HAHAHAhahahahehheheheheheeee! You laugh pathetically .. plastic almost ... sweaty in your neck tie that isn't stylish nor is your hair nice and your shirt no longer shows any trace of the iron you were sweating over earlier.
You are in an interview. Sure, they like you and actually believe your plastic smile! But now they are saying, "What's for lunch?".
Dilema, you LIKE the italian food with the red sauce! ooooooo!!! So what do you do people? WHAT ... DO .... YOU .... DO? Do you go with etticut? Do you eat the fish? Or are you bold and brave (not the crappy soap-opera kind but the swash-buckling football player type ... uuuhhh that may read comic books and act like a geek occaisionally .... and have a fixation with lunch food) go-getter they think you are (accountants excepted of course)?
I've got a job interview today people (and Jo). So wish me luck... but regardless if I get the job or not ... the only thing I'm really concerned with is .... "WHATS FOR LUNCH?"
Good luck with the interview. If you eat very carefully, you can probably get away w/ red sauce on, say, penne, but I think spagetti/fettucine/linguine is tempting fate.
If you do spill, don't react like an interviewee I took to lunch in our cafeteria (yeah, my job is classy like that) this fall. She got a meatball sub, which showed poor judgment to begin with, and when she spilled marinara on her blouse, whigged out--tears in her eyes, near hyperventilating panic. Needless to say, she did not get a job offer.
Good luck Diz.
I can't say anything more than that.
I'm with you Miu, i've had several job interviews, even on both sides, and NEVER has lunch been even considered to be an option. But maybe i've just been interviewing for the wrong jobs.
But i'd get something that wasn't too complicated or messy. Something that can be easily eaten in a polite fashion. Interviews are all about projecting politeness and shit
I make every attempt to avoid eating at meetings in general, let alone interviews. Horrible combination.
I would eat a salad though.
I don't know what's for lunch. I was going to have a free lunch, but then half of our staff went to this event, and I decided that we looked dumb enough with 5 people going, so I'd bow out.
Now I don't know what to eat. But, I am hungry. And pasta with marinara sauce sounds delicious.
It went really well. I tried to be self-deprecating ... but that shit really doesn't work for me.
I was kinda hoping we'd get full-participation from all members today.
The interview went well ... we didn't get lunch because there are lots of meetings this week and the hiring manager had to go to one after my interview, but he kept telling me that I was one of the two candidates that "really made sense" for the job.
So, I think I'm going to get a burrito.
mmmm red bull
read my previous post people!!!
I love ABP. Yesterday was my first foray into their delicious oatmeal bar. As you know, I was thrilled. ON my way out, I saw a sign for their new summer salads, so I figured today I'd head back and see what that might mean.
I'm not disappointed. I went with the Sonoma - turkey, gorgonzola, tomatoes, cucumbers, bacon and oranges on a bed of spinach - I threw on a side of hard boileds, because you all know how I love the chicken abortions. I chose the citrus vinagrette and I'm so happy. There is also a new Sonoma wrap where all of the above ingredients are wrapped up in a tight little lavash package. The thai chicken salad is back for the summer too, as is some other one, but I don't remember it now.
All and all, I'm happy - even though it wasn't free.
All of you - get thee to an Au Bon Pain - with haste!
Glad the interview went well. Lunch today was a sushi buffet w/ a bunch of the young-ish employees and our summer interns. Most of the office is disgruntled right now, and I think we frightened the interns. Sushi was yummy, though, and now I need a nap.
which one uni?
Glad to hear your interview went well Diz. You have problems being self deprecating and humble? Phooey.
I had my "usual" today. You can see a pic of it here.
Shameless plug?
Interview with food? Unheard of in my line of work... the nonprofit education sector.
Good thing you didn't have to choose anything.
Lunch today, and because of portion size, dinner tonight was / will be a great chicken parm sandwich from some joint up here in schenectady ny. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
I'd love to stay and discuss, but I have to call a geek to come fix my office computer network. We are in the rec room of a dorm at Union COllege and who would have guessed, but it ain't the ideal set up for a program office.
Peace lunchers, peace.
Sunshine, be sure to get some of those schenectady wings, not as good as the kind they have in Buffalo, but they're better than rocky mountain oysters
The only interview I've ever had lunch in was about 6 hours long. For some reason, I was trying to convince Habitat for Humanity International to hire me to run one of their AmeriCorps programs. I had to go to Americus, Georgia (You know where that is, right?), where they put me up in some Bed & Breakfast (can we get a post about how much I hate B&Bs at some point? Maybe I'll start the Why I Hate B&Bs blog.) and made me meet with about 20 different people. Only three of them were interviewing me, but all of them asked me a lot of questions. I'm pretty sure I lost them when they asked me what I turned to for calming when things got hectic. I think they were fishing for "prayer." I gave them "booze" instead.
Shockingly, I didn't get the job.
That said, they took me to a Mexican joint for lunch. I don't remember exactly what I had, but if they had a Speedy Gonzalez lunch special (as any good Mexican restaurant does), I'm sure I had that.
Today, I got pressed for time, and I wound up with a Crispy Ranch Club Chicken sandwich from MacDonald's. Not bad, but not as good as a Speedy Gonzalez lunch special.
Dang Earthquake. All the way to McDonalds? Slow down homie, you'll burn out.
You tried Chutzpa yet?
No, I've never had Chutzpah (nor pananche). I think I'm still hating on that place because of the shitty place that was there before it.
And, it wasn't that I rolled all the way to MacDonald's. I picked it up on my way back from helping a buddy move a futon in the District. On my three-hour lunch break.
wow, missed the poignant recommendations and cameo appearance by jo. i was at an all day conference that included a free lunch. it was sort of average: salad with some sort of bacon based dressing (outstanding since it includes the swine), chicken breasts with yellow rice and some veggies (bland bland bland), and flan (very tasty since it incorporated some fresh raspberries and blueberries). but we had to talk over lunch b/c it was a roundtable discussion. working lunches are hard...i don't particularly like them. but, it went well, so i think it as worth all the fumbling between my notepad and fork.
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