do you guys have places you go for lunch that really is about supporting nice hardworking people rather than the food itself? Is this stupid on my part because it's really just about the food?
Are you guys even around today?? Hello?
16 servings of cheap pilsner last night? Attracted to a 6” seafood sandwich you saw being ordered and need someone to talk to? Feel like something pasta-y, but not exactly? This is what terrorizes our nation’s workers every day. It is ever-present, in the back of our minds--riding on the train, up the elevator, in that meeting. But these are simply facets of the one great question. The answer to which must be provided before we can ever grasp contentment. What’s for lunch?
Good show last night, peeP! I enjoyed myself. Some cute girl gave me a mayflower. Gush.
I patronize places for their attitude all the time. First one that comes to mind is the gourmet pantry across the street, which Jo turned me on to. Independently owned. Everyone's friendly and there's just a vibe that says "we're good folk." Food is only standard -- but the prices are competitive -- they could definitely be charging more right down there on MI Ave, but they're clearly not interested in gouging the last cent. Speaking of cents, they're very anti-penny, which I LOVE. Usually rounding up on your change and down on your price. Even the mysterious board of health closing a few months back has not detered me. What's a few rat droppings in the meat display? (That's just what I assume.)
I hate to say it, but the only reason i ever eat at Mom's (the lunch counter in my office lobby) is because of convenience and the fact that the ladies there are so damned charming. Otherwise I would never eat their food.
Still in the Magical Kingdom and about to order room service lunch: Italian Deli Sandwich, Contemporary Club Sandwich, or Prime Rib sandwich?
Prime rib it is...
I have leftover pork chops, smashed spuds and brocolli, but I don't really want it. Well, it's fine (I mean, shit, pork chops!), but I feel like going out and getting something. But I better eat it or it'll be no good by Tuesday. Oh well. That's life, eh?
Ape Man got no flowers.
I dare not pass through the gates miu. It isn't happy out there...or magical.
Back to the topic of the day, I think I speak for the entire DC contigent when I say we would not do HH&BB nearly as much were it not for the service of his holiness Bob the bartender/waiter.
Went to Niko Niko's today. Some of the best damn greek food in houston. I had Souvlaki in a warm fresh pita.
I digress, sometimes I'll hit the chinese food place downstairs for many of the same reasons Jo outlined before. There lady is just so nice ... and she has one of the best rac... umm sets of eyes I've ever seen.
So PeeP be not ashamed. WFL isn't just about the good food ... its also about nice breasts.
I think Ann Sather's might have what you are looking for Peep. A coworker also suggested some places on Foster near California and the Swedish Covenant Hospital.
Are any other gmail users having problems with their email today?
Peep, what time is your show tonight? I know I have it all via email but mine is not cooperating.
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