I know it's still early, but I am feeling the holiday spirit today after watching a Christmas special on television last night. More on that in a bit, but first let me say that like millions of other Americans my favorite holiday television special is "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and my favorite scene is Linus' famous telling of the true meaning of Christmas. I'm a sucker like that.
Let me also admit that I am a huge fan of "It's A Wonderful Life" as well. If I happen to be channel surfing and have to stop and watch the whole thing. Again I'm a nostalgic sucker like that. So much so that I used to get excited when I would pick up pop culture references to the movie, like the ending to every "Thirtysomething" or the awful Andrew Dice Clay movie "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" (Special WFL prize to whomever can figure out that reference).
I also remember fondly the HBO Christmas special "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas" and the Bruce Willis Christmas classic "Die Hard II: Die Harder" (which takes place right here in our nation's capital).
That all brings me to the television special I watched last night. On the Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" block they aired a show called "Moral Orel: The Best Christmas Ever". It lasts only about 12 minutes, but it filled me with such joy and good cheer that I am moved to complete all of my holiday shopping online in the next 4-6 hours. Never before has a television program brought the whole American Christmas experience together in such a wonderfully disturbing way. The special will remain in my DVR library for a very long time (or at least till The Shield, 24 and new episodes of Lost start up again) so if you are in the DC area feel free to drop by my place and watch. Make sure to bring you own tissue.
What Christmas or Holiday programs/movies hold a special place in your heart?
By the way, I hope you WFLers have taken a gander at the WFL t-shirt/logo post below. We need to get moving on this stuff folks. We also need to contune discussing the proposed Spring WFL conference in Chicago.
In the meantime I will be dining on some sort of chicken for lunch. I am betting a Chicken Salad sandwich from Cap Grounds.
Happy Holidays and WFL?
P.S. I loved "Bad Santa"
There is a character in Ford Fairlaine called Zuzu Petals. Come on Jo, that was no challenge.
Her first two rounds next Tuesday are on Josephus' tab.
Rico, I love Fat Willy's. I was there on Sunday with the midget, but I cannot resist the rib tips. I keep hearing they have the best burgers but I have yet to try them. I am so jealous, I want Fat Willy's today, too
You should all know by now that I hate the Holidays, Christmas especially. The only highlight between my birthday and New Year's is Stumbling Santas, which took place last weekend.
This is not to say I don't love a good xmas special - I do. Emmett Otter is brilliant, and is far and away my favorite, followed closely by Charlie Brown and the Grinch. The rest, I hate - you can keep your Rudolph and your Frosty and whatever that one with the fat kid in diapers is.
My favorite "Christmas" movie is Bad Santa - there's a midget in it, for the love of God! What isn't to love??? And who among us, after a night of far too many shots at the aforementioned Stumbling Santas hasn't found themselves yelling "FUCK ME SANTA"? High marks, all around on that one.
Obviously, the perennial favorite is A Christmas Story, and I swear I'm buying someone that leg lamp some year. Maybe Jo.
But, the movie I always think of when I think "movie" and "Christmas" is Running Scared, the Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines classic. Now, this movie has zero to do with Christmas, the season just provides a back drop - but I freakin' love that movie, and Michael McDonald's sweet, soulful, soundtrack hit, Sweet Freedom. I know - zero to do with the holiday, but in my head, very closely associated.
Now excuse me, I need to go out and commit my once-a-year, keep-the-cosmic-balance shoplifting.
(don't know what's for lunch today. Drinking fruit punch Gatorade right now and it's making me feel loopy)
um, yeah, i am so not in the holiday spirit folks. sorry...holidays make me want to jump out of my skin. except for new years though because it usually involves combining a lot of alcohol and some kind of random hook up.
i will be feasting on leftover chicken pad thai today. however, i am just hungry enough to eat it now and go for a second lunch later on still in the asian theme, of course.
jo, i think you said you were a "sucker" 5 times in your post. you're such a softy!
and can i say how much we rock on our 62 comments yesterday??? yowzah!
"Running Scared" is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time.
My alias is an homage to one of it's stars...
Jo has pointed out that my comment makes no sense...
"Emmett Otter is brilliant, and is far and away my favorite, followed closely by Charlie Brown and the Grinch."
Emmett Otter is way, way, way better than CB and the Grinch. BUT, when I said "followed closely by" I suppose what I was getting at was that despite Emmett being my favorite, the other two are "must sees". Whereas all the rest (It's a Wonderful Life and that Miracle movie) are all "must skips". Seriously, I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spork than watch any of the rest of that crap.
Sorry for the confusion.
""Running Scared" is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time.
My alias is an homage to one of it's stars..."
Rest in Peace, Mr. Hines.
HOw about "A Christmas Story" for Christmas movie of the century. Good shit. "Frah-Gi-Lay, must be italian..."
A new gourment buffet place just opened up next door to my building, its on 4th street in Chinatown. I think its called Market something or other. Anyways, its awesome. I ate there yesterday. Is it too much to push for it 2 days in a row. Its pricey, about $8 for a medium sized thing.
I never could get into Miracle on 34th street". I still don't understand what it's about. Last night's Nip/Tuck featured a couple called the Kringles, and a petrified baby.
Yep, e-que - you're 100% correct. Don't forget dead Jimmy Smits.
Man, I love that movie...
I say go for it watchdog; it's FREEZING so if you can just wander right next door, you should do it. Well worth it I think.
But when it warms up, I'm telling you - Eat First is the shit. General Tso's Tofu - strange but true.
mmm, now i want chinese food. perhaps that will be second lunch. but then, i have no clue where the hell there's good chinese in these parts. anyone know?
The outcome of the great cat bagel incident of 2005 now rests on wether or not I can beat Mrs. Jo home tonight. Both human and feline lives depend on it.
Update: LaChoi and I are getting take out from Eat First. How you ask, as it's all the way in Chinatown, and we're all the way on the other side of the White House? I suddenly remembered - I have a freakin' car! I can use it whenever I want!
Eat First here we come!!
I still get a little freaked out when I see the abominable snowman. For years I would not look at him at all, until Hermie took his teeth out, of course. My brothers always used to say "it's ok, you can look now" right when he was on screen. I'm pissed. They're going to get an earful this x-mas.
Alistair Sim's Scrooge is one of my all-time favorite performances and I must connect with George Bailey annually. I've often wished that I had access to a sort of "life database" that would track random statistics about my existence (e.g., longest pee ever, closest I've physically been to someone I know but didn't see them, that kind of stuff). In this database, under movies most often watched, It's a wonderful life must be very close to the top. My guess is that Jaws is number one.
I "forgot" my tofu.
My cats will destroy a pan of cornbread in 10 seconds flat if left unattended. They will peel away layers of tin foil to get at the cornbread. I never knew cats to be carb addicts.
I got a "cobbie" from Cap Grounds. Smoked turkey sub with bacon and avocado.
I don't think I've ever seen "Jaws" from beginning to end.
They forgot the bacon.
Guess you got a kosher cobbie then Jo.
You should go back and demand they give you some bacon, and then just shove the whole wad in your mouth, Elvis style. That'll learn em...
They forgot the bacon?! How do you FORGET the bacon?! That's just not right. I think you need to demand repirations.
Sorry. Couldn't sit still.
Just got off the phone with Capitol Grounds. They were very apologetic. They'll hook you up next time, Jo. Ask for Keith.
my kitty also has an addiction to paper and tears it to shreds. but she also loves licking plastic grocery bags.
in terms of foods, she doesn't eat human food and mostly plays with it. for example, i had a swedish meatball left unattended once on my plate. before i knew it, kitty was swatting it around like a toy ball. the only exception on the human food thing is salmon...she loves eating that off of my fork.
ethics and i just feasted on some chinese goodness. but i have a conundrum folks having to do with leftovers. you see, our org has a holiday luncheon tomorrow so i won't be able to eat my good leftovers tomorrow for lunch. i can't eat it tonight or tomorrow night for dinner either b/c i have to work at the wine store, which has no microwave. then friday's lunch is the ascot. this means that the soonest i can eat my leftover chinese food is friday night or this weekend, which by then, will just be too old.
wfl-ers, HELP!
You could secretly put it in a coworker's drawer, or maybe give it to a homeless person.
I walked by the Ascot last night. The DC Chief of Police has closed it down for 96 hours as of a date I can't remember. I'll do some more research this evening. Chief Ramsey must be investigating the stabbing.
My cat eats and drinks EVERYTHING. He also thinks he's a dog. He's a pathetic beggar, who doesn't care if it will make him sick, he wants it. Any and all human food. I often find him trying to get inside the refrigerator, and he's burnt himself more than once, hopping into the oven when I open the door, or jumping onto the stove to get at what I'm cooking. But he's the most awesomest kitty ever, so I forgive him infinitely.
As LaChoi said, Chinese from Eat First. I'll be having the chicken in black bean sauce for dinner as well, since I have no wine store job to report to. I do however have to go home and clean my sty of an apartment so as to have the work folks over for some holiday merrymaking tomorrow afternoon. I still don't know why I did that.
Watchdog - did you happen to lose a winter hat in my car the night that LaChoi drove you all home?
Talk about a timely article...
i was drooling more over the gingerbread blast add from sonic. i wish there was a sonic close to us.
i can't watch a charlie brown christmas tonight as i have to work. work work work. bah humbug.
and, people i still need advice on what to do with that delicious chinese food! it wiil make me sad to see it go to waste.
Not too long ago I would have agreed with Dipso about giving the leftovers to a homeless person. But, after leaving Mia Francesca I ran into a homeless person who asked for money "for food." I told him I had no cash [true] but in a moment of huge generosity handed over my leftovers. He opened it up, dumped it on the sidewalk and said, "I don't want this shit" before walking away. It was MIA FRANCESCA, people! I was so pissed the next day when I had nothing good for lunch.
I was walking up Michigan Avenue a few years ago when a young man, who may or may not have been homeless, asked me for a cigarette. As I pulled out my pack of Camel lights he gave me an odd look and said, "You don't have menthols?" I responded in the negative and he walked away shaking his head in disgust.
Good point. You should ask the prospective homeless beneficiary if he or she is a fan of the particular cuisine. They CAN be choosers! I’ve seen the ol’ toss the food on the sidewalk reaction before (which prompted the offended benefactor to toss the homeless man’s umbrellas under the wheels of oncoming traffic). Sweet scene. I believe that was Tony. He was headquartered around Milwaukee, North and Damon. Haven’t seen him in a long time. Good for him! Not too long ago I was hit up for $ and gave my stock answer, “Sorry, got nothing but plastic.” But this guy was savvy. “So, can you buy me something to eat?” He had me…plus, I knew this way it wasn’t going to go DIRECTLY to booze. So we go to a White Hen. “Go ahead, pick out whatever you want.” I said. I read a magazine. He comes back with, like, four hostess lemon fruit pies, a DIET pepsi, and a bag of spicy peanuts! I was like, “Buddy, why don’t you get some orange juice or a sandwich?” He got some orange juice (probably sold it). He tried to slip in a pack of cigs at checkout. I wouldn’t buy them for him.
Oh My God. I have a co-worker who wants to tell me ALL the details of every tiny self-created drama in his life, over and over again. He starts a story and I have been driven to say, "yes, yes, you told me," and then I will give a quick summary of the next part. He continues, so I say, "yes, yes, you told me," and so on. What do I have to do to make him stop talking to me? I am going to eat the rest of the baklava to spite him.
The anonymous haters have also returned to my blog today. I've just been deleting the comments, but damn these losers are persistent. One of them had the audacity to say Ace isn't cute. They are lucky they didn't say that to my face.
I did indeed lose that hat. I'm surprised that's all I lost considering the state I was in. But La Choi graciously chauffered quite a crew home.
We'll have to arrange a hat pickup sometime.
I had a similar experience giving a homeless guy some mcdonald's hamburgers after he pleaded with me because he was so "HUN-GRRRY". I was really poor at the time but got him a couple 25 cent mcdonald's hamburgers, which I was on my way to get. When I handed them to him he gave me a look of death. I said "I thought you were hungry", he said "fuck off". I didn't give anything to any homeless person for many years after that.
Jade, Give us the offenders ip address! (I have no idea what we would do with it, but know that we stand with you.)
I'm not sure which one it was that left the nasty comments. I got too many hits in the time span in question to know who it was specifically, but I appreciate the offer and if I need someone to get my back I know who to call.
It is not wrong to say, "Yes, you've already told me that..." in a forceful, but polite way. While no one at work really talks to me, except those that I wish to hear from (benefit of being the perceived "office bitch"), I have no qualms simply walking away from conversations that turn from job related to random babble when I'm busy, or don't want to hear it. Does it cost me "nice" points? Probably. Does it save me sanity? Absolutely. And, walking away makes me hate a little less. I also do this to my increasingly senile grandmother, but before anyone judges, she's a terrible, ignorant shrew of a woman who is lucky anyone speaks to her at all, so I refuse to listen to her stupid stories more than I have to. Again, it mitigates the rage.
Which brings me to your second issue. I read your blog today - what the hell could people be hating on?? I thought it was hilarious, and I have my own hypotheses on how the instrument of self pleasure wound up there, but I shall share those at another time, in another venue. Sadly, I think your only option is to turn the anonymous comments off, at least for awhile and the assholes move on to torment someone else. We don't allow anonymous comments here, and it certainly hasn't impeded the fun or the dialogue, though, we certainly have many fewer readers.
To get back to lunch and kabobs for a second, have any of the DC folks eaten at Mayur Kabob House on K at 11th? I see it at least 3 times a week on my way home (I vary my routes to prevent boredom) and I've always been intrigued but never stopped.
On the topic of homeless people, I'll again take the role of heartless bitch. I can count on three fingers the number of times I've given money/offered food etc. to a homeless person. Each time left me with a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. I just can't do it. There are other ways to be charitable to your fellow man. But, I digress.
I would however pay a homeless person to come over and clean my house tonight. Hmmm... I may have to swing by Lafayette Park on the way home. Though, with my luck, I'd end up with one that randomly slashes people's faces. Terrific.
My crazy co-worker solution is the formation of alliances, and it works pretty well. There’s one person here who will corner you and – well, it ain’t good. (You could guess, Jo.) But I’ve got two or three other coworker with whom I’ve made arrangements. If any of us see any of the other cornered by this particular person, we call each other.
Today I got stuck in my office with this person and had to send out an email on the sly “Nutso’s down here!! Help me out!!” Phone rang in a matter of seconds, I made like it was pretty important, and Nutso was on her merry way.
Ethics how much are you offering to have someone "clean your house"?
Jade's post on her site today, and all this homeless talk, reminded me of the joke about the homeless guy who is propositioned by an old lady to service her in exchange for a hot meal. carrots were involved. Anyway, the joke ends with his homeless compadre ridiculing him for having to have sex for food "while you were in there screwing that old lady, I was out here feasting on a carrot someone foolishly thre out her window" or something like that.
That joke was hilarious when I was 12.
I think it stands up quite well.
We all know that I am being literal and not metaphorical in my discussion of house cleaning. I fail, as always, to understand why it's always gotta be dirty with you. We are all familiar with my current stance on, ahem, relations, and were I to cave on the stance, it would not involve homeless people.
Moving on, there's a joke about a naked granny and a prawn that reminds me of Jo's, but it is in no way in the spirit of lunch - certainly not in the spirit of keeping lunch down.
I just received a box of truffles from my graphic designer. Too bad I don't like chocolate. Though, I was forced to eat one b/c it had purple sparkles on it, and I wondered what purple sparkles tasted like. Sadly, it still tasted like chocolate.
Corn cobs the way I heard it.
They gave us bottles of wine at the x-mas party a few years back. A co-worker gave me hers. A homeless asked me for a quarter and I immediately handed him two bottles of electric reindeer white zin. Miracles happen everyday, folks.
I think there was a vote. White zin won. What can I say? So did W.
You say that like it's a bad thing, dipso.
Nooooooooo! I love the Grinch hat! It makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
The GW is only temporary. Jo said that "peeple" were confused about some comments I made earlier regarding my current "stance on relations".
Since "peeple" don't wish to ask me what I mean (despite my being fairly sure "peeple" know what I mean), George is my esoteric way of clearing it up for the "peeple."
Don't worry, the Grinch will be back. (though, perhaps without the wicked dark circles under my eyes)
Was GW also one to kill the messenger?
Good night!
And for the antithesis of being anti-relations... (I know, depends on your definition of "is".
And, no messengers were killed or even maimed in the making of this post.
I think you mean Cherry Trees...
I'm still not sure I understand rib tips v. ribs.
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