I hope everyone had a happy, healthy and hopefully filling long weekend. And a special OWFL shout out to any of you who celebrated the sacrifice of a fallen soldier in your family or circle of friends.
Today's post is actually an extension of sweet miu's post from yesterday which went ignored because most of us were out enjoying the day off instead of sitting in front of our computer screens (poor silly miu).
So in essence use this "side order" post to tell us how you spent your Memorial Day weekend. Did you visit a fallen soldier's resting place? Did you visit the 'rents or grand 'rents? Were you on a motorcycle ride with Viet Nam veterans? Were you in Disney World? Did you sing karaoke in the Outer Banks? Did you bang a tambourine? Did you gorge yourself on BBQ and feel like you've eaten "a bag of rocks"? Did you do all of the above?
But most importantly (to us)...WHAT DID YOU EAT???????
So please share your Memorial Day weekend menu and activities with us so we can get the BBQ out of our system and begin our summer dieting. The Czar needs sixpack abs in time for Bonnaroo!
Oh and in an effort to get back on the two post track (yeah I know it's a losing battle) go over HERE and tell us about that other thing...
I ate sheetrock dust!!!
In reality, RoEsq went shopping with her mother while her father and I were pulling electricity from one box to another and beating holes in the wall of our condo.
Aside from that bit of fun, I actually skipped lunch on Memorial Day! That is a sacrelidge I know but what was I to do?
I hope all of the OWFLers had a good weekend. It was good for me but definitely a dose of reality from an awseom week last week.
I celebrated remembering our veterans by taking KC camping in the back country of Shenandoah National Park. Wegot a permit to camp by Pignut Mountain. No shit, Pignut. so we hiked in, I had a pack that was around 60 pounds, but we only hiked about 2 miles in, so It wasn't bad... while it was downhill. We saw bears all weekend. A little cub interrupted my apple and cinimon and spice oatmeal breakfast on sunday morning.
We had some good eats out there. Saturday, we had pork chops and stovetop stuffing with corn and potatos. Sunday we had combination pork & chicken Pad Thai. I ate healthier out cooking beside a stream than I do at home. It's nice to be back in civilization though.
I ate more this weekend than I had in the previous month.
Beginning Friday afternoon, when, with LT and TAFKALC, I lost my Cracker Barrel virginity in Fredericksburg, VA with a meatloaf sandwich and a raspberry lemonade (with mysterious flying ice), it was all downhill for the weekend.
Upon arrival at the beach, we met up with Uni and Mr. Uni for some beach pizza and basket of fried things. After the rest of the beach revellers arrived, plenty o' drinkin' and eatin' (of the snackin' variety) went on until the wee hours of the night.
Saturday I woke up and drank my breakfast, which was a theme continued throughout the day. After a tasty lasagna dinner, I promptly passed out at 8:30pm.
Sunday started with Fat Adult Specials a la TAFKALC - bacon, egg and cheese on bagels. As the HT tummy was not feeling its best after the previous day's unwise decision making (we are way too old to spend the day drinking pina coladas in the sun), I took it easy until leftover lasagna beckoned. But the highlight of the evening (food-wise) was Uni and Mr. Uni's fajita feast. It was the perfect beginning to a night of Outer Banks Idol, which the OWFL should be proud to know was won by Ms. LT, herself! (TAFKALC was the frontrunner until she was forced to drop out due to, uh, "exhaustion.") LT's rousing renditions of "Kung Fu Fighting" and "The Thong Song" (complete with visual accompaniment!) propelled her to the winner's circle, with a watermelon margarita in hand.
Yesterday began with breakfast burritos and ended with Sonic for this exhausted beach goer. Needless to say, a little tightening of the proverbial belt is in order, and my (now terribly sunburnt) ass will be back in the gym and eating right (to the extent possible as I'm traveling again this week and next).
Though they're likely not reading, a special thanks to Awreck/Reno and Mrs. Awreck/Reno for their superior organizing and hosting skills. They've sent me back to work less pale, more rested, a little fatter, and humming "Since You Been Gone," and I couldn't be happier about it!
As previously stated I was in The Nagic Kingdom most of last week for work. Not much in the way of food highlights but I did make a trip to Charley's Steakhouse which apparently is the number 2 steakhouse in America. I disagree. I can't put all my thoughts down just yet. A seperate Steak themed "Side Order" post is in order.
Returned to DC on Sunday and went to a BBQ. The highlight of the meal was a chicken salad with Indian seasoning and couscous. Fucking delicious. As soon as I get the recipe I'll post it. I also had some delicious turkey burgers prepared by the missus and a chicken kabob pita worth mentioning.
The missus and I spent yesterday on a long walk through DC's Rock Creek Park ending up in Georgetown for lunch at "La madeleine (sp)". I had the salad sampler of chicken, tuna and pasta and she had the roasted veggie sandwich. saw The Da Vinci code and then made the walk home.
I spent the vast majority of the weekend alternating between baking in the sun and floating in the pool. The weather here was perfect. I drank very, very little but I did indulge in some smokey smoke. I avoided the drink on Saturday completely because I didn't eat anything until almost 7:00 PM and I knew that booze + sun + empty tummy + smoke = Jada is going to die. I wanted to live, so I abstained.
We did a lot of grilling. I marinated some beautiful steaks in soy, lime juice, olive oil and garlic and I also made "Kermie's favorite Pasta Salad" from Rosie Que's recipe [seriously the best pasta salad ever] and there were tons of other contributions including some of the best grilled shrimp I have ever had.
Beautiful, beautiful weekend.
HT already summed up the weekend. i ate in my "eatin' dress" all weekend and got plenty o' sun. i'm at least 5 shades darker, and i'm very content.
what HT failed to mention however is how her and i were the "obnoxious drunk girls" all day long on saturday due to heavy piña colada drinking followed by my not-so-smart bloody mary/lasagna combo. i had the worst heartburn i've ever had. HT and i promptly passed out at 8pm only to reemerge onto the scene at midnight unable to go back to bed. LT then disturbed HT greatly with her "hump a stump" story, and we all know that HT is not easily disturbed.
needless to say, a great weekend.
I saw X-Men 3 as well. No comment.
miu, was it a Mormon BBQ?
miu I am thinking of the movie Kingpin right now.
"Goodbye Whore!"
"we don't have a cow. We have a bull."
"then, Pow! All at once"
Part of my memorial day weekend agenda was to prep some gear for Bonnaroo. the new tent works great.
mikey was pitching tents all weekend...
of course the whole x3 was an obortion anyway since they mixed together like 3 of the best story lines in the uncanny.
diz, be warned that some people haven't seen the movie yet and will not, repeat NOT be happy if the read your comments.
I have seen it and would gladly discuss it with you via email.
Still waiting to see X3, don't mind the spoilers. As long as there's spandex and explosions, I'll enjoy it.
I deleted Diz's comment - personally, I don't care, but Jo's right, wouldn't want to ruin it for those who did. Take that shiite off-blog for the other comic book nerds out there.
Mmm . . . I would like to see X3 if only for 2 hours of the hot hot heat that is Hugh Jackman. Yum. Never thought I'd go for the hirsute type, but there it is.
Yes, HT & tafkalc summed up the weekend in food pretty well! I would just like to add that the 'hump a stump' thing was not an actual story, just a joke. Thanks, tafkalc, everyone thinks I'm some sex freak now. I am so proud of myself for disturbing HT like that. It was an awesome sight. She was literally speechless. Hee!
All food this weekend was awesome - the Uni/Mr. Uni fajitas were sooooooo good. I love build-your-own food. You can "make it your own, dawg" (in the words of Uni Jackson). Oh, the only bad food was my "chicken" flavoured chicken fried chicken. Seriously - it tasted like the seasoning in the breading was that little packet of chicken flavour from a Top Ramen noodle package. And I was healthy & ordered veggies on the side - the green beans & carrots were of the disgusting canned variety, while the (mayo-soaked) slaw was the only edible side. Also, we spent a combined thousand bajillion dollars on candy on the way out. And HT found her birthday gift for next year - it's a cock with a hole in his butt for birthin' eggs. Yep, that's about right.
The Reno's done good! They were fabulous organizers.
Oh, I want to make clear that my chicken-flavoured chicken-fried chicken was from Cracker Barrel. You'd think if there's one thing a southern chain could do really really well, it would be fried chicken.
I am suppressed! I am now edited! AARRRGGHHHH freedom of da press!
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