of my parents backyard & she immediately got overly possessive of it - to the point where one of us walked in that general direction to pick something up & she ran over & stood over it growling. Ha ha ha! Poor silly puppy! She was totally trying to pick it up & carry it away from us, too, but it was too big! Man, that was funny. Trust me, it was hysterical.
My mom makes the best holiday meals. Apparently this year my brother is going to make a standing rib roast, which is great, but man, rib roast leftovers just aren't as good as turkey.
Gumdrops, candy canes, Hershey's kisses (have to try those candy cane flavoured ones!). My mom always puts a big bowl of nuts out in the living room. Hazelnuts! Brazil nuts! Almonds! Pecans! Walnuts! All the nuts you could want!
I'm sure I'll think of more stuff later.
Holy crap, I got interrupted like 1/2 hour ago. Lunch is last night's leftover dinner - thai - a mixture of 'wild pork' & beef & broccoli (basically). Not too bad! Also flavoured popcorn someone sent the office.
If anyone wants to have dinner at sushi taro at 6 tonight, i have reservations for 2 more!
MMM... sushi Taro.
Thanks for the Head's up LT. Ima have to pass though since I have swimming tonight. A little more forewarning next time and I'm down. I likie that place.
sunshine, you are what you eat, so you should come eat fish before swim practice. duh.
Where's sushi taro? I might like to hop on that bandwagon. I was recently bemoaning the absence of raw fish in my life.
Just got back from Chick-Fil-A. Made good on all of my promises, except I only listened to Big Pimpin twice.
Ah, 17th and P.
Thank you, information superhighway!
HT - i don't like holidays either. but i DO like holiday eats. there is a big difference.
on that note I WON $50 AT OUR OFFICE HOLIDAY PARTAY! and i'm drinking wine at my desk.
as for carols and stockings and santa and "holiday cheer" and all of that crap...trust me...i think it's all bullshit.
but hey, at least you have an excuse to eat and drink your face off.
Dude, don't bust on stockings. Stockings are the best. Or maybe it's just b/c my mom, er, santa, does them up so well . . . it's usually the stocking sitting on a pile of stuff b/c the stocking's too small. Yay!! Fun little gifts!!
So EQ, is that a 'yes'? You won't regret it. Also, Bonbon & I do not share Rainbow Rolls. If you want to try this orgasm in rice & seaweed, you'll have to order your own. Consider yourself forwarned.
And hey, first round on Lachoi!
However. LC is right. Eating and drinking with abandon is a Beautiful Thing(TM) especially when you have a decent excuse.
i eat and drink during the holidays to cope with how much i dislike them. vicious vicious cycle.
anyone want to go to a cookie decorating party with me this sunday?
I loooove the holidays--food, music, decorations, all that crap (I think HT can vouch for my holiday love). I even love Hannukah (though I'm not Jewish).
But, based on my recent experiences at a co-worker's "cookie swap", I think a cookie decorating party is where my Christmas spirit would curl up and die.
So, thanks, LaChoi, but I think I'll be baking solo this weekend. With Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" album cranked up to 11!
lizturtle: sign me up.
fantastic, EQ. See you there. i will need a large sake after the day i'm having . . . argh.
so i know its late and no one is prolly reading this but cest la vie ande i feed as if posting daily is a necessity even if it is at six at night...
so i was in my sql server training toady and it's going rather well alhtough like most training i think sending me home for a week with the text book would be a much more efficeint used of tiem...
i was goign to say stuffing as the holiday comfort food but then i saw the reference to jew on jew killing and i thought of my mum's latkes and realized that fried potatoes and sour cream turns my buttons..
going drinking with mau and her brother tonight, wish me luck.. i always get super nervlous meeting relatives for the first time and usually end up fubared as a form of self preservation...
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