It's come and gone! Any dish that stood out? Did Grandma try something new that you couldn't stomach? Are you still suffering from cranberry overdose? Share with us WFLers!!
SPECIAL NOTE: Use this post to reflect on your Thanksgiving, it will only remain active through 11/29. The luch post for today (Monday, November 28th) is below.
soup and stew season has arrived at la choi's apt! in the stew family is la choi's famous japanese curry: potatoes, carrots, onions, beouf...so tasty! ethics agrees, as she devoured several bites.
unfortunately, TGiving this year is with the "lil' choi" in nyc -- and her vegetarian self! yuck! that's right, i have to eat tofurkey this year. very sad. i may just bring my own little cornish hen to make in order to get my bird on...
Abunaigirl's sweet potatoes are sinfully good. It'll give you cavities.
I suppose now would be a good time to mention that I will be skipping the holiday. So no turkey, no fixins, no stuffing/dressing, gravy or pies.
I might however enjoy some popcorn and toast in homage to Charlie Brown, while I'm watching bad movies on my couch.
Aw, that's so sad ethics! I would bring leftovers back with me if I could. It's going to be a bunch o' people up in VT this year. Probably won't be much left by Saturday. And we're hitting Montreal on Friday. Any day trip recommendations?
I am looking forward to hanging out with my cousins. As my mom is not cooking, I'm not too familiar with what's on the table - although I requested a turducken, but I don't think anyone took me seriously. Which is really too bad, b/c a turducken will change your worldview. Ooh, I *will* get to have some of my mom's cherry pie that she made & is transporting up there specially. Mmm . . . .
I'm doing turkey day with my fam and the de facto inlaws in Western Michigan. I don't have a rundown on the menu yet, but I will share it as soon I I get it.
Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday.
And you can rest assured that we will be returning from Michigan with a car full of goodies.
The week after thanksgiving always allows me to make my favorite holiday sandwich which combines all of the prepared meats with honey mustard, mayo and a few of the veggies. Bliss.
if i requested turducken this year, i think all my sister's veggie-head friends would throw up. they don't know what they're missing.
sadly, i cannot get excited about tofurkey. :-( woe is me!
today however i've loaded up on more japanese curry and also a caprese salad. i'm hooking myself up with homemade yummies. special shout out to trader joe's and the giant market in columbia heights for providing such delicious goodies.
Poor hater,
I'm eating a delicious stuffing (with celery, cranberries, onions and sausage) and some whipped sweet potatoes right now.
You've led a deprived Thanksgiving life.
Since you missed a lot of the staples, what T-day dishes wre regular fare in the Hater household??
Hater, you decry cranberry sauce while eating "weird jello with whipped cream and nuts"?
I like the sounds of hater's family meal. I myself not being a big fan of the traditional tgiving fare, am always looking for alternatives. The year I tried to persuade my family to eat fish and corn like Squanto and Miles Standish, I might as well have suggested we eat monkey brains.
Wait til Easter though, when I regale all of you with tales of digging holes in the earth in which to cook the leg of the lamb chosen by my father months earlier, tenderly seasoned with freah herbs and roasted to perfection and garnished with feta and olives. (you'd think we were greek) Oh, and you can't forget the [last name edited for the sake of the Ethics' family's privacy] Family tradition of Peeps Salad... mmmmm... Easter...
Great to have you back Hater.
Salad with Peeps?
Please explain...or don't. That sounds worse than Hater's parfait.
Peeps salad is magical. And, since the fine people at Just Born have started to make Peep-esque sweets for every holiday (a practice that I am wholly against, except that it provides a means to have Peeps salad at any holiday meal), there is no need to wait until Easter for delicious Peeps salad!
I can't believe I'm going to give this away, but if ever there were a deserving group, it's my fellow WFLers... (this recipe comes to me via my good friend [name withheld])
Peeps Salad
(Best made with pink or yellow peeps. Lavender ones make the salad grayish.)
10 Peeps, whole
3 just ripe bananas, 1/2-inch dice
2 large navel oranges, sectioned, 1/2-inch pieces, and juice from one more
12 maraschino cherries, halved
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon orange-flavored liqueur (Grand Marnier is preferable - I USE MUCH MORE THAN THIS - MORE LIKE 1/2 C AND THEN ADJUST EVERYTHING ELSE DOWN)
1/4 cup finely chopped macadamias, pecans or almonds
Mix all the ingredients; allow to macerate for a couple of hours, stirring a few times.
Serve as dessert with coconut cookies. (My mom makes macaroons)
Oh, and I echo Jo's sentiments - good to see you again, Hater!
Ethics, I am so sorry I asked.
W Pardons Yam and Marshmallow
They're going to Disneyland!!
if you must have cranberry sauce at your TG meal, it's gotta be fresh and made from real cranberries...none of that jelly canned crap at la choi's table!
Here is a recipe that my Nana used to make just about every Turkey Day. I'm sure it tastes better than Ethics' peep salad or hater's strange jello.
You're awfully judgmental, Jo. But, I guess that's the way of Vice Presidents.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but this one's going to suck.
I bake pies.
jo -- there's a phrase that i try to live by whenever possible:
it's all swine, all the time!
elaborate, dipso. I prefer cake to pie, as cake is unquestionably the superior dessert. Having said that, pumpkin pie is a favorite.
What sort of pies will be had at the dipso family tgiving?
Welcome Coconut!
That's right Lunchers we now have a registered DIETICIAN on the board. She can tell us how quicly our lunch choices are killing us!
Turkey Day Funnies
Things You Can Only Say On Thanksgiving
01. Talk about a huge breast!
02. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
03. It's Cool Whip time!
04. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!
05. That's one terrific spread!
06. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
07. Are you ready for seconds yet?
08. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?
09. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Just spread the legs open and stuff it in.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at once!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you stick it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.
17. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all of that!
18. That's the biggest one I've ever seen
Pickled Eggs!!!! Those are an Easter tradition in my house too!! I love those!! But we pickle them in beet brine, so's they're pink. I'm not so much for the ones pickled in the regular green pickle brine.
Interesting that you use fresh pumpkin. While I don't use the pumpkin pie filling, I do use canned pumpkin. I actually prefer it to fresh, but that's a debate for another day...
Mmmm . . . I am starving. My lunch today will likely be either a) nothing or b) some fast food crap from whatever is closest to my gate - depending on how quickly our good friends at the TSA can get me through security at Dulles - pray for me.
God, I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm disappointed that my mom only made cherry pies to take to my cousins' house. She makes the best pumpkin pie. No one else's comes close. Sigh. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait for Christmas for that.
I never used to like sweet potatoes until we had the casserole type-mashed with brown sugar and a ton of butter on top - my mom used to just cook them like regular potatoes & then you ate them with just butter. It just wasn't right. Really dry & stuff. And who wants a whole sweet potato, anyway? I just need a scoop with that crunchy sugar & buttery buttery mashing . . . yum. My stomach is growling out loud now.
My mother makes makes an oyster dish every year. Layers of crackers with melted butter and oyster juice followed by a lyaer oysters, then the cracker concoction, then more oysters...
Bake it and eat.
Very very yummy.
the lil' choi and i were deprived of "american" thanksgiving every year. we did have turkey. but the side dishes were both korean and american: potato salad, green bean casserole, kim chee, chap chae, etc. we always begged for real mashed potatoes and homemade mac n' cheese. our suggestions were never heard.
now that lil' choi and i celebrate together every year on the east coast, we make everything that our parents would not let us have. we make a giant vat of garlic mashed potatoes. mmmm. then we make a 4 cheese macaroni and cheese casserole. ahhh. i like to make greens too sometimes, but now that lil' choi is veggie, i can't. for dessert, i do make my ever popular double layered pumpkin cheesecake.
one year, we made cranberry martinis, which was off the hook.
You're from Ohio, Ethics?
I'm not from Ohio, good sir. But close enough, I guess. I hail from the wilds of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh to be precise, Moon Township to be preciser. Rust belters unite!
Stove top is weird. I made it once. While it was tasty, kind of, the texture was just odd. I do miss good, old fashioned stuffing. I don't ever get it anymore since Dad and I don't really "do" holidays. I guess I could make it, but like I need to make a giant casserole of bread just for me. While I would certainly enjoy it, my ever protesting waistline would not approve.
I'm in pain. I ate too much. Shocker, I know. And not at all out of character, I'm sad to admit. But my cousin & I have upheld our streak as Pictionary champions. And we had to come from behind this year. Wooooo! Oh yeah. We rock. I think we're about to watch 'High Tension'. And sadly, no Montreal for us tomorrow - bad weather's acomin'. Sigh. So I guess we'll just have to drink here. So sad - my cousin who's a frosh in college is gaining on me with the quantity & quality of drinking stories. My liver is telling me not to get competetive, but what can you do . . . .
I spent the day watching TV (lots of VH1, something called "How do I Look?" (answer: like a cheap whore),and What Not to Wear, with one misstep: man, Catwoman was bad...) and then I worked out and ate a salad (peanut butter sandwich for breakfast/lunch)... I then remembered all the squash I bought, so I made whole wheat pasta w/ butternut squash alfredo-esque sauce topped w/ bleu cheese. Not very healthy, but not as bad as it could have been, I guess, if a little carb heavy.
It has dropped to unbearably cold temps (all of you up in the tundra can be quiet - 30 is cold here!), with the first snow of the season last night, so I shelved my plans to go out tonight. mmmmmm... I love my couch...
good news...la choi ate turkey this year! despite the vegan/veggie head gathering, one of lil' choi's friends who is an EXCELLENT cook made a beautiful bird. it was tender, moist, and absolutely delicious! since there were 17 people and only 4 or 5 meat eaters, i got to eat a big turkey leg. it was so great.
our contributions to the feast were the best, in my humble opinion: homemade mac n cheese, butternut and acorn squash with maple butter drizzled on top, and my double layered pumpkin cheesecake. all were hits.
to spite my doctor's orders, i ate and ate and ate and ate...my tummy feels a bit off this morning, but it was damn worth it. i'm going to now eat some leftover mac n cheese. thanksgiving was saved after all!
oh also, we should all mourn the passing of pat morita:
Very good T-day overall. Great meal at the gf's family. I astonishingly only had one plate. However I followed it up with a piece from each of the three pies. The highlights were the three bean salad, which I admit to never really having before and the pies. Everything else was as delicious as I had hoped.
We were finished eating by 3:00, which allowed me to have myappetite back for round 2 at the family home of rico tubbs around 9:30. I am very glad I did this because the Tubbs clan had some missing ingredients from the earlier meal. some very tasty collard greens, and much needed healthy portion of potato salad.
I slept very well that night.
Can we be done talking about Thanksgiving after today??? PLEASE?
Jesus. It's a freakin' turkey, not the second coming or some shit.
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