16 servings of cheap pilsner last night? Attracted to a 6” seafood sandwich you saw being ordered and need someone to talk to? Feel like something pasta-y, but not exactly? This is what terrorizes our nation’s workers every day. It is ever-present, in the back of our minds--riding on the train, up the elevator, in that meeting. But these are simply facets of the one great question. The answer to which must be provided before we can ever grasp contentment. What’s for lunch?
Garbage, trash, junk, and refuse. I can't get enough. yummy, yummy in my tummy.
I eat my shoe regularly. Does that count?
I'm thinking another burrito today.
Ay other suggestions?
Wow, my tofu ravioli seems so inappropriate for Oscar's birthday. Maybe I'll go get some fried crap.
Where did you find this info, Jo?
The Czar knows all LT...
I'm doing a salad today, I got my Five Guys last night...the BIG bacon cheeseburger with everything and fries. Sooo good...I want more.
diz and miu, I am thinking about salad. It's so damn hot here. Something heavy on cucumbers and tomatoes. In fact I think I will head down to High Noon.
High Noon has great turkey chili, but that's not too savory on a hot day.
I may get a frozen novelty during lunch. I'm hoping for a bomb pop, but I think all they have in the cafe is creamed ice. What's a good ice cream on a stick treat?
push ups sunshine...
Mmmm . . . jello pudding pops. Sunshine, you can't go wrong with ice cream on a stick - any shape, form, flavour, colour. They're all good. Man, I could go for a Flintstone's push-up pop right now, though. Maybe that will be my get-away-from-my-desk-non-smoke-break break this afternoon . . . . Or a little mini of Haagen Dazs, which they sell across the street - it's the tiniest little cup! Man, if they had those cups in Ben & Jerry's, I'd be over there all the freaking time.
DiZ, go Burrito, but change it up a bit. If you usually go beef, try Carnitas. if you usually get pinto beans, get black beans. It's like a totally different experience.
Oooh, hot hot hot hot hot ravioli hot hot hot
I love those eclair ice cream bars or the strawberry shortcake ones by Good Humor...they usually have some sort of cookie crumbly coating on them.
Diz- u could really shake it up by getting a burrito bowl with a bag of chips to do the scoopin'.
Have you ever tried the ice cream taco? It's like a drumstick in a taco shape! Awesome!! And it's better than the ice cream brrrger. I am ridiculous enamored of food that looks like other food.
Chicken sandwich it is!
Sorry, I as going to go Burrito Bowl ala Uni but the creu here has forced my hand here:
Today is a total suck day here ... more rain.
LT, I like all kinds of Tacos.
Lunch today - leftover red beans and rice (which are ever more tantalizing with the half-pound of smoked sausage I added) and an office-foraged muffin. It doesn't appear to be your run of the mill muffin, either. This joint's for real.
As for the frozen treat question: you can NEVER go wrong with an orange push-up, but I recently discovered the strawberry ice cream sandwich with shortbread wafers instead of the devil's food. It was love at first bite.
The cafe's selection of frozen novelties:
HagenDas Vanilla ice cream in either milk or dark chocolate shell
Frozfruit, creamy mango, or creamy coconut
Jack n Jill pre made cone of chocolate
a lil' mess in a cup, quite like what miu had back in school
This selection did not meet with my approval. I want refreshing, not creamy. I decided to put the frozen novelty on hold until I can get to the 7/11 for an afternoon snacky break.
Choco taco!! Thank you! I knew it had a snazzier name than ice cream taco, which sounds really generic. Choco taco is better but ice cream brrger has the better name.
Hmmm . . . I may not be able to wait very long to go & raid the ice cream bin at the euro market. Hm. It would be awesome if they had all the random ice cream cones like the Good Humour man. Ooh, I heard the truck when we were at the beach, but sadly, a) I could not locate the truck and b) I didn't have any cash on me, anyway.
When I was in 5th or 6th grade I was at a friend's house & she was like 'Let's go over to this other friend's house in the neighborhood' & so we did & then the ice cream truck came and friend #2's mom came out & bought an ice cream for friend #2 and friend #1, but not me. How fucked up is that?? Like dude, give me a complex! I guess it was something like the mom knew friend #1 was coming over, but didn't realize she was bringing a friend. Isn't that shitty though? Just shell out the extra 75 cents for a freaking ice cream bar, beyotch! And it wasn't like I had my own cash, so I just sat & watched them eat! Wow, I have a lot of repressed anger. I haven't thought about that incident in years.
Just grabbed a Dr. Pepper to wet my whistle. I'm usually a coke man, but this is pretty good. i can't help but thinking that if you take the bubbles out, freeze it and cram a stick up in it, it would be exactally what I've been looking for today.
Man, if I could track that beyotch down, she'd be about #117 on my list...
And thanks to tafkalc for my new avatar! (assuming it worked...)
Afternoon cold snack problem solved. Just got this email from the girl that grab bag used to manage / hook up with.
"Hello All--
There is a giant vat of vanilla ice cream in the freeze on the 6th floor. You can eat it plain, or wtih coke (to make a Coke float) or with diet Dr. Pepper (for a diet ice cream float which seems a bit oxymoronic)...the options are limitless.
Please enjoy.
Brought to you by Table Chuck Norris."
But that slurpee comment by miu really raises another good point. Dang, I'm glad I have you folks to help me overthink my decisions. Life would be too easy if there weren't a bunch of people to present alternatives
Love dem' choco tacos. So good. The ice cream man in my neighborhood growing up would roll into the hood, and the kids would start chasing it on foot, big wheels and bikes. But he wouldn't stop, he'd keep going down the street until there was a horde of kids in tow, all screaming "ICE CREAM MAN!!!" Finally he'd stop then there would be a commotion as the kids jostled for position. Usually the bigger kids got theirs first. That ice cream was quite the salesman, always enticing us. That said, I liked that one ice cream thing that had the gum ball at the bottom of a funnel like package.
Those were the days...
And on the oscar the grouch theme. I used to love to eat the "standard" ice cream cones and chew off the top so that what was left resembled a trash can, then i'd pretend I was ol' Oscar and eat that garbage can up!
The two things I most wanted to be growing up was an ice cream man and a garbage man. I once had a chance to sell ice cream out of an ice cream truck that we commandeered as a taxi, that was awesome. Still haven't had a run at being a garbage man yet...
: (
Good eyes, miu! I didn't think anyone would notice that with all the tiara-ing & wining & sceptering going on!
Just got back from my ice cream break and it hit the spot. So I was all planning to get the little cup, but then! What to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone!! Oh, I nabbed that sucka & sucked it right down. My god, that was good. And the cone was even crunchy, (hee, i mis-typed it as 'crunky' which would have been fun to try to eat), which is my big problem with drumsticks. I hate the chewy cone! Yuck!
Ah, that was good. Oh crap, it's not even 2:30 yet.
Actually Miu, I think Ice Cream Men are required to be sex offenders.
I think an evil ice cream man would make for a good B horror flick. The ice cream music would be all distorted and slowed down when he goes into murder-mode.
After all that salad talk I ended up getting a Ham & Chicken Club from Best Sandwich Place, with a side of coleslaw and a V-8.
Did anyone watch the cartoon version of Spawn? Very evil molestor Ice Cream Man in that.
There already is a story about a murderous ice cream man.
Needles the clown. He drives an ice cream truck that shoots napalm. He lives in coldstone asylum, but he occasionally gets out to compete in calypso's tournament where the winner gets one wish granted, no matter what it is. it's called Twisted Metal and it is great.
Y'all big city suckers don't know how good you had it. the only ice cream truck in Fremont MI only made apearences after little league games and if we won we could get a novelty and a pop, if we lost we could only get a pop. I never remember winning, but I certainly remember our 49 - 1 loss to Old State Bank.
Never saw that truck in anybody's neighborhood...ever. And it's not like I was in the wrong neighborhood all the time, there were really only three of them and you'd be able to hear the bells from 2 hoods over.
The driver = arrested for child pornography. Not convicted.
Choco Taco??? There is a joke with a pole in it somewhere??!!! HAHAHAHA!
the taco joke that I've been enjoying latley is
Lesbians = Fish taco eaters.
Sorry if that offends, but it gives me the giggles.
Fish Taco
feliz cumple to oscar!
i had mushroom bisque and a fields and feta wrap from abp. i loved the soup b/c it was made with some thick beef broth or something. it made me full so i "forced" down half of my wrap. man, it's tough being me.
on a positive note, the abp sandwich guys were making my wrap and one of them says to me "do you speak french?" i replied "nope" and he retorts back "my friend says that he has to make you a delicious sandwich because you are so beautiful."
HAHAHAHAHHA! it made my day.
Dude, that's bullshit. Did a man tell you to drink water at home? B/c that's sex discrimination. Or you could start just taking 20 minutes in the bathroom & when they complain, tell them that since your tp was cut off, you have to 'drip dry'.
and yes, for the love of god, figure out the linking thing, miu!
And aw! So cute! And useful, too - since it holds 8 glasses, you can fill it in the morning & know if you've had your daily fill!
Sorry, I haven't read anything here today. Been crazy busy with it being the first of the month, but I'll try and read tonight. I had, you guessed it, two dogs with everything and DIET coke. Christ, I've been drinking diet coke all afternoon and I am wired and feel bloated. Why does diet pop make me feel all bloated and puffy and I am also ridiculously thristy. I must drink a gallon of water to flush out my system now.
OH! LT I LOOOOOOOVE your avatar! Fabulous!
It's a good foto, but I miss the baby with beer bottle. That cracked me up to no end every time I saw it.
i love LT's new avatar. here's my new one...it now holds LT's car keys.
Hee hee - thanks! Please direct all props to tafkalc and her awesome camera. Those wings crack my shit right up.
Ah yeah. I miss the baby with his bottle. I really should have saved that to my computer.
Ugh, I'm bored. I've even so much today, too. I just had a bag of cheddar/sour cream ruffles (with rrrridges). Damn, it was good. But I'm still bored - damn! I'll chew some gum, maybe that will get me out of the eating-b/c-I'm-bored rut I'm in this afternoon.
HH @ BB tomorrow. I'll be there til around 6:30.
Why are you leaving so early, Jo?
Choco Taco!
Man!! I can’t find the picture now, but I used to have a great shot of HT’s would-be sodomizer smoking down the ice cream man in Milwaukee on the Fourth of July a couple years ago. There were a group of 7 or 8 of us sitting on the front lawn when he drove by. He gave us all a free choco taco. (Peep, you got that pic?)
(Fantastic avatar, LT!)
And Dipso, your avatar is fucking frightening. Are you EVER going to be spending a weekend in Chicago? We are due for some carousing.
LT, I don't even remember that. Was that before or after I licked the tub of butter?
Lunch today was shitty salad in LaGuardia. Boo.
Dinner is edamame.
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