When I was in 2nd grade, Fruit Rollups came out, (or at least I became aware of their existence) and they were the hottest lunchbox item since Twinkies™. First of all, the good Fruit Rollups were the big round ones that were sold singly at the store in plastic wrap, not those mass-produced rectangular ones in the box (they made a whole roll at once and sliced them up into sheets! Horrors!). Now the cool way to eat Fruit Rollups was to tear off a piece and wrap it around your thumb & suck your thumb until it was gone, then repeat. Sometimes, if you were in a daring mood, you could tear it into about 3 pieces and wrap each around your thumb, one on top of the other, until your thumb looked like something out of a Tom & Jerry cartoon, where you just got whacked with a hammer. (This was especially true if you had cherry flavour.) So this is how all the cool kids ate their fruit rollups. (side note: I can't believe the teachers didn't stop us, because lord knows we never washed our hands.) And then one day, we just . . . stopped. The coolness of sucking your thumb had waned. So did anyone else do this? Was it a regional thing? Was it a local district thing? Only my school? My classroom? Am I possibly remembering it wrong and I was the only one who ever did this? These are the things that keep me awake at night.
So what were the lunch fads when you were in 2nd grade? French fries on your burger? Pull a Ramona Quimby and crack your hard-boiled egg on your head with one swift knock, not a bunch of little ones (anyone remember that??)? Suck your Fruit Rollup-ensconced thumb? Wax nostalgic about those days when your biggest worry was how to 'eat cool'.
And WTF??
Fruit roll ups in my region were eaten by the cool kids in pretty much the same way. Except the preferred digit was the pointer finger, and they never tore strips, they would wrap the whole thing, which was bigger than their fingers, so there was a section that could be sucked independently of the finger, kind of the first course in a two part snack.
I wasn't cool, I ate FRUs by mashing them into a ball and biting chunks out of it. Sometimes I would take a bite, then try to un-ball it and see what the bite pattern looked like.
The coo thing was Atomic Fireballs. The cool kids would see how long they could keep them in their mouths, but they would all have to give in sooner or later. Unlike with fruit rollupc, I was king of cool when it came to fireballs. I had just moved from Mexico in 2nd grade, and the candy they feed their children always has chili powder incorporated into the ingrediants. So I was cool on fireballs, and uncool on FRUs, it averaged me out and I was pretty much an average kid.
I too remember the fruit roll-up on the thumb thing. That was pretty cool.
Caprisun was the "way in" thing in my second grade class. Perhaps because when you were finished you could stomp on the empty bag, making it go 'pop' and sending the straw a flying. That was pretty cool.
Oooh, I forgot about Capri Sun! Man, I used to love those. I remember the cool way to drink those was to put the straw through the bottom of the bag, instead of the little spot at the top.
Mikey, I think you are so cool with the fireballs. I love them! I trained myself to keep it in the whole time. I used to eat 3 or 4 a day and the inside of my cheeks got all scabby & peely. Ew! And, no, this wasn't in grade school - it was after college.
In fact, I used to buy them in bulk at Price Club. Then they stopped selling them. Bastards!
I've written about this before, but I always had the coolest and best [from a second graders standpoint] lunches courtesy of my beloved mom, Coco. My lunch was usually some kind of sandwich, a little individual size bag of chips, a fruit roll up or some other "fruit" thing, a little debbie and either a can of pop or a New York seltzer water [remember those?] I am still amazed I was never fat.
I recently rediscovered an old childhood delight: the frozen juice box. You either cut the top off and squeeze it out and eat it like a popsicle or you let it thaw a bit and eat it when it's all slushy. I prefer the slushy. And recently I cannot get enough of the Minute Maid fruit punch boxes frozen and thawed til slushy.
probably the choking hazard they present
I was into fruit roll ups until my camping trips when I was a Brownie/girlscout. We were encouraged to bring "PBandJ" sandwiches but instead of messy jelly to use fruit roll ups, which I guess are really PBandFRUs. They were not good. I opposed them adamently and opted for bologna after the first PBandFRU incident. Blecch. Why is it only appropriate or accepted for children to eat bologna by the way?? Does anyone eat bologna as an adult anymore? My grandparents always had bologna..the really good kind from the deli that still had the red plastic wrapper around the edge that you got to peel off.
Lunchables were cool and Nutty Buddy's were cool if you ate them layer by wafery layer.
Black cherry NY seltzer was the shizzle. Do they sell frogger ice cream pops anymore?
Great post LT.
Jesus, one of the only thing I remember about 2nd grade were the after school "chase down the girls and kiss them" games that we played with the Larson twins. I also remember the Playboy magazine that was hidden under a bridge that you had to hike a mile to get to. There was some weird graphiti there. Lunchwise I don't remember fruit roll ups being around yet, or drink boxes. I just remember the delicious fruit punch we hot lunch kids could get that came in mini cartons half the size of the milk and chocolate milk selections. My candies of choice back then were Heath bars which I thought made me way cooler than those commoners and their hostess treats (I secretly longed for Hostess Apple Pies). I also remember my mother giving me Pepperidge Farm Bourdeaux cookies as treats to take to school. While the other kids dined on oreos and chips ahoy I had my weird Bourdeaux cookies...
Lunch today is the second to last going away event for my co-worker who many of you have met, I'll call her "sierra leone". We are meeting up at Ben's Chili Bowl at noon.
Any suggestions?
And I remeber LOVING push ups back then. It seemed like when the ice cream man came around every other kid went for the rocket pops (in red, white and blue) or the foot pops (with the bubblegum in the toe). It was always push-ups or ice cream sandwiches for me. Maybe the occasional pre made "sundae" ice cram cone, but I would scrape of the nuts.
Chili half smoke, chili n' cheese fries and strawberry shake.
Ha! Thanks for bringing that up, E-que - it's been awhile since anyone mentioned it! Ha!
I was thinking about bologna the other day. I remember I used to love it & I would chew out eyes & a mouth in each piece before eating the rest of it, and then suddenly I hated it. I haven't eaten it since.
Uni, those pb&frus sound nasty. Ugh! Who the hell was your troop leader encouraging that kind of crap?? Ugh! Wait, I just re-read your post. What is a Nutty Buddy? I think I'm think of Nutter Butters, which were also awwwweeeesooooooome. God, I could go for one right now. I think they are, (dare I say it?) the best sandwich cookie ever - better even than Oreos!
Remember Bit-o-Honey?
Lunch just got pushed back to 12:30.
I hate when that happens.
Ugh - Bit-O-Honey (and Sugardaddies) were the only candies I would willingly give away or throw out at Halloween. Ugh! Although I think I would like them now. Who doesn't want a Sugardaddy?
Nutty Buddy's are wafer snack bars with peanut butter layers and then dipped in chocolate. I love them.
Not a fan of Bit-o-Honey. I remember my grandmother would come up for my birthday, and since it was on halloween and it was forbidden for me to trick-or-treat for 'religious' reasons, she would bring up candy to make up for it. Although it was all old people candy...bit-o-honey, those boston baked peanuts or spanish peanuts and marshmallowy crap.
I loved the whole "sugar" family.
Hey wflers, I'm headed to Cleveland for work tomorrow and for the weekend. Any lunch or dinner reccomendations you could offer would be appreciated. Feel free to send them via e-mail.
I loved Bit-O-Honey, that was the shiznit. And the Nutty Buddy's were awesome too.
LT, i'm with you on the bologna (i like to pronounce it bah-log-na cuz that's how it tastes). I guess even as a kid I wouldn't touch the stuff cuz my uncle always called me "Watch 'Don't feed me no bologna' Dog".
And what was UP with that bologna with the chunks of colored things in it? Its bad enough we're eating lips and assholes without adding some more mystery to the whole thing.
pimento loaf
Was that olive loaf watchdog? I always secretly wanted to try it.
The new laws regarding soda and sweets are sad but I think they make sense. The kids are HUGE. They don't have a right to get that big till they hit 30. Can I get an Amen?
I too think we should get rid of soda in school. Or pop as we call it back in Michigan. That way young entrepreneurs can bring in cooler bags full of grocery-store brand pops and sell them at a huge mark-up. Thus opening the doors to the future leaders of tomorrow and giving the kids valuable lessons in the black market economy. Kids will actually end up drinking more pop than ever. They'll just pay more for an inferior product.
If you outlaw pop, only outlaws will have pop
This is the first I’ve ever heard of this digit-ensconced roll up sucking thing. I believe a kid would have gotten his or her ass kicked at my school for that.
Push-ups, Jo. Absolutely one of my favorites. I was a weird toddler. I remember that I always used to lick the condensation on the underside of the plastic disk when I was done with the push up. It was just water, but I would look forward to it. Then my cousins told me it was horse spit. I believed them…but I kept licking.
Lunch today has the unenviable position of following a seriously kick ass dinner last night at Catch 35.
Absolute rocks (blue cheese olives)
Baked Oysters w/spinach, pancetta and asiago
Conundrum 2004. Good shit.
Coconut beer battered shrimp
Fried calamari w/grilled tofu satay
Two grilled cold water lobster tails and Alaskan King Crab legs
Crème brulee
I don’t know what to do. Seafood sandwich thing at Subway? That would be amusing. Anyone done this? Anyone dare me?
I went to Mr. Uni's former roommate's wedding in Cleveland. I went to the Cleveland Chop House, and highly reccomend it. The signage looks like the District Chophouse, so it may be a chain, franchize or coincidence. The best part was the frosted bar. A refrigerated strip on the bar that you could set your drinks down and keep them cold.
Back before OWFL, Jo used to IM me and say, "What's for lunch?" and I would throw out suggestions of what he might want. Sometimes, he'd do the same for me.
Well, I am starving, I don't want what I brought, and have no ideas - HELP ME!! Tell me WFL - WFL???????
You're on JV!
Join me, HT!
I don't do subway, uncle dipster. And, I'm sure as hell not going to do it to dine on food-poisoning-waiting-to-happen!
The seafood sub is one of my favorite sandwiches at subway. The key to seafood sub is not to go crazy with the toppings, lettuce and tomatoes, maybe some black olives or pickles. I don't get it often anymore, actually once in a blue moon but mainly because of me trying to be more conscious of what I cram in my body. What's ironic is that I tried to get soup at subway one day and all they had was clam chowder and I refused to get clams at subway. I know...doesn't make sense.
I'm off to my pita place. I may try something new, smoked salmon and hummus pita w/LTO.
I have also wondered at the vuageness of the seafood sub at subway. A lot of fucking things live in the sea, it could be fish, crab, lobster, catfish, coral, plankton, sponges, jellyfish, and manatees.
And grosser than bologna, olive loaf and pimento loaf, is the Gualtney Seus loaf. Seus is the leftover bits that nobody even wants to grind up and put in pig feed. The product looks like rubber cement with animal bits in it, but the bits are about the size of a dime and they look like tongue parts and intestinal lining.
I dare you to get the seafood sub, but I 100 dog dare you to have a Seus loaf and swiss on rye.
HT - Do a club sandwich (with bacon of course)! With the plethora of meats and cheeses it's the perfect sandwich for an indecisive day...can't choose...eat them all!!
Was it odd that liverwurst was one of my favorite sandwiches as a kid?
Funny, it's the second sentence of the blog intro and after 10 months, it's just now being discussed.
I was planning on heavy black olives, Uni. Just makes sense for some reason.
Yeah, we probably licked horse spit together, peep.
Okay...here I go. Wish me luck!
Did anyone have those hamburgers in school that tasted like about anything except hamburger meat? The taste would linger in your mouth and there would be frequent burps to remind you of the mysterious grossness of what you consumed. I think it was 30% sawdust with about 25% horse testicle (more testicles mean more iron), the rest was probably brown food coloring and corrugated cardboard. Of course I went to school in inner-city Detroit so the standards may have been a bit lower, but i'm shuddering now just thinking about it...
Can I get a "blecch"?
I'm going to have to read an article about children in Darfur in order to keep this thing out of the trash.
That's NOT for lunch.
lunch is curried rice and lentil soup, 3 hard boiled eggs, some carrots and hummus, lavash, and some homemade tsaziki. that is all i have to report today. muy busy.
Well, I'm glad to hear that mine wasn't the only school doing the digit sucking FRU thang. Phew!
Back when Letterman was funny, he had this thing where he would call random people/things and one was "Calling deli meats nobody likes" and it went "ring ring . . . hello, Olive Loaf speaking" Ha! That's what I always think of when I hear olive loaf. And then I get a little sad b/c Letterman used to be hysterical. Sigh!
A disturbing sight is going into a serious down-home German deli. They have some crazy shit in there with meat/jellified loaf combos. It makes head cheese look delish. Shudder.
I agree with the soda thing, although I freely admit making much use of the one we had in our school. Except I only ever got Diet Coke (because I was sooooo faaaaaaaat at 120 lbs!) & they're still going to allow that in the HS, so I'd be fine. I never had a machine until I was in HS & I think maybe that was partly b/c we didn't have a cafeteria, so you could go off-campus for lunch if you had to buy & you'd probably get a Coke there anyways. Our school wasn't so fat, though. We had a snack stand, too, with all sorts of delicious chocolateyness and also burritos & frozen single serving pizzas. And if you worked at the stand (open before school, at morning break & during lunch) you could eat anything for free. Not that you were allowed to, but you just did it. Seriously, how am I not 300 lbs??
HaterTot--I was also indecisive today so I went to the bagel place across the street. She'll tell you what to get if you don't know what you want--and she is never wrong! Today she suggested a chicken salad sandwhich w/ spinach, tomato and red onion. It was delish, particularly accompanied by a Dr. Brown's Black Cherry Soda. So I suggest chicken salad.
At my school we also did the fruit roll-up around the finger thing, and Capri Suns were also THE drink. I never had them, though, which, at the time, I thought had something to do w/ preservatives. Turns out, my mom couldn't ever get the straws to go into the pouches, and she didn't want them lying around the house mocking her failure!
Molly, that's so sad for your mom! I would sometimes have the problem where you would poke it through the spot you were supposed to and it would go through both layers & out the back. And then you couldn't rectify it by poking it in the bottom b/c it would all come out. Sigh! I'm actually surprised my mom would buy that for us. She never got us Koolade or any sugary stuff like that. I guess it was the best option given that milk would go sour.
Man, I seriously might have to go & buy some Capri Sun now. I'm kind of craving it! Do they sell singles at CVS?
I have not read all the comments but I saw the word Bit o'honeys and LT's reaction to them. FOR SHAME! Quite possibly in my top 5 favorite candies of all time. And no one loves candy the way I do.
Today was a perfect example of what happens when I'm starving without a clue.
Went to ABP, and went nuts, with all sorts of shit I never had before. Some kind of parchment baked sandwich (up in the front, in a special clear glass baking machine) - Chicken, Gorg and Onion and french onion soup and iced coffee. (Who wants to make out wiht me?!) I don't even drink coffee.
Luckily, it's all quite tasty, but I really thought I was going to take Uni's club advice. Maybe later, though in the elevator, I realized that all I wanted all along was Five Guys.
ON the topic of today's post - no, we never pretended to suck on any thumbs or other digits. That SO would have gotten you a "Baby, baby stick your head in gravy! Wrap it up in bubble gum and send it to the Navy!" (wow. what the fuck does that even mean? kids are dumb) I've mentioned before, I really wasn't ever a "bringer" (shout out to Buffy season 7!) - so I think I've probably had one fruit roll up ever in life. They seem too weird. Though, perhaps if you used them as a tortilla and put whipped cream and icing or something on the inside...
OH, and on the earlier point of NY Seltzer... back in 7th and 8th grade, we used to sneak vodka to school in NY seltzer bottles and/or paul mitchell hairspray bottles and get drunk in the newspaper suite. (I was the editor) Of course, NY Seltzer wasn't seltzer at all, but just clear pop - which was all the rage at the time - but now, I frequently find myself fixing a vodka and flavored seltzer in the evening. In Jr. High though, we didn't mix it - just subbed out the soda for vodka, because we were hard like that.
Oh, I do remember one thing about 2nd grade - that was the first year I was introduced to chocolate scooter crunches. I was never much for the strawberry ones, but those chocolate ones were really tasty.
I am intrigued by Dipso's fancy dinner. What was the occasion? Sounds delish.
Every once in a while my mom would get capri suns if they were on sale. She opted for the little plastic barrels filled with colored sugar water.
Uni - Little Hugs!! We used to get those in the summers and freeze them and take them to the pool! I hadn't seen them in years until I first moved to Baltimore, where they re-appeared and are called "juice" in the less well-off sections of town.
Why the boycott, Miu?
You know, my mom believed that the Mexican migrant workers peed on the lettuce, so she was very thorough in washing every leaf. Not so much on the other veggies, but with lettuce, she was sure.
I saw someone drinking one of those little barrels the other day and flashed back. I don't think there is any juice in those, they tasted like a melted popsicle. I miss those things.
YES - Little Hugs...thanks HT! I knew there was a proper name for those cavity inducing beverages.
My favorite lunch snacks as a kid though (and today) are the cheesey kind) in any variety. Cheetos, cheese balls, cheesey poofs. Basically anything that would leave cheese powder on fingers that I could lick off.
The really cool kids would end up getting some sort of baseball field snack in their lunch. I remember getting lik-em-aids and sometimes big league chew pouchs because my mom was the girlscout leader (hence I was a girlscout from age 2 till the age that I started finding out what pubic hair and tampons were), she was the baseball booster mom, and lasetly swim team. The last two meant she had an iron grip on concessions.
I always wax nostalgic about camping, swimteam, and baseball (even though I sucked at the later) when summer starts rolling around again. Later that turned into a yearning for floating down rivers in tubes with cold beer coolers and smokables.
But I digress.
I've actually come to agree with my mom that Capri Suns are eeeeeevil. I was a daycamp counselor for several summers and all my kids were between ages 5 and 7, so I can open them with my eyes closed, but they're such a pain and were seriously the worst part of my job. (Worse even than the little kid who was allergic to peanuts but loved peanut butter. At least once a week he would sneak a bit of some other kid's lunch while the counselors weren't looking and then, 15 minutes later, throw up)
When I have kids, they can't have them until they develop enough hand-eye co-ordination to open them on their own. Since they'll have half my DNA, that should happen around age 15.
No real occasion, Jade. Helped out some folk at work and got invited to dinner on the company dime, which automatically means that I look for the biggest numbers first, and the entree description second.
All this talk of the Rockefellers and their Capri Sun.
We lived like peasants back in the day. and when it came to snacks and drinks, we were like the people who look up to peasants.
We never got anything name brand, it always came out of the bulk food section at Bill's Shop n Save. I called, real Doritos, little debbies of all styles, any froot product, and HI - C juice boxes, 'other kid's' food, cuz that's the only place I could get them. other kids.
My only juicebox was apple juice that was boxed (bottled) locally in western Michigan. I can't remember what the brand is, but I know that Anthony Michael Hall can be seen sipping one in Wierd Science. Check it out.
I hate apple juice. Hate. It makes me think of diarrhea. I never had juice boxes. Little Hugs in the summer, but never juice boxes. Again, I wasn't a bringer, but still. Yuck.
Josephus, Watchdog, anybody in the nation's capitol,
I have an extra ticket to tonight's Nationals Marlins game, any takers?
Any DC folk up for HH@BB tonight?
"Reno" will be making an appearance.
I need a headcount!
Why do you need a headcount?
And, how long will you be there? I have to go the gym and then do this other HH thing, first, then I might swing by.
Can't make the game or the happy hour. But can make the happy game on saturday
Sunshine spent some time in a little city next to White Cloud with a totally awesome name, best name ever if you ask me
I grew up in Fremont MI, world HQ for Gerber Babyfood. It was in Newaygo County. Newaygo was the county seat. Muskegon was our big city 45 minutes away. Grand Rapids was our metropolis 55 minutes away.
Berrien county sounds made up, so Peep, Ima call YOU out.
I'll be at HH@BB at about 6ish! Yeah, why the headcount? My friend might be coming or he might just be swinging by to pick me up before we go have sushi, so count him in as 1/2.
Fuck, work is killing me.
Peep, I googled.
Ms. Sunshine has a lake house in those parts. It ain't made up. But Fremont was hours away, and I wasn't allowed to drive my tractor that far south, so it might as well have not existed for me.
I live as far from Ms. Josephus now as I did when I was 8 years old.
You're blowing my mom's sister's anonymity, peep.
I used to be a real picky eater, until one day that Idaho Clambake and I were fishin' at Tia Treg's in Fremont. We had planned on eating out catch for the weekend, but kept getting skunked. We had one back up frozen pizza, but the oven wouldn't work. We tried to sautee it. Tia Treg brought us a couple of Whoppers. Until then I wouldn't eat mustard, mayo, tomatos (intentional shoutout to HTs peeps) or onions.
Yay Sunshine! I love Michiganders! We have an impressive majority of Michiganders on this blog. I think people from MI love their homestate more than most. Probably because it is the best. Go Vernors!
HT, I just realized I work with someone whose last name is 'Tatera', which I like to think is pronounced 'Tater-ah'.
I would live in East Lansing again.
Yo, I'm old school. When I lived in MI, we were still called Michiganians. I remember the sesquacentinial, and the Macinac bridge was still the longest in the world.
Lunch today was skipped since I was 98 minutes late to work.
I done been to Newaygo county.
Wanted a headcount to make sure HH @ BB was viable or if the OWFL numbers were low enough to go somewhre else instead.
BB it is.
JV, we had to sing stupid songs about the 150th birthday of the great lakes state. I thought I remembered a line of that song, but it turns out that I don't remember it well.
...from Detroit to Ironwood...
miu, when I was in Spain the only thing that got me out of the bed in the morning (mostly b/c I was hungover or drunk the whole time there) was knowing I could have a siesta in a few hours & I would sing to myself "We're going to party, karamu (is that what he's saying? Huh), siesta, forever" which totally doesn't fit, but man, it was so true. Party all night, siesta all day. Aaaah, I could get used to Espana.
Wow, the sesquicentennial was a huge deal.
Yes, Michigan! The feeling's foreverrrrrrrrrr!
I feel left out...
Virginia is for Lovers!!
Well, I was originally going to link to a picture of "sushi" someone made with green fruit rollups for seaweed, rick krispie treats for rice, and some other stuff for fish inside & make some noise about how I'm totally going to make those for my Christmas party, but apparently I don't have permission to enter that site. But you can do an image search on Google to see what I'm talking about
However, in finding that, I found what I would totally want Uni to make for my birthday cake, except that I don't like shredded coconut. Damn!
Carry Me back to Old Virginny
Written by James Bland
Carry me back to old Virginny,
There's where the cotton and the corn and tatoes grow,
There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime,
There's where the old darke'ys heart am long'd to go,
There's where I labored so hard for old massa,
Day after day in the field of yellow corn,
No place on earth do I love more sincerely
Than old Virginny, the state where I was born.
Carry me back to old Virginny,
There's where the cotton and the corn and tatoes grow,
There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime,
There's where this old darkey's heart am long'd to go.
Carry me back to old Virginny,
There let me live 'till I wither and decay,
Long by the old Dismal Swamp have I wandered,
There's where this old darke'ys life will pass away.
Massa and missis have long gone before me,
Soon we will meet on that bright and golden shore,
There we'll be happy and free from all sorrow,
There's where we'll meet and we'll never part no more.
Wow. No wonder they never taught us the state song in VA. What a crappy sounding state! Kind of makes me glad I was born in old Persia.
LT - I could probably get the same effect from coarsely chopped or grated white chocolate...
Oh my God, Uni. You are a cake goddess! Or you will be. My birthday is 9/6. ;-)
RKT can be made into any shape you want . . . . Besides flames + drunk guests (I'm assuming, if your friends are anything like mine) don't mix.
Yes, I think Texas probably does top MI in the category of inherent love of the home state. I have a theory on border states, in that they are very much into their own identity. Think MI, Maine, Texas.
Nationalism is strong where the natives feel threatened.
In Michigan we live in constant fear of being assimilated by the Canadian "guest workers".
miu, that site is awesome!
I am in constant fear of my own statemen. Cecede! North Virginia, the 51st state!
Come on! Have you been further south than Fredricksburg?
Peep, I am beginning to think you may be a pyro. Ah, pyros. Good times, good times.
I'm out. CU@BB, DCers!
I wonder if LT really meant WTF at the end of her post as opposed to our customary WFL? What do YOU think?
I have to agree re Tejas. Though, I'm biased and well known to have an affinity for its residents, if not its natives.
How did HH@BB turn into late dinner at Lauriol Plaza???
Yeah, HT, thanks for texting me back after I got home. It's ok. I was hungover enough this morning, that I really didn't need anything else.
Wow, Jade, I can't believe I did that. It was totally a mistake & I completely missed it until you said that! Ha!
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