I have a confession to make.
I have a short list of guilty pleasures: things I do or things I like that I am too embarassed to admit in casual conversation. In fact, like that cockcrow-hearing Saint Peter, I have been known to explicitly deride in public some things that I deeply enjoy in private. (Incidentally, I think that may be proof that I'm the right stuff for Congress. Or, at least the clergy. Quite possibly both.)
I've recognized many of those proclivities for a good long time now. Here's a partial list of the well-established ones:
1 - Road trip meals of beef jerky, orange Hostess cupcakes, and strawberry soda.
2 - Watching Lifetime movies.
3 - Squeezing blackheads.
4 - Staying in bed until 5PM.
5 - The musical stylings of Hilary Duff.
Yesterday at lunch time, I drove about four miles down the road (which is no insignificant undertaking in suburban northern Virginia) to run an errand for a friend of mine. For those of you keeping score at home, THAT is what disrupted my plans to go that little-loaf-of-bread sandwich place across the street yet again. I figured I would just pick something up along the way.
And, pick something up along the way I did. In the course of doing so, I recognized (and immediately knew I had to conceal) yet another - but new to me this time - guilty pleasure: fast food fish.
That's right. I went to Long John Silver's yesterday, and I ordered the Variety Combo #4. It came with two fish filets, three chicken planks, fries, cole slaw, and - GET THIS! - a sampler pack of their new "Veggie Bites" which, of course, means two fried jalapeno poppers and two fried broccoli-and-cheese nuggets.
I haven't seen such a large and varied collection of the recently fried since Bonnaroo, and this was twice as tasty. In fact, the whole experience was divine. Well, at least up until the catastrophic evacuation of my lower GI tract about forty-five minutes later.
So, here's my question for you: what are your guilty pleasures? What do you find yourself craving and indulging that you don't want to admit in polite company?
And, of course, WFL?
1. Banquet Chicken Pot Pies
2. canned deviled ham
3. nachos w/sauerkraut
4. stale popcorn
5. hostess pudding pies
6. vienna sausages
7. pickled beets
8. the movie Drumline
9. I love outdoor bathrooms at the beach because I can smoke a cigarette while taking a poopie.
Love that chicken from Popeye's!!
I used to live across the street from a Popeye's, and the golden aroma of spicy chicken and butter dunked biscuits would waft into my apartment, the red lights from the sign filling my living room with an auburn glow, beckoning me to come across for another grease infusion....yes, come closer my pretty...CLOSER!!
Even though i've long since moved. I still have to eat Popeye's every month or so.
That and i'm down with a whopper every once in a while. Crazy about the big bacon classic at wendy's. And when I was eating popeye's I was eating at O'Tasty. Which the name alone made it a guilty place to eat...
Wow Earthquake. You hit me right in the heart As I read the post, I started thinking about Long John Silvers. Nobody eats that shit, i thinks to meself. I have a brilliant, and humorous guilty pleasure, but you took it Quake. Jerk for Jerk.
I guess like lady a I can make a list
1. Ganja
2. Long John SIlver's add 3 shrimp
3. korean candy
4. malt liquor
5. Scrapple
6. homestarrunner.com
7. fudge covered grahms
8. the movie Real Genius
9. Magnum PI
1. Bring It On - (I realize movies with exclamation points in the titles are banned in some countries... but tough crap .. it would have been a good porn)
2. Brittany Spears ... in the tabloids and on the bear skin rug... I have a fascination with the incredibly stupid yet talented.
4. I like messing with people's heads
5. Gefiltefish
6. Pickled Herring
7. The movie Clue (I eventually realized only twisted people like me like the movie ... so I get alot of eye rolling when I mention this ... so I don't do it anymore ... mention it that is)
8. Double Whopper with cheese no pickle.
10. David Letterman
EQuake - I think this has been mentioned before, but I really think me and you are the only people who have ever eaten and enjoyed crab coins!
heheh exactly CC
1. the pork rinds
2. yoohoo
3. those lil jesus wafers the priest gives out
4. mango chutney
5. frijoles, but the gas, she no let me eat them
6. the pink taco
7. the baloney sandwiches they serve on the INS bus
8. mescal
9. meat on stick
I’m digging deep here, for some things some of you might actually not know about me. Since I loudly and proudly proclaim most of my guilty pleasures, it’s tough to come up with ones that are new.
Belinda Carlisle’s solo career
Wendy’s Taco Salad
Casseroles made with Campbell’s Cheddar Cheese Soup
Apple Jax
Payless Shoe Source
I have to go downtown today to get a dress altered. I think I might then head up to So’s Your Mom, as was my plan yesterday. Not sure though.
In no particular order:
1. Seltzer water with salt and limes
2. mushrooms
3. cigarettes
4. the fat that people cut off their steaks (no I don't take the fat off strangers' plates at sizzler)
5. the salad dressing left at the bottom of my salad bowl
6. porn
7. alka seltzer
8. degrassi: the next generation
9. alot of girly music (ala fiona apple, rilo kiley and that one imogen heap song)
10. one particular conservative leaning blog (The Corner)
11. Joe vs the Volcano
12. Yo Mama (tu madre)
13. Los Guerros de los Sexos (sp)
I could continue for a long time...
On my way into the office.
Thinking about a turkey club for lunch.
Welcome Missbits!
Changed my mind, eating leftover pizza from Radius for lunch and then going into the office.
The ducati: sausage red peppers red onion and I added mushroom.
The Ducati is my favorite! I'm so hungry - I'm not sure I'm going to make it to dress alterer and then all the way to So's Your Mom. Anyone want to meet for lunch downtown??
1. spam with fried egg on top
2. that fried chicken, corn, gravy layered thing at KFC (i've never had it, but i want to try it)
3. beef head soup (sul-lung-tang from k-town, baby!)
4. the movie 'the notebook'
5. the movie 'center stage' (i love movies where people dance)
6. US weekly
7. jack in the crack
8. fast food in the suburbs - specifically chili's and taco smell
9. peeing in the ocean
10. any kind of street meat
LC: peeing in the ocean, good one. I would even expand that to peeing in any body of water, even man-made.
Lady A: I've never been afraid to fuck up a small fortune in Crab Coins.
Another guilty pleasure of mine: the backhanded comment, particularly when revolving around poetic justice. For example (and I know I'm harping on this lately, but that's the kind of week I'm having), contractors complaining to me about the difficulties they encounter when doing the job I hired them to do allows me to indulge this brand of guilty pleasure by responding: "wow. Yeah, that really is a pain in the ass. It almost makes you wonder why I decided to pay somebody else to put up with that bullshit, huh? Well, goodbye."
For lunch today, I'm leaning toward finally making it to the little loaf-of-bread place. For real, this time. And, it's going to be a stupidly good sandwich.
LC, I too want to enjoy the guilty pleasure of that KFC layered chicken and cheese pile o' goodness.
Perhaps an OWFL Guilty Pleasure's Outing should be considered. Sunshine, as events coordinator, you should organize that shit yo!
1. gilmore girls (miso's fault)
2. Statistics
3. fried spam
4. fried anything
5. borsht
6. meals consisting entirely of stuffing
7. menthols
8. 80's rock, 90's rap
9. wrists and ankles
10. holier-than-thou chicks
11. french accents
Lunch was fried calamari from downstairs and french fries
12. That popcorn that comes in brightly colored five gallon tins... uugggggh...
Any type of crunchy cheese snack...cheetos, cheese balls, poofs, cheez-its...the more powdery cheese stuff left on my fingers the better.
- Finding examples of poor grammar or punctuation by people I don't like. (I like to use it as additional support for not liking them. Oddly, I don't give a shit if people I like screw such things up.)
- Kraft American Singles, unadorned and usually in at least pairs.
- the Footloose original motion picture soundtrack
- singing showtunes
I'm really going to do it now. I'm leaving to go get my little-loaf-of-bread sammich. Right now.
1. Made-for-TV movies on ABC family
2. Lil' Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls
3. Lebanon Baloney
4. Pretty much all other odd Pennsylvania-Dutch food products, including: cottage cheese and apple butter, ham salad, pickled beets and eggs (but only the egg part), and sweet and sour broccoli, cheddar, and bacon "salad"
5. Late 70s/Early 80s "Rock": Journey, Foreigner, Chicago, REO Speedwagon, etc.
6. Little House on the Prairie Reruns
7. All movies where the underdog works hard to achieve their sports or dancing related dream--including the previously mentioned Drumline, Bring it On, and Center Stage, plus classics like the Cutting Edge, Save the Last Dance, and the recently viewed Ice Princesses (which is currently in rotation on Encore, and is Awesome)
8. Footloose
And Diz, there's nothing, NOTHING guilty about loving Clue (calling it a guilty pleasure is just a red herring).
The last five minutes of the movie Fame.
Everybody Loves Raymond (really a great show...I mean it)
The infomercial for the Magic Bullet blender thing.
The Amanda Show on Nickelodeon.
I thought of more while I was out -
Rockin' out to ELO
Anything procured from the prepared foods area of the supermarket
Sandwiches of Kraft Singles, jumbo (yinz call this bologna), tomato and Miracle Whip on white bread (at home it was Town Talk)
Those cookie sticks that are like hard wafers with that vanilla cream on the inside
Local News (no matter where I am - I LOVE local news)
Putting potato chips on sandwiches
Which brings us to lunch today - 1/2 of a pastrami, coleslaw, swiss on rye (w/ mustard) and 1/2 of the deluxe italian (with mayo and chips, the latter added by me) from So's Your Mom. Yum.
Michigan State University
I hate Everybody Loves Raymond. Hate. I have tried to watch it, but it's just not funny. I don't even "get" like 90% of the "jokes." Terrible.
french fries dipped in a chocolate milkshake.
And watching COPS when I'm feeling a little low..."at least I'm not THAT guy"!
The show Half & Half.
I think it was on the WB.
That baseball movie with Geena Davis.
Should I consider the fact that I love everything about being unemployed (except for the deficiency of ducats) a guilty pleasure? I love not showering or changing clothes for days, napping, watching bad tv, monitoring the OWFL like it cures cancer, being out during the day in jeans instead of binding work outfits, drinking beer on the couch in the afternoon in my pjs, bad tv, finally making a dent in my netflix queue, staying up late, sleeping in etc. etc.
Anabelle Gurwitch, the old host from "Dinner and a Movie".
Jo, I too love the infomercial for the Magic Bullet. Especially when they get out the booze. And when they make fettucine alfredo and pesto *at the same time*! HT and I used to watch it excessively. Speaking of, HT--where's my bullet?
and how can you forget the "old crazy aunt" who is smoking a fake cigarette?!!!
It's coming GG, it's coming. I actually still have the phone # taped to my monitor and everytime I think, "Oh, I need to order that," I realize that I either don't have a job, or don't have any money for some other reason. Someday though, I will surprise you with your very own Bullet. Yay!
If I really wanted a Bullet, I'd order it--I am, at least in the legal sense, a grown-up afterall. But all of the fun is in knowing that the SURPRISE is coming! And on that glorious day, it'll be strawberry daquiris and ground chicken and cheese quesadillas all around at OWFL! (or at least the DC branch)
Along the same lines, World's Craziest Police Videos.
In part, it's because a remarkably high percentage of those videos come from I-95 in south Georgia. Camden County is the southernmost county on I-95 in Georgia, and they get a ridicluous amount of their county income from drug seizures of from cars heading north from Florida. I guess it results in a lot of high speed chases. I just love watching the videos and figuring out the exact moment when they pass my mom's exit.
I did it! I did it! I got my little-loaf-of-bread sandwich! It's fantastic! I ordered the Giuliani which is ham and turkey with bacon. I even added swiss for another 50 cents because I was so excited. AND, they give you free parking with sandwich purchase! In your face, parking fees!
Side of Doritos. And cranberry juice.
I have updated my netflix queue to include Stick It and Just My Luck. Talk about guilty pleasures...
HT, when I was unemployed and out and about in the day wearing jeans, I was amazed at HOW MANY people are out and about during the day wearing jeans. I was thinking, who ARE you people, and how come I never knew you existed? Even though I know employment is a must, I'm down with you about the guilty pleasures of not-working. Just go to Tryst at 2pm on a Wednesday to see how many people are not working out there, or at least not during the day.
when Stick It comes in I'm coming over.
Oh, and on the shows tip:
World's Most Amazing Sports Accidents
That show is gold.
WD - I noticed that. And my first thought (after I assess whether I think they're students or not) is always, "DON'T YOU PEOPLE HAVE JOBS?!"
In my neighborhood, I know that a lot of households have at least one person who stays at home, usually cute perky mom's who still have nannies, so I am used to seeing mom's and their nannies walking their kids around the hood.
But who are all these other people? And where are they going, downtown, at noon, on a Wednesday? What the hell am I missing?
Bright light!
Downtown DC folks, what's the deal with the 12 foot tall inflatable rat at the protest on K street? Jo you have your finger on the pulse of protests, what's their beef?
i heart michael j fox.
i do not heart today...i am going to get homicidal in about t-minus 5 seconds....
Yikes, a small plane hit a residential building in NYC. The Pentagon has scrambled jets as a precaution. Seems to be an accident...
Has Dipso been around at all? If anyone chats him up later...tell him he's got the post tomorrow whether he likes it or not! (of course send the message with love from Lady A)
I serously think the title should be changed to "Outting yourself ... the 10 step method to lunch happiness"
BTW, the blog software is installed I am creating accounts as we speak.
I chose movable type. I think it is a good choice for us in the short term. When it comes to long term I want to use the other box I have and pay your friend. I just wanted something up. We can port later if need be.
The Rat across the street from my window has been making appearanbces every afternoon for the last week or so as the Carpenters picket the building across the street for using non-union labor.
Their beef is specifically with some construction company that is still working on a few of the floors.
Heyo! I am a new homeowner and also freshly poor. I used to be completely ambivalent about Everybody Loves Raymond until I met this guy who sort of looked like him & sounded exactly like him. He was uber-creepy. Ugh. Ever since, I can't listen to Ray without shuddering.
What is this Magic Bullet? Is this a vibrator or something? B/c that's all I can think of. But how does it make fettucine?!? WTF?!?!?
Lunch today was free, courtesy of my realtor who I've made a lot of money for in the past 3 weeks. A rasher stacker at the new irish pub in olde towne.
And b/c I know nobody's actually going to read this since I'm posting so late today, my guilty pleasure & dirty secret (quite literally): I'm storing my 'goody bag' in Bonbon's basement during my move.
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