I can't resist a chance to sing the Welcome Back Kotter theme, at any turn. Welcome Back What'sForLunchers!!
I'm blogging to you from the comfort of my couch, nursing a cold and taking care of a generally over-exhausted body. This is providing me with an opportunity to watch Martha and recuperate from the weekend. It's going to be a long holiday season, folks.

I want to discuss for a moment the simple beauty of the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. I just made myself one and it was heavenly. There are few things that can beat a good, old fashioned PB&J. I am partial to Peter Pan Peanut Butter, Crunchy. However, I realized that this new jar that I bought was creamy. Never fear though - I happen to have roasted, salted peanuts in the house, so I sprinkled some on the peanut butter before administering the "jelly" layer. (I'm a grown up - I use Strawberry Fruit Spread these days, though I'm certainly not turning my nose up at jelly) I put the peanut butter on both slices of bread, and the "jelly" in between. The peanut butter then acts like glue, keeping the jelly inside. Today I used 9 grain as the delivery mechanism for the pb&j.
So everyone, what's for lunch? Leftover turkey sandwiches, still? Perhaps some soup? (I hear it's cold in the midwest) How are you managing this first day back to the grind?
After at least 7 of the last 8 meals consisting of T-day leftovers I couldn't bring myself to brown bag it today. But I have absolutely no idea what I will do instead. Maybe the trio of salads from Corner Bakery.
since i feasted at another residence this year, i have no leftovers to eat. in addition, i just got back from nyc a few hours ago so i didn't get to bring a lunch. i am therefore in the same conundrum as jo. what to eat, what to eat...probably something green considering the amount of crap i've put into my body these past few days.
speaking of crap (but delicious crap, especially when you're hungover) i ate at a lovely place this past weekend called "perkins", which is apparently pennsylvania's denny's. they have these new eggs benedict dishes that just wowed me. the country style was the kicker: basted eggs and sausage patties over biscuits smothered in country gravy and sprinkled with cheese and sauteed green and red bell peppers on top. yowzah!
Ah, Perkins. Perkins is great, but it is a mere cheap imitation of Eat 'n Park, the most magical place on earth. It's like Perkins times a hundred and with delicious smiley cookies.
I loved ethics waxing on the joys of the PB & J. Although I prefer creamy peanut butter and raspberry jam on whole wheat, it almost doesn't matter. Add a glass of cold milk and it is one of my favorite breakfasts or late night snacks.
I can't do leftovers for more than a day, so I opted to not bring anything home from the feast at my parents. Additionally, I had to double up on my birth control pills last night when I realized I forgot Saturdays pill. I woke up at 4:30 and threw up and still feel sick to my stomach. Oh the havoc hormones can wreck on your body. Hopefully, by lunch time I will be able to eat a little chicken soup or something equally mild. Boo.
They have the Corner Bakery in DC, Josephus? I love that place. And the trio of salads is the best. Good call.
I think Corner Bakery, like Cosi, ABP, and everything else it seems (there's a Billy Goat here in DC)is now everywhere. The good part of that is I can get the Trio at 19th and L or at Michigan and Wacker. The bad thing is...well maybe there isn't a bad thing...I just don't think East Lansing should look like a cookie cutter college town!!!
Did I switch subjects?
By the way, a big belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our current blog President! She turned 21 again on Saturday.
YAY ETHIC! a decade of legal drinking never looked so good.
Thanks Jo!
There are no Cosi's or Corner Bakery's in Pittsburgh. There are a lot of Panera's though, so that kind of makes up for it...
I've recently rediscovered pb&j, myself. It's been in my breakfast rotation. Must be toasted. Strawberry.
Today's lunch represents the last of the leftovers.
Dipso's not having a very good holiday season.
I'm not sure that Perkins is more upscale than Eat 'n Park - and without "The Breakfast Smile" and Smiley Cookies - well, it's clear Perkins is second rate.
The birthday celebration this weekend was low key, but fun. Friday night at the weirdest piano bar ever. Saturday - Brunch and shopping during the day, then dinner with some people followed by buckets (literally - buckets) of vodka at a russian bar. By far the best infusion was honeydew. Yummy.
The "real" celebration happens this Saturday, Dec. 3, when we Party Like It's 1995 (don't forget to wear your flannel)! All WFLers are welcome!
went to brown bag today and got the portobello mushroom sandwich with roasted red peppers, garlic mayo, lettuce and tomato on foccacia-cha-cha, accompanied by an orangina...scrumptrulescent!
Ok, can life possibly be THIS weird? If anyone is this well-versed in Kotter lore, then god bless you, but I believe that there was an episode of WB,K where one the characters sang that PB&J song that spoilsport just referenced. I'm thinking it was Gabe himself, or MAYBE that awful Carvelli. Like, a school talent show or something...Anyone?
Okay, after some quality time with my friend Google, I have learned that Carvelli does in fact sing that song (called "Lunch", of all things) in the 4th season of WBK in the episode called "The Gang Show".
Are we like the Sweathogs?
If that's the case, I promise that if I am Vinny, and Freddie at some point wins the votes of the rest of you to be leader, I will not quit having lunch.
SS - you know, I wasn't sure if you were kidding or not, but I'm from Western PA and we take things like Perkins, E 'n P and Denny's very seriously.
I'm very surprised at this weird Kotter turn. Surprised in a good way, of course.
Welcome Back...
Orangina rocks.
WBK was never a big one in my youth. In fact I probably logged more hours watching Barney Miller. I do find myself humming the theme song to Alice evry so often. The Rockford Files too.
Barney Miller has the best bass line ever. Fish always reminded me of my grandfather's old, grumpy neighbor Sam Torito. To this day when I see Abe-y V (as I call him), he reminds me of Sam. Sam scared me.
I probably should have taken something from that.
Even though he wasn't original cast, Sgt. Dietrich was one cool cat. He'd be on my all-time sitcom list. Hawkeye, Johnny Fever, Samantha Macelli, Cosmo,
Col.Hogan, Arnold Jackson,
Latka...I could put some time into that.
Blair's cousin, Grandfather Stratton, Flo, Krause, Six, Wilona, Jessie Spano, Hawk, Higgins, Larry, and many many more.
I had sushi for lunch. As much as I love it, it doesn't hang around very long. A pb&j would still be sticking to my ribs. Hungry! And have yoga tonight, so can't really eat anything now. Durn.
I feel so out of it. I never watched Welcome Back, Kotter. I'm more of a Bo Duke girl...
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