I'm craving bacon today...I don't know what it is but I want it. I've pretty much converted to turkey bacon over the years, but today the craving is for the real stuff. Brown and crispy with just the right amount of fat.
What's your favorite way to have bacon? On the side with an egg fried hard? Atop a triple decker club? Layered over a medium rare cheeseburger on a toasted kaiser? Wrapped around jumbo shrimp and scallops and grilled to a crisp? Or on the highly underrated and often overlooked classic BLT (preferably on a buttery croissant for me)?
Ahhh...I remember the days when I could make a meatloaf, wrap it up with bacon slices so as it baked the delicious fat would seep throughout the meat...and not give a second thought to my arteries or waist line...*sigh* alas...
TIP OF THE DAY: When frying bacon try using chop sticks. They offer great control when doing the all important flip.
Eff Bonnaroo and Eff the Czar

That's right. I said it.
Screw those dirty hippies rolling around in the mud, shitting behind a tree and wallowing in their own filth. I took two showers this morning, just because I could.
No rules today kids! Talk about WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU'D LIKE! Damn the Man! Fight the Power! It's anarchy up in this motherfucker, what are you bitches having for lunch?!
There's a double post. What's the side order? What's the lunch post?
Who cares?! Leave 'em both!!!!
Bacon is magic.
Bacon is magic.
I don't think I'm into the the double posting. I did give it a whirl but I still haven't changed my mind. I think today's double duty was done by accident though, and I feel that HT just had something serious to get off of her chest...and not just because HT has a serious chest (har har har) ;)
I'm not sure what to do today for lunch...with bacon of course (pre-weekend treat)!
I feel change in the air! Ha ha ha ha ha I love it! We are taking this bitch back!
Why not a classic BLT Unicorn? Extra mayo!
Wait, it just hit me ... HT endorsed the schedule!
I will admit I might have been wrong about the schedule. While I don't like feeling all hemmed in, like a caged rabbit waiting to attack, this place has been lame-o lately. We've also managed to lose - instead of gain - some entertaining posters, which saddens me.
In addition, I've been a busy little Tot and I feel that I've been neglecting my beloved OWFL.
The double post was like a happy accident. Kind of like an unwanted child, who you then abandon, and then he grows up to be rich and famous and then he contacts you to set you up with a sweet house and a phat ride.
Or, something.
Let's make a motherfucking schedule!!!
I am thinking the underrated BLT may be my bacon fix Jade...on toasted wheat perhaps.
Well, at least HT is admitting that her endorsements may have been misplaced (or misguided by the czar).
Yesterday someone here was eating a grilled cheese with bacon and tomato from brown bag on 18th, between H & I. It looked amazing.
However, I am broke and need to be less fat, so I am not partaking. Cottage cheese for this anarchist. (ever notice how much "anarchist" looks like "antichrist"?)
Oooh...i could get the blt from my pita place though too. Oy..decisions!
HEY...HT...watch the comments on "unwanted children"...maybe it's that we WANTED to be unwanted..and grow up with flat heads and a displaced identity...!!!
I love you HT!
Wow! Hell is freezing over. I was on the fence about the schedule (and thus never expressed much opinion one way or the other), but I agree. The month after the conference was definitely better than the last month has been. Laaaaame!! And it's too hard trying to keep up with both a side order & a lunch post. And I was never able to take Diz's advice & download Firefox b/c they strongly frown on that kind of thing in my office . . . . sigh!
Man, I'd love some bacon now. But I brought lunch in so I'd better eat it. It'll be good, though. It's more of the tachine I had for lunch on Tuesday (yoghurt-saffron-rice-chicken) with the added bonus of lamb kebabs - yummmmm. My mommy makes the best food.
As far as bacon goes, I love it just about any which way. I don't even care if it's a little mushy & chewy or extra crispy. It's fucking bacon, it's the (arterial) bomb. Although I looooooove when you bite into a crispy piece & the fat sort of dissolves in your mouth . . . aaaaahhhh. The bacon fat melts in your mouth, not in your hand. And as far as eating it - I'll take it on anything. Anywhere. Anytime. I love eggs cooked in the bacon fat. I love bacon that's been "accidentally" smeared with maple syrup alongside pancakes. I love it alone. I love it on sandwiches. Bacon may be the perfect food. I do love bacon here & there, I do love bacon everywhere. I do love bacon Sam I am, more than I like green eggs & ham.
Wow. All that passion just spilled forth.
Has anyone ever been to a Frank & Stein? Usually they are in crappy food courts at the mall, but they have bacon-n-cheese dogs. Delicioso.
Oh, Uni - I love you too! I was more thinking of Fifty Cent, or Mike Tyson or Joe Dirt! But see, it's a HAPPY accident, also kind of like my friend in HS's parents having their second child when my friend was 14.
Hey, does anyone want to join LT, me and _______ for the Nats/Yankees on Saturday? _______ has awesome tix (section 210) and we've got one left.
LT - feel free to spread the word, if you know anyone who might want to come!
I know HT! I love to play the adopted card every once in awhile...it's wickedly fun!
my motto is "all swine, all the time" though actually following this would make me fat and dead. i do however add bacon whenever possible to whatever it is i may eating, except for ice cream.
and wow, how the tables have turned...but i do agree that this poor blog has been suffering seriously this last month. the double posting blows. and though i can't say that i like the schedule, i can say "abolish the side order!"
it's funny that today's "subpost" didn't necessarily mention who it was, but i absolutely KNEW it was HT.
i like how HT tries to deny her situation by naming "you know who" as __________. denial is a funny thing...
chopsticks are the best thing EVER invented next to bacon. i eat with chopsticks whenever possible. college roommates used to make fun of me for eating spaghetti with chopsticks...oh those silly round-eyes.
Deny what, TAFKALC?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Wha? Huh?
Uh, I'd like to point out that I am not the only one with a __________.
Why is no one harrassing TAFKALC or TheJade? Hmmmmm???
B/c they don't get as defensive, so it's not as much fun. Sad, but true. :-(
Oh, tell TAFKALC that she has a boyfriend and see her NOT get defensive.
I have a BLT in hand...and I'm so thrilled about it!
Spring is in the air it seems with all this wooing and courting.
Devil birds...!!
Where the hell are all the boys? They aren't all wallowing in their own shit in TN... Where's WD? E-Que? Diz?
(and, I do not participate in, condone or support wooing, nor courting)
Yes, less woo-flinging, please.
Ok, I'll try it. So tafkalc, you're seeing your boyfriend tonight, right? And Jade, are you seeing your boyfriend tonight?
Oh my god, my lunch is fantastic, even though there is a distinct lack of bacon. The lamb kebabs are sooooooooo good - juicy & tasty & yummmmmmm.
Oh HT...you sound like me...about 5 years ago...
Wooing and Courting is for suckers.
Whoa, Miu - your old boss wooed you?
Or, you wooed your old boss?
Who's wooing who?
Had bacon for breakfast. And tapas for lunch. Smoked salmon, good dutch cheese, hummus, baguette, taquitos, tamales, avocado.
That's all the time WD has to post today.
Wasn't 'Who's wooing who?' a Pointer Sisters song from the 80s?
Oh, wait, sorry 'Who's zooming who?'.
You know HT, I just noticed that by combining the two posts it looks as if I'M the one starting the anarchy...
Yeah, when I read the post, I thought 'when did Uni get so foul-mouthed'?
I will claim the anarchy here, Uni! Hell, I may be ready to step back into the role of Madame Presidente!!
La Choi has a boyfriend? Really? I know nothing of this. Please provide details.
I don't think I can call UBH my boyfriend. It hasn't even been a full 2 weeks from our first date, and that wasn't even supposed to be a date. But, I honestly wouldn't mind calling him my boyfriend. I like him that much. Sssssshhhhhhhh, it's a secret.
Madame Presidente! YES!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha, i love it how HT tries to deflect her denial onto others who are not denying a thing. yeah, i'm seeing someone...and?
i am assuming that it was miu who was the woo-ee. damn, that's an awkward situation even if she was the woo-er.
all this woo woo talk is making me want to throw up.
had chopped salad from corner bakery WITH BACON hurray!
same here jade...hasn't even been 2 weeks so no way i can call him an official BF. and besides, i'm hesitant due to inner conflict between "lovey-dovey" tafkalc and the "fear of commitment" tafkalc. it sucks being bipolar.
oh and I am denying the TAFKALC name as long as we are affecting change around here. I don't like it, I refuse to use it from here on in. I am calling you La Choi and that is that.
Do you see now, HT? Not nearly enough defensiveness to be fun for anyone.
Chopped salad...I'm totally getting one of those chopped salads that you get with a REAL fork that are new from Quizno's. I don't even like that place, I think there sammies suck. But the whole real fork thing got me. They don't even advertise with the sponge monkey dudes anymore.
Hey HT...ixnay on the ooingway by the ossbay ;)
I've heard good things about those salads, Uni, just today in fact. Apparently the Cobb is great and there's some tasty bread involved.
On the other point, I'm not defensive. I'm just... reserved.
Oh, Uni - I just noticed your last sentence and can't stop laughing. I feel like I need to add, "Not that there's anything wrong with that..."
Yeah, I was never a fan of Quizno's, but I might have to go & try their new salads.
I loved that rat-monkey hybrid! "They got a pickle bar!" Ha! That still cracks me up.
Jade...you're coming up as "jada"...you broke the anonymity rule...on yourself
HT - there IS something wrong with that and I totally got screwed...NOT literally, but totally.
Yeah I changed it. There really isn't anything anonymous about me anymore.
If Jo were still in charge around here, he'd be so totally pissed about Jada breaking the anonymity rule!
Good thing there's a new sheriff in town!!
Welcome, Jada!!
Is this a coup d'etat??
Ladies, thank you thank you thank you for the invigorating and rousing banter today. I was in such a blah mood this morning and assumed that the blog would be a bit mundane with everyone busy at work or playing in the dirt in Tennessee.
My spirit is lifted and I'm ready for the weekend! I bid adieu to you fine goddesses and again, merci!
Have a lovely weekend Uni!!
Hey, last call for a baseball ticket for tomorrow... anyone... anyone...
And yes, LT, I think this is indeed a Coup!
Woo hoo! I love it! Jo won't want to leave town again.
It's good to have you back Madame Presidente!
Thanks, JADA - no anonymity there!!
So, is this a Coup d'eta-ta's?
Late breaking news! Cynthia McKinney isn't getting indicted . . . .
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