I mentioned this the other day on Josephus' wonderfully pleasant blog, but I am always impressed by Jo's bold beverage choices at lunch. I generally don't think much about my beverages at lunch and opt for a big glass of Chicago tap water or maybe a diet coke if I'm feeling frisky. But suddenly I want the Orangina or designer lemonade. I think today I might pick my beverage first and then order around it.
What will you be drinking today at lunch? And of course, the always pertinent, WFL?

I want to be drinking a margarita at lunch, but I can't think of where to procure that.
Are the DC people doing HH @ BB?
I will probably be having a diet cola or some such caffeineted, low-cal beverage, as I lay in bed until after 3am last night for no reason until I finally got up & took a melatonin. Thank god the office is closing at 3. Then I get to go home & help my mom baby-sit my neice! She's so cute! And she'll look adorable in the Pooh Bear outfit I got her at The Happiest Place on Earth! Oh, anyways, I'm leaning towards Quizno's chopped salad for lunch. So I can be "healthy".
I'm a water guy. If I go somewhere, e.g., Gold Coast Dogs, where I find myself ordering some sort of combo special that includes a beverage, I'll get a root beer because I'm forced to. (No ice in root beer! Save that for the Miller Lite.)
The only time I must order something to drink with lunch is when I go to Potbelly's. Something about the way a grape stewarts washes down a wreck.
Generally, though, it's cool water with lunch. Maybe a cup of Joe afterward.
Spoke to Rico this morning. He sounded like death. Must have been a great birthday night.
Quoth the Rico (in a hoarse gravely nightmare voice): "I'm going home and laying on my couch till sunday."
Happy Birthday buddy!
I have to admit that I have not devoted a lot of time to considering my lunch beverages, and I suddenly find myself a little embarassed by that. Nice point raised, Jada.
Today, I am planning to have a tall beer with lunch. My boss (for the next two weeks) is taking me and a few colleagues to Gordon Biersch (in about 15 minutes). Free lunch! And beer!
Yay for Fridays.
I always like to pronounce jade's drink like it rhymes with vagina. It's more fun that way, although I think the man wants it to rhyme with Tina.
I did in fact pick my beverage first when I got lunch today. I got a green mountain coffee, then I went for a Gatorade. Normally I get yellow, or blue, but neither of those colors were cold in the cooler at the student union, so I felt up the bottles and the only color that was brisk was pale purple. NOrmally I don't like purple flavored stuff... and today was no exception. Riptide Rush is not a pleasant taste, but at least it was coldish. My lunch was a poorly created turkey sandwich. They didn't have any mayo with the fixins, but they did have honey mustard, and I got pretty excited about that. The bad thing is that the lettuce on the sammie was gross and ruined pretty much the whole experience. I hate when a bit part character ruins the whole show with their lousy performance. Fucking lettuce.
LT are you referring to the same happiest place on earth where that 12 year old kid was killed on the second fastest roller coaster in the park yesterday. If so I can think of a few happier places on earth. The methadone clinic by Reno's old place, the DMV, the glue facotry... the list could go on, but needn't
As an ode to today's post, I ordered a blueberry lemonade with my tuna avocado roll. It sucks. Can't taste the blue, and it's WAY too sweet. Lemonade is almost always too sweet. I should just stick to my own homemade stuff.
I'm generally a water luncher. Its cheap, and I like water. When I do roll with a bevvy, its usually some kind of fruit juice, cranberry cocktail perhaps?
Today I was driving around doing erransds. So i hit Wendy's for lunch. Big Bacon Classic, with fries and a big coke. So today my drink was coke. Its not as good as the McDonald's coke, as Jada attests, but they've got a good formula going at wendy's. Problem was they filled the cup to the brim with ice, so one long sip (a la Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction), and I was already sucking air.
Dipso, Way to try something out of the ordinary. Too bad it failed. But really, how good could blueberry / lemonade really be anyway?
"If life deals you lemons, I say kill some one with those lemons. Perhaps by shoving them down someone's throat?"
-Jack Handey
Although I know this is a Law & Order gimmick, I'm really hoping there is a "ripped from the headlines" CSI episode about this dead rollercoaster kid that somehow ties it back to his repugnant stepgrandfather.
I actually wound up with water at lunch today. It was brilliant. I loves me some water.
The rest of lunch was a gorgonzola pear salad with pecan-crusted chicken. Opened up with some southwestern egg rolls or a quesadilla explosion or something. Rounded lunch out with some of mikeysunshine's sister's garlic fries.
And, it was free.
uni, HT, czar jo and i had margaritas with some disapointing faux tex-mex salads (taquito salad and a tostada salad, both were mediocre). but what can you expect from an irish pub?
we did get to sit outside and bask in the warm sunshine. but then warm turned into unbearably hot and now i'm trying to stop sweating through my pants.
Sunshine - I detest all things unnanturally colored blue.
Dipso - I'm so proud of you for trying something new. And knowing you, you will now probably order the wretched lemonade several more times to prove to yourself that it sucks.
Watchdog - I think Wendy's has decent coke, but yeah it's not as good as McD's and they don't have the awesome McD's jumbo sized straws making it even easier to suck it down.
LC et al - Margaritas and TexMex salads at an Irish Pub? You were asking for trouble.
Yeah, LC et al - you were asking for it. I hear you on the pants-sweating thing, though. Ugh.
And blueberries are really more purple than blue. Especially when you make juice out of them.
And yes, Mikey, this is the same place. Perhaps the kid should have gone to my conference. Then he could have died of boredom. What's that? Oh, it's karma telling me it's going to kick me in the ass later . . . . I bet you're right, miu. Probably some pre-existing & undiagnsed condition. Poor kid.
Hee hee - I keep looking at HT's avatar.
miu: but have they done a rollercoaster kid in MIAMI yet?
sunshine: I think I've raised this question with you before, but I thought I'd hang it out in this audience since you started talking about Gatorade colors (and in homage to your alma mater).
When I was a kid playing soccer, we would always have orange wedges for halftime, and sometimes there was Gatorade after the game. Back then, there were only two Gatorade options: the orange and the lemon-lime. Those two options had different labels: orange and green, respectively. Consequently, there were two options: orange Gatorade and green Gatorade.
Ever since then, I have referred to the lemon-lime flavor as green Gatorade, and I never ran in to any contradictors until the past year or so when people started trying to tell me it's the "yellow Gatorade." (And, no, they didn't mean the lemonade.) At first, my theory was that I was getting the pushback from damned kids who grew up in the early multicolored Gatorade world where every flavor had a green label, but there it is in sunshine's comment, and he's no kid.
Since we're talking about drinks today, can I get any additional perspectives on this?
We weren't fancy rich, like you, and only had orange slices and water after soccer games. So I'm with sunshine on this one - lemon-lime = yellow gatorade. Look at the drink, not the label! Would you call Coca Cola 'red coke' & Diet Coke 'white coke'? Or Diet Caffeine-Free Coke 'gold coke'? I still usually only drink gatorade for a hangover.
Oh, and drink with lunch (well, right after lunch, really) is Diet Dr. Pepper - or, as I will be referring to it from here on in, 'White Pepper'.
I miss the suckiness already, Jade. Perhaps if I just open this desk drawer and put my fingers in there and then just SLAM IT.....yes...yes...this is helping.
I think blueberry lemonade SOUNDS like a great idea. It was just prepared by capeless buffoons. I believe the ingredients were natural -- it had a purply hue. Just too much damn sugar.
Um, LT, I agree with you, except, to my eyes, the Gatorade of which you speak IS green.
Perhaps this explains why people are always asking me 'Is that what you wore to work today??'
I still disagree. It is clearly yellow. Don't let the label fool you.
ht: Thank you for raising a very important point that I left out of my initial complaint.
I know I've talked myself in to this sort of secondary argument surrounding the color of the label, but the bottom line is that shit looks green to me, too.
ugh, you guys are right. the faux tex-mex salad gave me the runs...
i need to go home NOW. but i do want to do HH@BH...are the DC-OWFLers in or not???
ooh, i hope that jo doesn't get an attack of the tex-mex salad runs either since he'll be on a looooong drive.
It's yellow EQ. Check out a spectrum dawg.
Yellow is my favorite Gatorade flavor.
Coincidence...I think not! I actually thought about lunch drinks last night before I went to bed and how it was odd that it wasn't a posted topic yet! AND at today's lunch I commented how our margaritas tasted oddly like your featured drink...orangina, spiked with something alcoholic...not sure if it was tequila or just fermented OJ.
I haven't had any runny BM's since lunch, but I'll cross my fingers! I boycott Mackey's.
radioactive yellow
Maybe my aversion to the concept of "yellow" Gatorade also stems from a period of about a year and a half when I was living in Nashville and dating a girl in Atlanta. I was making that drive more often than I would care to admit, and I didn't like to spend any more time on the road than absolutely necessary. In order to cut out time wasted on bathroom breaks, I started buying one of the quart-sized Gatorades one my way out of town. By the time I was done with the Gatorade, I was ready to replace its contents while cruising efficiently along at 80 mph.
Before too long, it became a game that I would play with my neighbors to see whose place I could leave the yellow Gatorade bottle in without their notice.
WDog: on THAT spectrum, it's definitely green.
and i'm with Jada. You got margaritas and mexican food at an irish restaurant? crazy.
"hello burger king, do you have eggrolls? okay, I take TWO eggrolls!"
hmmm... green tea...i mean pee....
And apparently Mackey's salsa making guy doesn't come in until after 4pm...but the pico de gallo is readily available.
Well, see - I had it in my head that I wanted a little TexMex. So the suggestion of the intern-standby, Tequila Grill, came up. Done. LC and I arrived at the corner of 20th and K to find a "For Lease" sign! No TG! So we met up with RK and Uni and defaulted to Mackey's. But I still had TexMex on the brain and ordered a margarita. Well, so did everyone else, and then there were suddenly taquito salads (interesting idea - poor execution) and chicken tostada salads (I'd probably have been happier with that). Anyway, it was a mistake, shared by 4 OWFLers who know better.
yes, we were trying to poorly substitute our craving with what was around...and mackey's had outdoor seating. therefore, we settled, which should never be the case.
oh well...i'm fine with a boycott. i never liked that place much anyway.
I'm out. Office closed 27 minutes ago (officially). I'm off to the bar for a quick one & part of the World Cup & then home for a relaxing evening. Yawn! Talk to you dawgs latah!
And today's big winner is....
Autopsy: Boy at Disney Had Heart Defect
Jun 30 2:06 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
The 12-year-old boy who died after riding a Walt Disney World roller coaster had a congenital heart defect, a medical examiner determined Friday.
The autopsy of Michael Russell was done one day after he passed out while riding Disney-MGM's Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. He was pronounced dead at a hospital. The cause of death was natural, ruled Dr. Jan C. Garavaglia, Orange County's chief medical examiner.
"No evidence of injury was found but congenital heart abnormalities were detected, which will be further evaluated. The cause of death will be left pending until results of the additional studies are obtained," the office said in a statement.
Dammit people. That shit is green. I do not see yellow at all.
But, I suspect that all of you people who say it's yellow, also think that school buses are yellow, and I think that they are actually orange.
So, if I said, "Can you pick me up some green Gatorade?" to one of you, what the hell would I end up with?
(side note: Gatorade used to make a flavor called starfruit and it was most often in those bottles that basically had pacifier-ish tops. I loved that shit. And those bottles. But sadly, neither seems to be around anymore. That was also green. A different green, but green.)
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