Much like any successful ecosystem, OWFL has itself started evolving. Yes, esoterrorism and comedy abound, but those are just signs of vast amounts of energy and thus create chaos at times as it expands the system, therefore allowing space for that energy.
I say lunch is an evolving process for all of us. Therefore our tastes, the buds that contain them, and our need for good conversation starters all need to evolve a bit.
Now, let me digress in saying I love the side-order idea. I think it would be great if something cool happened during lunch, or if its late enough "Second Lunch" could be another mid-day post.
So, we don't all have to wear hats and grow flavor savors, but like all good scientists we must write down what we examine .... so WFL?
I think I'm growing a second stomach and my big toes are now opposable.
Um, I was actually scheduled to post today.
I've got lunch with coworkers today. It's just for kicks -- it'll probably be a good ole fashioned bitch session. But they set it for Chipotle at 12:30. I have no problem with the Chipotle part (I'm thinking barbacoa burrito. Oh, and it's me and four ladies, Rico.), but we'll be in line for 20 minutes and there's no way we'll get a table for five. Lunch novices, I tell ya.
Ugh, good luck dipso. I have no idea what I'm getting. Maybe I'll hit Attila's. See if they serve some kind of salad with their gyros. Nah, I should just go for a sandwich. Or a salad. Ugh, I'm so uninspired.
No real desire for lunch today.
Filled up on bagel chips around mid morning and nothing seems apealing.
diz jumped ahead of the jade...perhaps he will find it symbolic of jumping ahead the evolutionary chain.
or, most likely, he didn't check the calendar.
don't know what lunch is today as i need to buy. LT, you've got me amped for greek...but there is nothing around here of that sort. maybe falafel from b-line? i should just work there for christ's sake...then at least i can get a discount for all the food i eat there.
Must be lunch with co-workers day. I had an offer to go to Original Pancake House, but I turned it down for fear of it turning in to a grade-school field trip-type of affair where a good idea for 4 turns in to a nightmare for 20. Just saw them walk out the door, and there were only about 12. Of that dozen, there are about 2 I can tolerate for more than 45 seconds.
[patting self on back]
Instead, I am sticking with my original lunch plan of last night's leftover Stove-Top chicken bake.
Holy crap! My stomach actually just jumped in anticipation.
I'm too tired to eat. And I'm starving. Does this ever happen to anyone else? And, if so - what do you do?
Great move Earthquake. I can't stand the kids who are playing office (we have a lot of temporary full time folks in the office, who are working for the first time and don't know how soul crushing the office world actually is)
They have no idea about how to split a check, they know nothing worth talking about and one of the fuckers always spills his root beer or something dumb like that.
I can't stand the group lunch.
because of my disintrest in lunch today, I may take the time to go for a walk alone.
HT- I can't remember ever being too tired to eat! Go to some eatery that is filled with great aromas to get you motivated, or just drink one of your sugar-free red bulls!
mikey, why not play some, uh, traffic roll. What was it called? good day for it.
Hate the group lunch. "Why didn't you invite me?" B/c then we'd wind up with the 20 & not be able to sit until 2:30. Similar to, but more easily avoidable, than the group order lunch out thing. When I got roti last Friday I was talking to someone & I was like 'I wonder why she didn't ask me last time she ordered roti?' & then I walked into the conference room where she was handing them out & there were like 20 rotis. And some people had already picked theirs up. So, yeah, I felt bad for bitching about it.
Lunch today = Wendy's new Frescata sandwich with turkey & basil pesto, side caesar salad (which is being reserved for afternoon snack in a couple of hours), and a diet coke. The sandwich was surprisingly good! Not as good as a real deli sandwich, of course, but not bad for a fast food joint.
When I'm too tired to eat HT, I drink something filling like a milkshake or smoothie or even a latte which gives you the added bonus of caffeine. The stomach treats milk as a solid so it's very filling. Drinking is also very non-strenuous, it takes very little effort and it won't exhaust you further. Because you know, chewing could just tip you over the edge.
God damn I want Chipotle today. But it won't happen.
Jade - Sorry, yeah I didn't check. I just got in this early and I was amped on Tab Energy .. which is like the "Cisco" of energy drinks.
HT - I usually scam off someone else walking by and bribe them into getting lunch for me. Although brace yourself for a screw up in the order :)
Miu - not too bad for 15 minute prep time. I wouldn't serve it to in-laws, but I have no problems eating it for one meal a few days in a row.
And, lt - Tell me about it! There are a few people at work whom I really like hanging around, and I really like the idea of going somewhere beyond the realm of work for some lunch or even beerdrinking and bullshitting, but it always turns into this Special-Olympics-don't-want-to-hurt-anyone's-feelings-by-not-inviting-them-even-though-if-he-comes-much-less-ten-other-people-I-no-longer-want-to-go fiasco.
And, then there's the double-edged satisfaction of answering the question, "Why didn't you invite me?" with "Because you're a dipshit, and I would rather eat a bullet for lunch than share it with you."
So, today I ate leftovers at my desk, and I'm leaving early just to spite them.
Word, eq! God, I would so love to have the nerve to say to someone who complains about that sometime. But alas, I never will.
Trying to decide if I've waited long enough to eat my salad-snack yet. My mom is picking me up at 5:30 to go to Costco for my party (any requests?), so I figure we'll maybe pick something up for dinner there. Hm. What to have.
Hey, this is for anyone. What's the other thing you put into the crockpot when you're making those meatballs? I know it's grape jelly. What's the other thing? It's a can of chili, right? Like what kind? Beanless? Any special brand? I've never made these before - haven't fully decided if I'm going to this time, but I'd like to know so I can know! Thank you everyone!
And Uni, every time I come over here to post, I reread your first comment & it's killing me!
LT- u can use beanless chili (like hormel) or a jar of chili sauce with grape jelly for the meatballs.
...and if only I could learn to type with my toes...I'd be able to eat and post on the blog at the same time!
LT- so you liked Uni's comment and not the original post?
Jade I'm really really sorry .. I just looked at the calendar and I am personally taking my posting rights away for a month. I'm grounded.
Jason's Deli today. Do they think they are being clever by piling all the meat in the middle to make it look like a big sandwich when in reality - spread out - its less than a subway sandwich?
I got the fruit with the sweet yogurt (my favorite part). To top it off I got an oatmeal raisen cookie.
It put in a better mood. I was irrationally angry earlier and I'm thinking the Tab Energy drink is definitely the Cisco of energy drinks.
Yeah, that was a good one, Uni. (Sorry, Diz. Hey, you inspired it!)
LT - My sister-in-law makes that meatball thing. I believe it's grape jelly and heinz chili sauce.
Chipotle was pitty good! I got a bad roll-up on my burrito, but I handled it masterfully. The only other to order a burrito (four bowls) got the same bad rolljob, but she freaking got it all over her basket and herself. It was pretty hot.
Oh, Diz, of course I loved your post! And I loved the picture! I just don't get to see it every time I flip to this window to post.
I hate when they do that to the deli meat. So you eat it from the middle and then the edges have no meat. Or you eat it from the edges and all the meat squishes out. Grrr.
Tab Energy is my new favorite drink, except that it's $2 a can. Hm, maybe I'll see if Costco has any.
Uni, if you could figure out how to make two desserts at the same time, you'd be the bomb! Except I have a thing (anti-fetish! Not fetish!) about feet, and I probably wouldn't want to eat the one you made with them. Ew!
Ok, has anyone ever heard of bacon bits on a caesar salad? WTF Wendy's??
Dave Thomas and most of my friends think alike ... anything is better with bacon.
I agree, but I was really looking forward to croutons, which this salad is sadly lacking. :-(
Hey, a bad rolljob is better than no rolljob at all. Wait I mean Blow...
Played traffic roll, won. Was the only contestant, so basically just threw my M&Ms into traffic.
Awesome Sunshine!!!!!!!!!
I was a pizza hut girl in HS...they put bacon on their caesar also.
But the true unsung hero of the Caesar salad is the lowly anchovi. Those salty little fish bastards really make the Romaine Pop.
I agree everything goes better with bacon, www.ilovebacon.com (copy and paste, I don't know how to post links yet), but I think croutons are required to make it a caesar salad. Without the dried breads, it's just fishy weeds.
Miu, so sorry. Like Diz, i did not check the schedule yesterday. I checked a while back and there were no entries for the next two weeks or so. i guess some dates filled in between my last check and now.
I had just gotten to the office and finished all that I had planned to do for work (get to the office) and I was itching for some OWFL action.
I pledge to grow some patience and to check the schedule more regularly.
Am I going to get a bad rolljob for jumping the gun?
Give it to me. i can take it.
Chef Salad from the Lunch counter in my building provided me with a near fatal evacuation about 45 minutes ago. Thinking about fasting the rest of the week.
No, Miu, it (grape jelly + chili over meatballs) is really good! I know it sounds bizarre & disgusting, but it makes kind of a teriyaki sauce. A faux-iyaki sauce, if you will.
Real caesar salad doesn't have anchovies. The anchovy flavour comes from the Worcestershire sauce (or Wershesher as I like to spell it). Check it! I am clinging to this, b/c I don't like the little fishies. Ugh!
And Sunshine, here are the instructions on posting a link. Which I always have to go back to & copy in b/c I never remember how.
Ugh, that sucks Jo. Sorry to hear it. I was wondering where you'd been . . . . now I'm sorry I wondered.
I really don't enjoy anchovies at all, but I absolutely must have at least one on my caesar salad. If I'm making my own at home, I buy a tin of anchovies, put one on my salad, grimmace when I eat it and then throw away the remainder of the open tin weeks later after the oil has spilled all over and stunk up my fridge. It's like a ritual...it happens over and over and over again. I'm sure that there is an open tin of anchovies somewhere in my fridge right now.
I don't find the grape jelly meatballs to be any great shakes, but they don't offend me.
Welcome back, Jo! Did you have your Tuck's pads to at least soothe yourself after the near fatal evacuation?
Thanks for the support ladies. This wasn't really a Tuck's pad evacuation. More of an immodium one. Felt a bit like the scene in "Dumb and Dumber" but without the sound effects.
I am seriously thinking about going with a healthy lunch diet for the rest of the month to see if I can survive without extra mayo. And maybe some foods that will keep me "regular".
By the way, I'm a big fan of anchovies in moderation. I am also a big fan of canned smoked oysters, dipped in a good mustard they are delish.
This guy used to eat a tin of sardines for lunch. So gross. Who was being yelled at for eating tuna in the office? Sardines is 100x worse.
I think the egg (coddled, not hard-boiled & no, I'm not sure what the difference is - not cooked as long I think? and in a special coddling pot or something?) gets mixed into the dressing, so you don't really notice it.
I'm glad that Jo's back, I have felt lost without some sort of daily abuse from him.
Seafood in a can? Sounds fishy to me. Oh snap. i didn't intend that little pun, but it stands.
I prefer my caesars with A LOT of freshly grated parmasean cheese.
Oooh, I love when they put really big & really thing slices of parm on your caesar. Mmmmm . . . .
Jo, not exactly scientific, but at least you did provide us with all the information we could possibly use.
I had the same problem on Friday last week. But it was caused by kolaches ... not bad deli meat and moldy salad.
mikey .. that is 15 min in timeout for the bad pun. :)
I feel horrible. I ate a sandwich that tasted delish on the way down, but has caused my tummy to gurgle and rumble and emit noises not heard since Sigourney Weaver birthed that alien.
Lunch tip from your friend HT:
Never order brisket from a joint playing christian rock.
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