Well cats and kittens, we here in the greater DC area are operating on a 2 Hour Delay (those of us operating on a government schedule, that is). Of course, since my ass got in all manner of shit for not going into work yesterday (the email was so ugly, one of those, "You're transitioning into a more senior role here, and while I'm pleased to offer you this sort of position, you must be present and productive..." - it might as well have been my mom telling me she was disappointed in me), I was here right on time (well, for me, which means 9:30ish).
So, now it's 11am, the city is snow covered, and I'm starting to feel hungry. It certainly seems like a good day for soup - but oddly, I think I'm craving sushi. Of course, since I have a lot of work to do to make up for my recent slacking (and overblogging), I should stick close and just run out and grab something quickly.
So, what's a girl to do? Does she go for her craving, or does she seek something equally as satisfying, but nearer to her office? The possibilities are endless. But one thing is sure, I wish to eradicate my hunger, but also make it through the day at a high level of productivity. A performance enhancing lunch is a must.
So everybody: What's For Lunch?
I'm at home on a snow day. Well actually a drunk day. rough night for Josephus. YOu can blame the birthday of Sinecure (Happy belated!). I'm about to make something silly with eggs. I'll report later.
I've ordered the lunch bento box from Cafe Asia. Going out to pick it up in about 10 minutes. I think it comes with miso soup, so it's like the best of both worlds.
Will give a full report later.
I don't know anout lunch, but this day is not starting right. I had to shovel all the snow off the porch at work and salt the steps because all my coworkers decided to come in late. A package arrived this morning full of baklava for the office. I have eaten so much of it I think I might slip into a diabetic coma. Has anyone else ever noticed that the best baklava alwats comes from Detroit? Why is that?
I feel like melted cheese for lunch. I don't care how it comes or what is attached to, I just want hot, gooey, melted cheese.
I'm eating an omelette with hot gooey cheese.
Yes I am still drunk.
Yes I came home with someone else's jacket. And yes I am at home watching tv.
Can you send one my way, Jo? That sounds divine.
Happy belated b-day Sincere. There is only one failsafe cure for a hangover that I know, but it is unfortunately illegal. Never stopped me, but still I don't feel right publicly endorsing illegal smoking.
I'm watching my cats wrestle.
This is great.
Sincure how are things at work?
I am "teleworking" today, which so far has involved sleeping in and then going cross country skiing for 2 hours in Rock creek park.
Now i am famished, I need something that will refuel me and help me recover from sinecure's birthday festivities.
Went out to pick up my lunch - and so glad I did! I NEVER see famous people, but who did I nearly plow into in my overly focused quest to procure my tasty lunch time treats: George Stephanopoulos! Yippee! Don't know where he was headed (breadline, perhaps?) but I can say that he wasn't especially bundled up, because I caught glimpse of his lavender button-down (no tie).
Bento box is perfect! Glad I made the wee trip up to I street. (I won't go into detail b/c were I hungover, the last thing I'd want to hear about is someone's sushi)
I once heard a funny story about George S in a hot yoga class.
Still drunk. Watching West Wing.
Aaron Sorkin is a genius.
I realize that I've been remiss in publicly wishing Ms. Sinecure a Happy Birthday. And, to apologize for my lack of attendance, and subsequent lack of hangover, last night.
Happy Birthday (belated)! I will take you for drinks somewhere other than The Blackhole that Swallows All Pride, Dignity and Sense sometime very soon!
Angles is wonderful.
Heaven & Hell is..well, hell.
Well, I'm with Jade, but since this is not the forum for endorsing such things, I'll endorse Alleve. Of course, I actually take pain medication that I procure in Europe, where they lace their over-the-counter brands with yummy things like codeine and a high dose of paracetamol (acetaminophen), with a dash of caffeine. But, sometimes, when my supplies dwindle of "imported" drugs, I resort to Alleve.
Josephus doesn't dance.
I've seen Jo get his groove on at Chief Ike's.
vodka gimlets are someone else's drink (I'm looking at you sinecure).
If I have my way, Sinecure will not only go two rounds for her bday, she will go three, by accompanying me and some other folks to Richmond tomorrow for The Best Night of the Year - Stumbling Santas. I think she's got what it takes.
I, on the other hand, am now burping sushi. I hate that SO much. It ruins such a yummy lunch.
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