(for more food sculpture pictures, including, I'm sure, what are some of the butter sculptures Abs has come across in campaigning, see jimvictor.com)
So it's Columbus Day and probably 3 of us are actually at work and half the restaurants around here are closed. Today is also (coincidence?? I think not) Moldy Cheese Day (who uncovered that hidden gem?). So, for all y'all who aren't working today, clean out your fridge - find that hunk of brie stuck in the back, or pull out that bag of Kraft mozzarella that you forgot about. Pick out the green parts and enjoy a cheese sandwich! So in that vein, what are your other favorite foods to pull out, cut the bad part off of & eat away? Me, I like crustless bread (the crusts had mold, of course!) with de-molded cheddar. Mmmmm . . . . unmoldy. So, hopefully that answers this question, but I'll ask it anyway . . . What's For Lunch??
So for lunch, Bonbon (who has the day off - lucky damn guvmint workers!) is coming in & we're driving over to the Arlington branch of my co-worker's favorite sushi restaurant in Bethesda. So far the best part of my non-day off has been no HOV on 66 & the meters are free. Which I am grateful for the traffic lady on the radio pointing out, b/c I wouldn't have thought of it & would have paid for a garage. Huzzah! So that $5 I saved in garage parking will go to lunch, which, knowing me & Bonbon will undoubtedly run into the $20s at least. Each. Oink.
good post... i feel slightly more confident as a person now that i know i'm not the only one surreptitiously cutting the green parts off the colby jack... i think cheese may be the only substance i do this for though.. bread is such a minor part of my diet that usually the entire loaf is fuzzy before i realize it and i don't fuck with green chicken.. cheese is just tooo precious though...
i am goign to attempt to go on a spending moratorium so lunch will be a blueberry pop-tart and cheez-its... i think budget eating should involve hyphenated foods only.
ugh.. i am working today and rather unhappy about it.. i'm tempted to go home at lunch claiming illness.
mau (not related to miu) bought an ice-cream maker yesterday so homemade cookies and cream ice-cream will be dinner tonight.
happy genocidal maniac day everyone!
dear blogger, i saw this article about you on cnet... i'm sorry, i feel like i keep putting myself out there for you and you keep letting me down.
have a nice life...
October 9, 2006 5:42 AM PDT
Google bungles Blogger security
Advertisers who use Google's AdSense program got a surprise this weekend, when the company's official blog posted a note saying that an upcoming test of a new feature had been canceled.
But the post itself had numerous spelling errors, and was quickly taken down. Turns out, the message wasn't from Google after all--a bug in Google's Blogger software allowed a hacker to create a fake post on the site.
The blogosphere quickly moved from discussing the AdSense test to commenting on Google's security breach. If the company can't keep its own blog safe, how well can it protect those of users, they wondered.
Well, today being a "day off" for others is really "just another day" for this unemployed lady.
However, it DOES mean that I get to play in the park with other people instead of watching 7 hours of ABC Family at home on my couch. Which is great b/c it's beautiful out.
I'll be meeting Lady and Lord A, Jo, and any other DCers who are up to it for an afternoon of Cornhole in Rock Creek Park. I don't know what food will be, but I'm thinking something picnicky...
Oops, I forgot to answer the question.
I'll cut mold off of just about anything and eat it. And, I'll pick around moldy things, or cut moldy areas off of things etc. If the mold isn't pervasive, I tend to not want to throw whatever it is away.
I have to take my car in for a check up so I will be playing cornhole later in the day.
I don't eat rotten stuff.
I want another burger for lunch.
God, I'm starving. And I have a conference call in 15 minutes. Siiiiiigh . . . .
For some reason, I am craving scrambled eggs with macaroni in it. Did anyone else eat this as a kid? It's not really scrambled eggs, it's sort of like an egg/macaroni casserole... but, as I recall, it was delicious.
It really depends on the amount of mold. If it is on bread I'll throw out the moldy slices or cut the moldy parts off. Cheese, yes just remove the mold and eat the cheese. A lot of my jarred goods will get a little mold on the surface or rim of jar...then I'll just scoop or wipe, the stuff underdeath is still ok. I'm getting ready to eat breakfast right now so lunch is a little far off for me. But it is lovely outside so a picnicky item for lunch with cornhole may be in order. Maybe a trip to So's Your Mom...
Oh and I've never had egg with macaroni, but sounds good! I have put a raw egg into ramen before, it kind of turns into an egg droppy soup.
Hey, Lady A - I was thinking about some fried chicken... any suggestions as to where to procure some? (other than the obvious KFC and/or Popeye's)
HT I really have no idea about fried chicken other than the obvious. Pollo Campero but I don't think there is one in DC yet. Cluck U??
Cluck U is a great idea. I'll pick up a bucket and some Clucker Bees.
I'm at work today.
Like a sucker.
I'm definitely in the trimming the cheese down to usefulness. I'll eat good-looking berries from a container where I found moldy berries. I've been known to remove apple bruises and enjoy what's left. I tend to toss bread if there's evidence fo mold. I'm sure I can survive, but it's just a mental block of mine.
I want lunch. I don't know what I want, and everything is going to be a pale shadow of a dining experience after this weekend's turducken extravaganza.
PS - ht, I heard I need to talk to you about some balls...
Yes, EQ... I've got your balls. Though, after today, I make no guarantees as to they're freshness or tastiness. I will be in the park this afternoon playing cornhole, if you'd like to swing by and get them. I'm guessing we'll be there when you finish up with that "work" thing you keep going on about.
"their freshness..." bah. I hate that mistake...
My right arm feels stronger from the excess cornholing last night.
swinging back to check on what i was sure would be an active blog day with the whole "holiday" thing and was surprised at the quietness. well more surprised by the fact that after seeing the post title at least six times today i somehow was unable to figure out what "mining for lunch" could mean... being a previous dataminer i of course considered statistical analysis of owflers meals, then i thought about west virginia and whether anythign that could be recovered from a mine (not cave or tunnel in dirt, mind you, a mine) could be eaten. i couldnt think of anything except for fellow mine workers.
alas.. then i remembered that i had already posted today and that it was about cutting away spoiled spots.
i'm losing it.
Damn Cornholers. So jealous. Just got back from lunch with Bonbon & my god it's gorgeous out. I will definitely be topless for the ride home. Hey, how's the WACA (Washington Area Cornhole Association) league idea coming along?
EQ, isn't the turducken the best?? Mmmm . . . the chicken inside is so moist . . . . I wonder how the leftovers taste, though. Did you have any of those?
Lady A, that is the most suggestive comment I think I've ever heard on this blog. Your right arm is stronger?? Your excessive cornholing?? Last night??? But how does he feel? Ba-dum bump.
Sounds like another "Please Steve ... don't eat it" episode.
I am eating a hot pocket ... does that count?
I have moldy cheese but I took off my underwear after running this afternoon.
Today is a packed lunch. I could make ass jokes now but I'm not going to.
I have finished installing movable type on the web server. I figured it was easier to use in the short term.
Nice work, Diz.
I have moldy cheese but I took off that pair and I'm going commando after running today because I forgot to bring a pair to change into.
I installed movable type on another virtual server this weekend so I have the details worked out. I want people to look at this.
If you like tenseforms better we have to cough up money. As for Wordpress ... I found a few caveats in the licensing ... so let us stay away.
damn blogger ... damn tha man!!!
Welcome Anne! Though, that's a disturbing first post...
I will take solace in the fact that I'm not dead yet!
hey all! as HT and most of you all know, my people's food is based on "pickling" things...or really just letting things sit out and get old. therefore, i will scrape the mold off of just about anything as well as eat/drink things way beyond their expiration date. i just give it the ole smell test...smells ok = edible. cheese is already made from a molding process, so i don't care about cutting off the bad pieces. bread? i'll also cut off the mold. i'll even go through a bag of wilted lettuce and wash off the blackened parts to salvage the other leaves.
in fact, kimchi stew is based off of old kimchi (redundunt you say? not so!) even if the kimchi has mold on it, you just wash it off in the sink and cook the stuff. saute in sesame oil, bacon, and onions, add some extra red pepper flake that you probably washed off, and presto! kimchi stew! and man, it is so friggin tasty. i actually have some sitting in the back of my fridge as i type.
yes, i cannot stand wasting food...it makes me sad to throw away anything as it was beaten into my head as a child how much my grandparents suffered during the korean war and went for months without rice. damn, what a guilt trip.
i have been foraging through the fridge and snacking progressively throughout the day. irish cheddar cheese and wheat thins, turkey sam with swiss and irish cheddar, mayo, tomatoes, and garlic ali oli mustard, arepas (corn meal fritters) with tomato and mozzarella.
i hope to be cornholing later with the others, but i made a 4pm hair appointment in dupont. and as it gets darker out earlier, i probably won't be able to make it...and i was getting into last night too!
Lady A and HT you are in timeout for esoterrorism.
you too LC .. welcome Anne!
lt: Turducken was divine. I grew rather fond of saying things like, "come enjoy every poultry of the rainbow!" Of course, I also spent much of the weekend singing, "my mind's telling me 'no,' but my body, my body's telling me 'yes!'"
I didn't really get to try leftovers, unless you count the leftovers I was eating at midnight. Considering I poured my first cocktail around 10AM, I don't know that I would qualify that as an objective leftover experience.
ht: I will do my best to track you down today to claim my balls. I spent most of the flight back from Atlanta last night telling the guy next to me how excited I was to wrap my lips around those balls. Until he started shopping in the SkyMall.
..getting IN to (cornholing) that is.
remember, cornholers "do it" on boards.
1) yo, has anyone looked at our placeholder site lately??? http://theoriginalwhatsforlunch.com/
2) and how long has my ass been on the internet????
diz - looks good... what's next?
We will be congregating around 4 at Pierce Mill in Rock Creek Park for cornhole.
Directions -
Pierce Mill is at Beach Drive and Tilden. You want to cross over the bridge and turn right into the parking lot, but the park is on the other side of the street. Text me or Lady A if you need further directions.
m - I'm going to move the stuff over to OWFL.com after that everyone gets their account information and passwords. After that ... well ... chaos ensues...
AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! That's the funniest website ever.
Miso, don't eat that cheese!! It's the result of a process of mold! You should just give it to me. I love feta. Snarf.
haha - I keep reading that as 'fingers over fetal' - creeeepy!
miso, what are you doing eating spinich???
spinich (and now lettuce) kills.
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