Friday, December 30, 2005
happy new years eve eve
before i head off to the lovely dc dmv to give up my california license (sniff, sniff), i wanted to just comment on how i've finally gotten to the last piece of old pizza in my fridge. this means that now i REALLY have to think about what to have for lunch today. especially since i'll be probably still waiting in line at the dmv come noon or so.
so send your positive lunch vibes my way folks. i'll be gone most of today running errands before everything shuts down this weekend for the holidays. please feel free to share your festive (or not so festive) NYE plans. i hope it involves food. i know that i envision a trip to ben's chili bowl at around 2am on new years day....
so kids, WFL?
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Historic Berghoff to Close
By Mike Hughlett. Staff reporter Rick Popely contributed to this storyTribune staff reporterPublished
December 29, 2005
First Marshall Field's, now The Berghoff.Chicago will lose another commercial and cultural icon when the 107-year-old Berghoff Restaurant, a Loop landmark, serves its last schnitzel on Feb. 28.Herman Berghoff, the 70-year-old grandson of the restaurant's founder, and his wife, Jan Berghoff, 68, are retiring. Herman Berghoff, who's been working at the German-style restaurant since 1952, owns the building at 17 W. Adams St. and will lease it to his daughter Carlyn Berghoff's catering company.She plans to reopen the bar this spring under a slightly different name but convert the elegant dining room to a private banquet hall, thus ending the reign of one of Chicago's oldest and most fattening restaurants."It's hard to believe," said Rich Melman, founder of Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, a Chicago-based restaurant company, who recalls first eating at The Berghoff 45 years ago. "I feel such a personal loss for Chicago. It's like losing the Cubs or something."Christopher Lackner, a spokesman for Herman and Jan Berghoff, said the decision to close "wasn't without great thought. The Berghoff family shares the sadness the city shares."The Berghoffs never put the building or the restaurant on the market, Lackner said. Both the building and the business would fetch a high price."It does very well," Lackner said. "It is a very successful business." He declined to disclose its revenues.Under the family's plan, Artistic Events by Carlyn Berghoff Catering Inc. will take over the building this winter. She will rename the bar 17 West at The Berghoff and reopen the adjoining cafe but reserve the dining room--cloaked in rich oak and graced with pictures of old Chicago--for private, catered events.Artistic Events hasn't determined what if any changes will be made to the building's exterior, including its landmark sign, said Jennifer Connelly, a spokeswoman for the company.The Berghoff traces its roots to Herman Joseph Berghoff's desire in 1898 to showcase his Dortmunder-style beer. At a bar at State and Adams Streets, he sold it for a nickel a mug and offered sandwiches for free.Prohibition forced The Berghoff to expand into a full-service restaurant, which has been at its current location--next door to the original--since 1936.The Berghoff was the first Chicago establishment to get a liquor license after Prohibition ended in 1933.It was also known for maintaining a separate, men-only bar long after such practices faded.For legions of Chicago men of a certain age, The Berghoff was a stop-off point for a beer before attending a Blackhawks game at Chicago Stadium, or one of the first destinations after turning 21.The men-only tradition ended in 1969 when seven members of the National Organization for Women sat down at the bar and demanded service.But mostly, The Berghoff has been known as an old-style, family-run restaurant where the waiters wear black jackets and white aprons. It's been a traditional stop for generations of Chicagoans and visitors.Lifetime memoriesBill Figel, who owns a public relations firm at Adams and LaSalle Streets, is a third-generation customer of The Berghoff. His grandfather, a lawyer in the neighborhood who worked a half-day on Saturdays like others in the profession, would go there with others for a corned beef sandwich at noon on Saturdays. His father would meet friends at The Berghoff before heading to a college double-header basketball game at the stadium."There's nothing more authentic than the German atmosphere," Figel said.
With lines out the front door common, Figel shared a tip--an "old Chicago trick" now of limited use--for bypassing the out-of-towners. Walk through the bar to the back of the dining room, grab a table and then tip a waiter.Crowds are biggest this time of year. During the holiday season, the number of customers served each day jumps from about 1,500 to 3,000.Kathy Scopelliti was one of the holiday revelers Wednesday, dining with her husband and two friends, all in town for the day from the Chicago suburbs. "When our waiter told us [about the closing] I couldn't believe it was true."Scopelliti, 51, was introduced to The Berghoff at age 5 by her grandmother. "It was a big deal to come downtown--wearing hats and gloves--and go to The Berghoff."She still comes two or three times a year, often for lunch with her mother and her sister. "I have a lot of good memories. It's like Field's now. The Berghoff will be a memory too."She of course was talking about the venerable Marshall Field's brand, soon set to vanish when its owner, Federated Department Stores Inc., converts the chain to Macy's."It makes me sick, first Field's, and now this," said Laura Howell of Chicago as she was about to order dessert.Distinctive Chicago brands are increasingly giving way to seemingly rootless chains, she said. "Are we supposed to take up our next year's holiday traditions at Victoria's Secret?"O'Hare cafe to stay openThe Berghoff Cafe at O'Hare International Airport will remain open. It has a somewhat different ownership structure, and includes Carlyn Berghoff as an owner.Her catering business, Artistic Events, has been around for about 20 years, and is housed in the West Loop.But Berghoff's landlord bought out her lease recently in order to redevelop the building into condominiums, Connelly said, so Artistic Events has to vacate by the end of March.Artistic Events has about $5 million in annual sales and has 45 full-time employees.The Berghoff has 92 full-time employees, including several waiters who have been employed for decades.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Turkey Sandwich? Pierogies? Pierogie Sandwich?
I don't really have anything else to say, other than I hate the View and should just turn it off.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Drunken Holiday Musings
So, my friends. Use this post to share your holiday thoughts, if you happen to be stopping by over the holidays. (One good thing about today: Laguna Beach marathon. Right On.)
I hope everyone is having a joyous, or at least drunken celebration.
With much love and wine,
Friday, December 23, 2005
What do you think I should get at the Berghoff today, Lester?
Thursday, December 22, 2005
it's 3 days 'til xmas and all through the blog...
it's not even 10am, and i am constantly look at the clock and wonder when the day is going to end. the only thing to look forward to is...
LUNCH! (of course)
i woke up this morning and thought "what sort of thought provoking subject can i post today?" and all i can think of is this...sorry all.
so, are any DC WFL-ers working today? and if so, can we convene for lunch? i think this is the only time of the year where you can get away with taking a 2 hour+ long lunch since no one in the office really knows if you're working or on vacation anyways. dammit, give me SOMETHING to look forward to, por favor!!!
WFL? inspire me folks.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
"I smell like the bar" and other thoughts
Things I could have done without:
I'm not sure that 2 McGriddles were necessary. (and considering they didn't stay down all that long, apparently, they weren't)
The SUPERHAPPYTOBEALIVE business traveler guy who wanted to talk to me this morning on the plane about how, "Gosh, this is an early flight!" Go away. When was your last shot? If it was more than 2.5 hours ago, I have nothing to say to you.
The cop that followed me the entire length of the toll road on my way to the office. How embarrassing it would've been to get a DUI this morning. My parents would have been so ashamed.
Anyway - last night was so much fun. Everyone was as cool and fun as I imagined and then some. I am now even more excited for the Spring Conference, though, my liver is cringing at the thought. I need to start conditioning now.
So team, how is everyone curing their hangovers today? I definitely have plans to cut out of the office early, but since I no longer have food in my tummy, I'm going to need to eat something. I haven't put my finger on exactly what, but I can guarantee it won't be a ham/mustard/relish sandwich.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I haven’t even thought about Adams in YEARS.
I haven’t even thought about Adams in YEARS. Yesterday, out of the blue, the theme song comes to me (which I posted, and nobody caught or bothered to acknowledge, leaving the blogger formerly known as dipso hangin’ -- ouch). Then, last night, out of the fucking blue, some guy at the bar turns to me and asks “What was Uncle Jesse’s donkey’s name on Grizzly Adams? Six?”
Life is really something.
I think it was “Seven.” ANYONE??!!?
What the hell am I going to have for lunch? I need to recover/prepare from/for a night of heavy drinking. Please use all of your powers, people. Lester needs you.
Monday, December 19, 2005
6 Days till X-Mas and my True Lunch Gave to me...
Friday, December 16, 2005
Help me I'm drunk!
It's 10:00 a.m. in NY and I am hammered still. Last night was the company Christmas party. I was coerced into doing at least 7 shots or Makers Mark, Jameson, and Jack Daniels. I drank a lot of beer, switched to Vodka at 2:00 a.m. and then went and karaoked. I sang "White Wedding" walked on couches (didn't fall) wouldn't give up the microphone after, etc. Was a mess but remember every part of the night. Anyhow I just had a Ham & Cheese Croissant and a large coffee. But it didn't help. I can barely type and I can feel my stomach churning.
WFLers, what can I do to cure my hangover and queasy stomach?
Pizza? Burger? HELP!
P.S. The best thing about the x-mas party is that I wasn't even close to being the drunkest person there.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
bad omens and some sage advice
then, i saw a gross dirty condom on the sidewalk as i was walking to the office. also, a woman who was wearing a plaid checkered winter coat with plaid checkered winter skirt both completely different colors and different patterns. another dc fashion disaster.
last but not least was the construction worker dude eating an egg mcmuffin and chewing with his mouth wide open...that of course made me want to vomit.
so, this is what has happened so far. are these bad lunch omens WFLers? also, ethics and i have to go to a stuffy and stupid holiday office luncheon. so it is breaking my asian lunch hommage. damn work.
oh, and my sage advice is DO NOT eat homemade chili for dinner at 10pm and then go to bed. my stomach is yelling at me right now saying "stupid la choi...why have you foresaken me!!!!!!!!"
i think that i will drink heavily at lunch and embarass myself in front of my coworkers. that will hopefully ward off the bad evil omens of the morning.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
"That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

I know it's still early, but I am feeling the holiday spirit today after watching a Christmas special on television last night. More on that in a bit, but first let me say that like millions of other Americans my favorite holiday television special is "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and my favorite scene is Linus' famous telling of the true meaning of Christmas. I'm a sucker like that.
Let me also admit that I am a huge fan of "It's A Wonderful Life" as well. If I happen to be channel surfing and have to stop and watch the whole thing. Again I'm a nostalgic sucker like that. So much so that I used to get excited when I would pick up pop culture references to the movie, like the ending to every "Thirtysomething" or the awful Andrew Dice Clay movie "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" (Special WFL prize to whomever can figure out that reference).
I also remember fondly the HBO Christmas special "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas" and the Bruce Willis Christmas classic "Die Hard II: Die Harder" (which takes place right here in our nation's capital).
That all brings me to the television special I watched last night. On the Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" block they aired a show called "Moral Orel: The Best Christmas Ever". It lasts only about 12 minutes, but it filled me with such joy and good cheer that I am moved to complete all of my holiday shopping online in the next 4-6 hours. Never before has a television program brought the whole American Christmas experience together in such a wonderfully disturbing way. The special will remain in my DVR library for a very long time (or at least till The Shield, 24 and new episodes of Lost start up again) so if you are in the DC area feel free to drop by my place and watch. Make sure to bring you own tissue.
What Christmas or Holiday programs/movies hold a special place in your heart?
By the way, I hope you WFLers have taken a gander at the WFL t-shirt/logo post below. We need to get moving on this stuff folks. We also need to contune discussing the proposed Spring WFL conference in Chicago.
In the meantime I will be dining on some sort of chicken for lunch. I am betting a Chicken Salad sandwich from Cap Grounds.
Happy Holidays and WFL?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
popping my WFL cherry
as i sit eating a "fat kid alternative" of the "fat kid special" (the "fks" is sausage, egg & cheese on a croissant. a "fka" is just egg & cheese hold the sausage on a croissant) i am contemplating the meaning of lunch. it's an existential question, really. i started thinking, what can i do this week to dedicate myself to lunch and feel as if i'm making a difference in the world of lunch?
i've decided to go theme and dedicate myself to asian foods this week. that's right, it's an hommage of sorts. yesterday was korean and now i'm wondering what wonderful goodies to scoop up today: indian? thai? japanese? vietnamese? (though i'm protesting some japanese foods due to a ny times article i read dissing my peeps.) so many choices; what's a WFLer to do?
so, yes, i would love some suggestions for today in the asian genre. so kids, WFL?
The First Annual What's For Lunch T-Shirt Logo Design Contest

The lovely Ms. Jade had the brilliant idea to have t-shirts made for our upcoming conference. (again I must mention just how damn excited I am about this). I am good with witty slogans, but I haven't an artistic bone in my body, so I appeal to the WFL brethren to come up with your best design for the inaugural conference t-shirt. We'll vote on the submissions (Ms. LaChoi - can you hook us us with a voting mechanism?) and the winner will get something cool. (probably lunch on Madame Presidente, or something)
So, get your inner artist on, and come up with something worthy of our collective wonderfulness!
(oh, and lest everyone think this conference is simply an excuse to eat, drink, and generally carouse in an awesome city with even more awesome company, we do have business to discuss, such as the official launch of The Original What's for Dinner and The Original What's for Breakfast, officer elections, future conferences, and bylaw type stuff. The agenda will be set For Us, By Us - so anything you'd like to see on it, let us know.)
Please send all t-shirt submissions, agenda items and other such correspondence to yours truly at:
I also want to say that if I had known when we started how much I'd grow to love this place, I would've chosen a MUCH cooler "alias".
Chicago Welcomes The First Annual Original What's For Lunch Conference

I'm so excited about our upcoming plans! Please use this post to submit your favorite Chicago lunch spots. If we're ambitious and focused, we should be able to hit two spots per day on Friday and Saturday, and possibly one on Sunday. (thoughts on this?)
Ms. LaChoi will develop an online survey for everyone to vote on their favorites, with the top five represented at this year's first ever What's For Lunch conference!
This post can also serve as the General Conference Discussion Clearinghouse.
Happy Lunching!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Welcome and Congratulations to LaChoi
Congratulations, LaChoi!
Friday, December 09, 2005
2 Hour Delay

Well cats and kittens, we here in the greater DC area are operating on a 2 Hour Delay (those of us operating on a government schedule, that is). Of course, since my ass got in all manner of shit for not going into work yesterday (the email was so ugly, one of those, "You're transitioning into a more senior role here, and while I'm pleased to offer you this sort of position, you must be present and productive..." - it might as well have been my mom telling me she was disappointed in me), I was here right on time (well, for me, which means 9:30ish).
So, now it's 11am, the city is snow covered, and I'm starting to feel hungry. It certainly seems like a good day for soup - but oddly, I think I'm craving sushi. Of course, since I have a lot of work to do to make up for my recent slacking (and overblogging), I should stick close and just run out and grab something quickly.
So, what's a girl to do? Does she go for her craving, or does she seek something equally as satisfying, but nearer to her office? The possibilities are endless. But one thing is sure, I wish to eradicate my hunger, but also make it through the day at a high level of productivity. A performance enhancing lunch is a must.
So everybody: What's For Lunch?
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Stress reducing lunch ideas?
Anyhow, I'm back (albeit briefly) and I need your help. Since I am super stressed out right now due to work (major presentation next week), moving into a new apartment tomorrow, planning my honeymoon, and trying to buy x-mas gifts, I really need a stress reducing lunch idea. Is there such a thing as a stress reducing lunch? Thoughts?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
It's going to be a long winter if this keeps up.
Also, there’s no heat in my office. Everyone’s walking around in coats, hats and scarves. My feet are blocks of ice.
Monday, December 05, 2005
What the Hell Happened?
Well, that's interesting. I don't have the vaguest clue what that even means. My car? Surely I didn't drive anywhere, I'm home after all and the party was at my house. Intrigued, I dial LaChoi and inquire further as to the whereabouts of my car and the details of how it got there. She explains that she played taxi to everyone and took care of getting a whole bunch of folks home. Good job, LaChoi!
I went back to my hangover, which was now settling in for what was to be a full day of nonstop pain and nausea. Not that I wasn't fully aware this was going to be the outcome when we purchased the case, yes case, of Boone's Farm's finest (Strawberry Hill, Apple Blossom, Sun Kissed Peach and Wild Island) earlier Saturday afternoon. But all of that was forgotten when the greatest hits of 95 started playing, all sense was lost, and the group started passing the bottles around with reckless abandon. As the night wore on, and folks got "hungry", the jello shots came out, and I'm proud to say all but 6 or so out of 50 were consumed.
I couldn't have asked for a better party. At one point, looking around at the room full of people in their late 20s and early 30s drinking $2 "wine" from the bottles and sucking jello shots out of Chicken Little dixie cups, I thought, "I've got the best friends in the whole world." It was certainly an "I love you guys!" moment.
Thank you all who came and shared the love. It was a good night. (and to whomever drank that Bud Light can: You should be aware that can has been in my fridge since before I moved into that apartment in 2002. There was more beer in the crisper...)
So, on to the matter at hand. Lunch. I'm having a greek salad, that I ordered with my pizza last night as part of my hangover dinner, but never got around to eating the salad. I'm looking forward to digging in to the onion-y goodness.
How is everyone else lunching this Monday? What's For Lunch?
Friday, December 02, 2005
"Friday night it was late I was walking you home we got down to the gate and I was dreaming of the night..."
" barbecue chicken salad with avocado, corn, black beans, blue and red tortilla strips and ranch dressing"
"maple ham with gruyere, a tad of dijon, endive on ciabatta or a nice light, sweet rye"
Both sound good but I don't have the slightest idea of where to find them within walking distance of the corner of Connecticut Avenue and K Street.
Any ideas friends?
And of course What's For Lunch?
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Client Lunches
This might be the earliest lunch post ever!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
NOT the Lunch Post (though, if Dipso doesn't get on it, this will have to do)
At what point do I want a man to stick his finger in my butt? (THIS IS THE LUNCH POST)
To be on the safe side, I'm only going to eat salad and berries for the next 24 months.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
A lunch's worst enemy?
Anyone else ever had their lunch dreams dashed by Mother Nature?
WFL everyone?
Monday, November 28, 2005
I dream of Turkey

It's come and gone! Any dish that stood out? Did Grandma try something new that you couldn't stomach? Are you still suffering from cranberry overdose? Share with us WFLers!!
SPECIAL NOTE: Use this post to reflect on your Thanksgiving, it will only remain active through 11/29. The luch post for today (Monday, November 28th) is below.
Welcome Back... (your dreams were your ticket out)
I'm blogging to you from the comfort of my couch, nursing a cold and taking care of a generally over-exhausted body. This is providing me with an opportunity to watch Martha and recuperate from the weekend. It's going to be a long holiday season, folks.

So everyone, what's for lunch? Leftover turkey sandwiches, still? Perhaps some soup? (I hear it's cold in the midwest) How are you managing this first day back to the grind?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving & WFL?
1) Bacon, Avocado, lettuce and Tomato (BALT) with swiss cheese on wheat toast with heavy mayo and onions.
2) Braunschweiger with swiss on Pumpernickel with spouts, tomato, onion, horseradish and mayo.
3) Their "Deluxe Italian Sub". Too much stuff to recount. But includes sweet and hot peppers and an olive tapenade. I always add mayo.
What are YOU having for lunch today?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Getting Warmed Up...
Personally I may be the recipient of a special treat. Rumor has it that a co-worker has brought in some T-Giving food from a party she hosted this past Sunday. So I may get a jump on the festivities.
But what will you poor souls out there do?
What's For Lunch?
Monday, November 21, 2005
"How does it feel to lose to the worst team in the division?", and other taunts...
But enough about that. I want to give a special Welcome to a new What's For Luncher, who will be checking out the blog for the first time today. Gaining her participation around here could revolutionize the way we look at lunch. I've known her for a few months now, but it was only yesterday while lunching at the tailgate did I learn of her true devotion to the art of lunching. I look forward to her postings.
So, everyone - What's For Lunch on this fall Monday? This weekend marked the last of my all out binging and the transition to get back on the health train. So, for me, it's a pomegranate and veggies and hummus. Also, LaChoi and I have a planned trip to the gym, once we find out where it is. (our office has gym privileges at some other building, we're off to do some investigating today) What's on the agenda for the rest of Team Lunch?
Friday, November 18, 2005
Go Blue! AND GO SPARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
To Soup or not to Soup?
Oh and I'll probably get the half sandwich with the soup for $7.95.
WFL everyone? Anyone else feely soupy?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Meatloaf, Bojo, and the Galileo Grill - oh my!
Lunch for tomorrow is already planned with LaChoi, Josephus and the as-yet-lacking-a-blog-alias-because-she's-a-big-slacker-coworker at the Galileo Grill. I can't wait!
So cats and kittens... What's For Lunch on this glorious (and unseasonably warm) November day???
Monday, November 14, 2005
Austin City Limits
Mondays suck ass.
Especially after a weekend of tex mex in Austin. Several satisfying meals with only one real mis-step which was quicly evacuated (ahem.). Had some of the tastiest brisket and potatoes ever. A thousand thanks to J & Mel for getting married in Austin so I could experience it. Oh and congrats on getting married too.
I'm sorry I missed the Edmund Fitz tribute on Friday, as Dipso can tell you that song holds a special place in my heart. Don't mess with Gitche Gumee.
As a trbiute to Eddie Guererro, who passed this weekend, I was originally going to get some sort of Mexican dish for lunch. But after an entire weekend of breakfast tacos and evacuated chorizo I think I am going for a salad today.
It's good to see the new folks are contributing to blog so regularly. Invite friends.
So anyway...WFL?
And for Eddie...LATINO HEAT!!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
A Special Sunday Blog
So, I'm presented with that ever-nagging weekend quandry: What's For Lunch that will a) not make me sick(er) b) make me feel better c) be cheap to free and/or made from whatever the hell I have in my house and d) satisfy my high standards for lunching?
Now, I know we don't have many WFLers checking in on the weekends - but if anyone's out there: help a hungover sister out.
Oh, and stay tuned for the first LaChoi/Ethics review of the buffets of DC. We hit Tony Cheng's Mongolian BBQ last night, which provided an interesting starting point for an interesting evening filled with neuroscientists, vodka, lipgloss, and hot girl-on-girl-on-scientist action. Oh, and the demise of Bachelors, Virgins and I think there was a Dirty Bastard in there somewhere, too.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Awww mannn!
I need some comfort food.
Everybody mark the 30th Anniversary of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald appropriately? I had a couple Edmund Fitzgerald Porters (a fine brew from the Great Lakes Brewing Co.) and, of course, Lightfoot. I teared up.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Off to Austin...
Please send Austin lunch ideas.
Enjoy the long weekend.
And of course, WFL?
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I am such a wonderful person!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Trying Something New

Remember the other day I said I had pictures for the blog documenting the mystical rabbit in that courtyard on 51st? And I had planned to detail the saga of attempting to go to one place following the initial meeting near the rabbit, only to discover it had burned? Well, here is my first attempt at blogging my phone pics... Let's see how this goes.

After meeting at the rabbit, we proceeded to try to go to a fine Irish establishment called Connolly's. As we approached the building, my lunchtime companion noted that it looked as though it had burned. (this was after we tried two places with ridiculous lines) In fact, it had, as noted here.
Hey, looky how cool. Wow. We're becoming a real blog. Now if I could only figure out how to put links within the comments....
Blog Early and Often
I have a meeting today in Fairfax, of all unGodly places (might as well be in Ohio) to talk about two things very near and dear to me: children and the development of their character. What's that you say? "Ethics doesn't care about dorky high school kids and whether they Do the Right Thing or not," you, sir, would be correct, so you can tell how much I'm looking forward to the day. Travelling outside the Beltway, kids, and morals - jeez, what's NOT to be excited about. (did I mention the meeting is with one guy who I don't trust and another who is cheap - yeah, this is the meeting that just keeps getting better)
At least they're serving lunch, but knowing our host, it will probably be ramen all around or some shit.
So folks, weigh in - delight me with your tales of not having to drive to the burbs and endure a lunch meeting. WHAT'S FOR LUNCH???
Monday, November 07, 2005
An apology to our President
Anyhow, it's Monday, it's pretty nice outside, and I'm hungry. WFL?
Friday, November 04, 2005
Something's in the Air
I'm blogging from that beautiful island called Manhattan, and it's a gorgeous fall day. It's unseasonably warm, and I can't wait to get out and be part of it. Which, brings me to an important point. We here at TheOriginalWhat'sForLunch encourage you to come be part of it. We aspire to grow this little community to one that crosses all demographics. All that we ask is that you share our passion for lunch and our verbosity in professing our love.
We're not a group that has all the lunch answers - and I hope we never do. But we are a group who thrives on friendly debate, witty banter, and pastrami on rye. We want more voices on the subject - we want YOUR voice. Make it be heard!
With that, I'll move on to the matter of the day - What's For Lunch?
Me, I'm meeting a friend "in a little courtyard on 51st, between 6th and 7th near the rabbit statue that is now covered in Christmas trees" and seeking lunch from there. Sure sounds Alice In Wonderland-ian to me. What would Alice eat?
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Your President (INO) Weighs In
I realize it's a little late for a lunch post, but I know how neglectful I've been, and wanted to send my best.
First, to comment for only just a moment on dipso's comment on yesterday's blog. Less than 24 hours after I was having my photo taken on the trading floor with the current and former CEO's of Merck, we get the verdict. It was a nice way to end a great event and start a lunch meeting with Merck re our funding for the next couple of years. Which segues nicely into the fact that my lunch sucked. We had food brought in that was bland and boring, and wholly unsatisfying. I endured a turkey wrap with mozzarella and sundried tomatoes, followed by a slice of carrot cake, while I sat through a bizarre meeting where I decided that everyone is plotting against my organization and that no one is to be trusted. (long story) However, this was more than made up for by dinner, which I had at my friends' apartment, made by another friend of theirs. She made Japanese pancakes, which were made from cabbage and pork and/or squid and some sort of batter topped with Japanese mayo, brown sauce, some kind of amazing spicy sauce and a touch of dried seaweed. So tasty.
Yesterday, I had horribly greasy pizza, which I didn't keep down long due to my now legendary nervous stomach. But, I had it in my Phat Suite (which, I was nearly evicted from last night during the afterparty, but that's a story for another time) so that made everything alright.
My party was a raging success, and I can't say it wasn't pretty fucking cool to indulge in open bar on the trading floor. Sadly, I didn't really get to eat, so I've got no report there, but the wine was quite good.
I've decided to stay on in the city for the next couple of days, despite my lack of funding and appropriate clothing. I've got friends to see and beer to drink. Tomorrow I'll meet a dear friend for lunch, and will be pleased to report on that when it happens. It's possible burritos will be involved, so rico, I'll try to keep details to a minimum.
I'm pleased to see the blog thrive in my absence, and I know I've recruited a new reader, who may turn to a poster, if time permits. I'm working on it though. Spreading the word. Evangelizing if you will.
Good luck, Godspeed and Happy Lunching.
The Breakfast meeting
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Live from New York...
I don't know what's for lunch. Ate wings at the airport (and again at the hotel) for lunch yesterday, followed by tasty venison for dinner at Tribeca Grill.
Anyway, to the meat of the matter: WFL!!!!?????
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Desperate Cry For Warm Bodies - Please Help
While my fundraising dinner is a raging success financially, many of my table buyers aren't sending representatives. This means I've got more than a few free meals (and ALL YOU CAN DRINK TOP SHELF LIQUOR, BEER AND WINE) to dole out. Help a girl out and lend your warm, suited body to my cause. GET HAMMERED ON THE NYSE TRADING FLOOR AND STICK IT TO THE MAN - whatever, just please be my guest and fill my room!!!
If you're able to help me out, email me at ASAP.
Gracias, mis amigos!
Welcome Back Jo Lunch!
Monday's healthy or continue down the downward football sunday spiral?
Welcome back Jo!
Ethics, are you alive?
What's everyone doing for Halloween? Are there special Halloween lunches? Does eating candy all day count for a meal?
Friday, October 28, 2005
On a plane
I can't wait to dine on United's famous $5 box lunch.
Next week order will be restored on this Blog, but until then...WFL?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
The Board are a bunch of Slackers...but today, who cares?
Yesterday I polished off a box lunch sub sandwich at a conference and then followed it up with a double double animal style and neapolitan shake at In n Out.
My anger at the WFL board is not as identifiable today as it was a few days past because for the first time since 1917...
The Chicago White Sox are the World Series Champions.
Despite your feelings or lack there of for the team I ask that you say it out loud. Hear the words. Be a part of history in that moment. It is indeed a sports moment that has been a long time coming, and it absolutely could not have gone to a more deserving team. If you happen to live in Chicago and are not a fan, I forgive you. But don't miss out on history. Get out and feel what it's like to have a WORLD CHAMPION baseball team in town. Go to one of the umpteen parades or rallys that are sure to come. Take some pictures, congratulate some fans. I guarantee you'll catch some of this feeling. It is wonderful. I wish I was there.
I need a Maxwell street Polish.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
"It never rains in southern California..."
Yesterday I had lunch at a place called Smitty's in Pasadena.
Had the Smitty's salad and then the braised short ribs followed by the Michigan cherry crisp for dessert. Tasty stuff.
Today I plan on eating even better but alas, it is only 8:30 here and I have miles to go before I lunch. The rest of you need to get on the ball NOW.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Diet Coke and Popcorn
(NOTICE: NY area bloggers - if you'd like a free meal and open bar at the New York Stock Exchange on November 2nd, let me know. All that you need is a suit and id, and a high tolerance for blather.)
Friday, October 21, 2005
What would Joe Friday have for lunch?
This is my last lunch in the office before a week of travel. I think I deserve something special.
Help please.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Why I Like Lunch, by Ethics
Even going as far back as high school, I wasn't really a lunch eater. I'd skip it in favor of other, er, more illicit, activities. For me, elementary school was the heyday of lunching. Half the time, my mom would hook me up with a sandwich (usually jumbo (I think you people call it balogna) or chipped ham (you don't have this - but you all should) or pb&j), or some leftovers, or, on worse days - soup in a thermos. The other half, I got to buy my lunch, so bring on the tater tots, the Jonny Marzetti, or the weird square pizza.
But when I was forced to revisit lunch a couple years ago, I realized what I'd been missing. Not only does it break up the monotony of the day, it's the one time during the day where you get to make a completely self-interested choice that directly affects your happiness. Now, there are times when this isn't the case. You're too busy, or there's catering being brought in, or any number of other things. But on a normal day, lunch is that beacon in what could otherwise be a dreary depressing day as a cog in the machine.
Today, I'm not sure where the wind will take me. I've spent the morning working from home, and while here ate peanut butter (Peter Pan, crunchy - accept no substitute) on 12 grain. I may not go in for a formal lunch when I get to the office. I'm just not sure, and that's the beauty of it.
So, how will all you be Celebrating Lunch today?
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Taking my Assistant to lunch!
WFL everyone? Should I push my asst. to drink at this lunch?
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
What a weekend...
Suffice to say I am drained.
Is there a meal that can help me get back to normal?
Friday, October 14, 2005
Rain, Rain Go Away...
Anyway, dear friends, What's For Lunch?
I'll be having leftover Crispy Crunchy Chicken, which I wasn't especially fond of, but since the weather blows, and it was leftover from delivery last night, I threw it in my bag and went.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
My Fellow Lunchophiles...
So, tell me TOWFLers, WFL?
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Long weekends require "recombobulation"?
Tell me friends, what is an antonym for "discombobulate" (or is it even a word) and, of course, WFL?
Friday, October 07, 2005
I gaze beyond the rain drenched streets...
Usually this kind of weather can cause Lunch decision hell, but luckily I am off to a work lunch at "Washington's best kept secret" Fran O'Brien's
Sucks to not be me today. As always your ordering suggestions are appreciated, and I would be remiss if I didn't ask you...WFL?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Not a smart move!
I got it pretty good today, folks. The rep from our printing company (who happens to be a six-foot blonde with eyes that make Judy Collins’ look like something the dog coughed up) is in town to take me, and only me, out to lunch. On the company. No holds barred. Well, I do have to participate in a teleconference afterward and write report on it, so I should prolly lay off the sauce, but we’re talking appetizer, soup, salad, entrée, dessert…you name it.
This is the place.
I wish I had researched the place more beforehand because the menu’s not really impressing me, but I’ve heard good things. I’m sure I can find something that’ll work for me.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Last Night I Dreamt of Sausages
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Who do you eat with?
BTW WFL today?
Monday, October 03, 2005
Happy Mondays
I need food that will motivate me to have a productive afternoon.
Any ideas?
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Rendezvous at Hot Doug's
Jo also wanted me to ask everyone else what they're having........for lunch.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Wednesday was my favorite Addams
Was Lurch the chef?
How would Cousin Itt eat?
Did Thing ever do a #2?
Does Christina Ricci prefer the original theme song or the MC Hammer remix?
And, most importantly, WFL?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Winston -- my homeboy.
I do love this blog. I'm SOOO bloody busy right now, but I force myself to find the time to pop-in and get things a-rollin'! Happy to do so, too!
I'm thinking pizza, but things could change in a heartbeat. If I go pizza, should I JUST do pizza, or complement it with something else? Salad?
Kids, tell me something...
Monday, September 26, 2005
Monday, Monday...
And of course WFL?
Friday, September 23, 2005
Friday Hate/Lunch
I could go on and on. I need an attitude adjustment. It's gotta happen at lunch.
I've got a fantastic Saturday planned. Come on 5 o'clock!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Where can one get a good broth?
What I do not know, and am hoping someone can help me with, is what in the wide wide world of sports I am going to have for lunch.
The thought of food makes me a little queezy right now, yet I am starving and I anticipate that the hunger will increase exponentially over the next several time things. Oh, I ate nothing last night.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
My group has a Work Lunch today...
And of course WFL?
Monday, September 19, 2005
Regional Specialties...
Friday, September 16, 2005
Sweet Christ on a Triscuit - I've never seen anything so awesome
DUCK FAT FRIES! My God, it sounds like heaven on a plate. Make sure to look at both the menu and the specials page. I am drooling.
Now, I need to get myself to Expedia to book a ticket. I always knew I loved that city.
Let's all drink to the death of a blog...
Can't do the meatloaf today. I'm looking for something. Maybe I'll go see what that Au Bon Pain can do for me. Pizza sounds kinda good, too. What are y'all doing............for lunch?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Brown Baggin' II - The Next Level
Hey! What’s for lunch?
Monday, September 12, 2005
More Cottage Cheese and Tomatoes
So, let's explore two themes: What do you do for food when you're broke? For me, I start to open all the weird tinfoil and saran wrapped items in the freezer, and if that doesn't turn up anything edible - I buy a dozen eggs and subsist on that. What's your solution? Do you revert back to ramen and mac and cheese? Or something more creative?
And of course, what's for lunch today?
Friday, September 09, 2005
Cottage Cheese and a Beefsteak Tomato
I'm in a much better mood than I have been and rather than being disgruntled at the thought of a tomato at my desk, I'm looking forward to it.
So my friends, What's For Lunch on this lovely Friday?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
It's All Greek to me...
Not sure what I'll have just yet. Any suggestions?
And of course...WFL?
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Fruit ain't gonna cut it, right?
I do believe it's burger time.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
I hate everyone
I've lost my appetite.
For lunch I think I'm going to eat a tomato at my desk, wash it down with a Diet Coke and seethe.
What's everyone else doing for lunch today?
Friday, September 02, 2005
Quiet Friday...
But what to do?
A B.A.L.T. sounds delicious, or maybe Braunschweiger on rye with swiss.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
brown baggin'
I have no idea what I'll have today....NONE! I'm just walking out the door and seeing which way the wind blows me! You know what, I'm going to do that. Whichever way the wind blows, I'll go that way. I will walk 427 paces, taking whichever "walk" lights are available, and at the end I will go to whatever is the closest purveyor of lunch. Let's everybody try it!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I am NOT skipping lunch again today
I know it's early, but what are yinz guys havin' for lunch on this Katrina-rific Wednesday?
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Tuesday Treat
Monday, August 29, 2005
"Sandwiches That You Will Like"
Houston, We Have A Problem
Last night, I decided to try to replicate one of my new favorite cocktails. The bar from whence it hails calls it a Moment of Clarity. It's green tea and Stoli O, with muddled lemon. Let's just say that it took a few tries to get it to my liking, especially since I only had normal vodka on hand. So as I was enjoying my Sunday night, assembling my new vacuum cleaner, putting new slipcovers on my sofas, and watching the MTV VMAs and Entourage, I also perfected the Moment of Clarity. Now, while I should be lauded for my multi-tasking, I probably should have gone to bed before 4.
So, my dilemma: I'm still drunk. Not hungover, but still legitimately buzzing. For sure, I shouldn't have been driving to work. I need your help, people. What should I eat? I desperately need to sober up, but I DO NOT want to sober up into a hangover. What's a girl to do? (and, what are y'all havin'?)
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Battle of the Tex-Mexicans
I went for a walk and ended up at one of my favorite fast-food "fresh mex" establishments: Baja Fresh. It was precisely what I was looking for, and though I didn't set out to arrive there, I believe that something greater pulled me in the direction of the steak fajita burrito that awaited inside.
I remember just last Friday though, the craving for Chipotle was such that I got in my car and drove to
Does anyone else find that despite these two establishments being similar (and for the purposes of my question, feel free to throw in any joint of this ilk), there are times when only one, or the other will do? In your opinion, what are the differences that matter? Is one truly, overall, better than the other?
(I’ve got almost the entire afternoon free, but I can’t leave the office yet, so I’ll be pondering this for awhile)
Lunch is for wimps
So, my friends, tell me: What's For Lunch on this glorius August Friday?
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Orson Welles once said...
So, to follow in his footsteps, I ask you: WFL?
(I have no ideas today. Maybe a salad? This is the kind of day where I would typically IM Josephus and ask him to point me in the right direction.)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Uh oh...
I will put my lunch selection up for popular vote.
Vote for either:
1) Medium soup (hopefully chicken noodle) and salad described yesterday from the Gormet Pantry; or
2) Italian oven-toasted sub from Quiznos.
They are about equidistant, weather is not a factor, I'm regular-hungry, I'll be eating at my desk, again.
All votes must be received by 12:00 CDT. Tie-breaker is a coin flip. Heads S&S, Tails Sub.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I HATE being busy. Of course, maybe if I weren't throwing a big swanky fundraising dinner honoring the ethics of a company that just got slapped with a $263M judgment and the man who helmed it, I wouldn't be so swamped.
Anyway, make me jealous: What's For Lunch, Y'all?
Monday, August 22, 2005
Monday, Monday...
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
The Last Day of the Week...
I'm hungry. Yesterday's lunch was filling, and by the time I got hungry again, around 9pm, I had to scavenge around the freezer for something edible. I went to bed disappointed, and as I'm not a breakfast eater, I'm Starvin' Like Marvin'. Here's the scenario: It's only 11, I'm meeting a friend for Happy Hour & sushi at 5:30. I want something filling, but not too filling because I didn't work out this morning and had meatloaf and mashed potatoes yesterday.
I'm going to wait for an hour or so to eat, but I feel that today's meal warrants some thought.
Inspire me, people. What's for lunch?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Hump Day Lunch?
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Gloomy Tuesday
Monday, August 15, 2005
Afternoon Snack
Since a nap is 100% out of the question, I'm thinking it's snack time.
Share your thoughts on the Afternoon Snack. Good idea? Bad idea? What's your preferred snack? Advice on the best energy boosters?
First Lunch of the Week
I'm sad to report that I'm marginally busy today, though my sorrow is somewhat mitigated by breadline's having the Heirloom Tomatoes salad today. Convenient AND tasty - really, what more could a girl ask for?
How about the rest of you? What IS for lunch?
Friday, August 12, 2005
TGIF!!! WFL???!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005 - WFL?
What do I want for lunch?
Maybe I'll get some inspiration from your choices - What are you having?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - WFL?
What're you having today?
I've got a conference call at noon so I'll be daydreaming about this the whole time.
The best sandwich?
The Planet Sub at Planet Sub - Wichita, KS (
One of the best ever.
A Wreck at PotBelly's - Various Locations (
A must have everytime I'm in the midwest. The best toasted sub.
Any Sandwich from Lisa's Italian Deli & More - Hoboken, NJ
Any Sandwich with Fresh Mozzarella from Vito's Deli - Hoboken, NJ
The Jimmy T or Fresh Turkey #3 from Lenny's Gourmet - NY, NY (83rd & Columbus)
Let's share with everyone some of the great sandwiches so that we can all enjoy them when in a certain town, during a certain day, when you just can't decide, WFL!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The First Official OWFL Conference
This is the place to brainstorm, offer suggestions, recommendations and to plan this momentous occasion. But keep it nice kids. Big Brother is watching.
Favorite Recipes
Therefore, we have dedicated this specific post to sharing our favorite recipes, cooking techniques or our soon-to-be-not-so-secret secrets for creating the perfect sandwich, relish tray, or some other superb concoction. Please share with us the favorites of the OWFL gang.
jo note: make sure to tell us how many servings are in your recipe.
We need your help!
The role of the weather in deciding WFL?
Here we go...
Grilled chopped white meat chicken.
Deli ham. Bacon. letuce, tomato and onion with heavy mayo on a "homemade" pita.