Seems these days the new product lines are about extreme-ness and to-the-max-osity. My deodorant talks about how it provides “Extreme Protection Against Wetness and Odor!!!!!” That sounds pretty nice if you ask me. Gatorade was many Extreme!!! Beverages, even Spanish Gatorade “Es muy X-TR-R-R-R-R-EEEE MOOOOO!!!”

So if our deodorant is so fucking pumped and awesome, and our drinky’s provide so much “over the top” ultimate power:
Are you getting the most out of your meals?
Does your lunch provide eXtreme power and performance?
What do you eat when you know that later that day, you too will need to go "Over the Top Dad! GO OVER THE TOP!!"
What exactly would a high-performance meal entail?
What would a triathlete eat for lunch vs. someone preparing for a night of binge drinking? Does your lunch choices ever vary depending on something you’re preparing for that will require you to be at your peak performance?
And today, WFL?
Back when I was a young'un and used to compete in competetive sports I remember the mewl on the eve of a game enatiled a big salad portion followed by lasagna and a bunch of veggies on the side.
Pasta seemed to be a big thing with the athletes before games because of "all the carbs". I admit to never really buying into all of that. But one ritual I picked up a bit later was having at least one (and no more than 2) beers the night before a contest. it helped me sleep and it seemed to keep me focused. Not sure how or why it worked on the focus part but the sleep piece was important.
On the morning of a contest my extreme pre game brunch would entail a little bit of everything from a buffet, meaning some scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles and syrup everywhere. The key was a little bit of everything, so the end product came out to be a "normal" yet extreme meal. I would always allow enough time for a pre-game BM to get all the waste out.
My extreme lunch today will be either a pair of half smokes from the guy on the corner, or a trio of salads from Corner Bakery.
you used to play competetive sports?
I competed in the World's Strongest Man competetions for 6 years. I never won, because I'm not that strong.
But I competed.
Nice post, WD! Man, where is Massive Delts? This would seem to be right up his massively muscled alley. Wow, that came out wrong.
For an extreme lunch, I would have the world's largest and most varied buffet. It would have sushi (the good stuff, not just california & cucumber rolls), lots of cheese-based items, a variety of indian, chinese, iranian, vietnamese, and korean dishes. Probably some italian thrown in for good measure. Ooh, and hummus & (oh my god, I'm blanking on the greek dish with eggplant that looks like hummus) plus pita warmed. Yum.
Back in my competetive sports days (foxy boxing, powder puff football, etc.) my soccer and volleyball teams (oops, I mean, foxy boxing gym-mates) would often go to this one italian restaurant that was in a basement. I would get the same dish every time b/c it was so addicting - basically fettucine alfredo, but with chunks of ham & peas. God, it was good. I don't know how I got out of high school less than 300 pounds.
And holy cow! I'm no fan of T.O., but woah. It can't be that bad, dude, can it?
Oh my god, I'm going insane. What is the name of that greek spread with the eggplant? I'm having a serious brain block here, and all I can come up with souvlaki and tzaziki (sp?). HELP ME OWFLERS!!!!!
God! Moussaka! Phew.
Way to pull out the wrist-strap, wd!
Having never played competitive sports on a national level, I will choose to focus on the second part of the question. When I know I'm on the verge of a marathon performance (or, as I've taken to calling them lately, "a big night") of the binging kind, I think the extreme performance-enhancing lXuXnXcXh is really just a conscientious execution of your standard lunch but Xtending it to include the rest of your day. And, always remember that the X stands for balance.
When I do it right (which I rarely do), I like the steady intake of food (and water)throughout the afternoon and into the early evening. I'm picturing:
12:00PM - Normal-sized sandwich, maybe turkey and swiss with some customary garnishes/dressings. Triscuits are a key side here. Apple juice is a good hydrating base.
2:00PM - A pair of granola bars or another handful of Triscuits. At least finishing the first quart of water post-lunch.
4:00PM - An apple for the happy hour energy burst with a little carry. Second quart of water finished.
5:00PM - First beer is poured.
6:00PM - (This is a crucial point where an evening can often jump the tracks.) Take advantage of those happy hour food specials! Stop hitting on that cute co-worker long enough to knock down some nachos or a dozen wings. Sure, your buffalo breath may set you back a half-hour. Invest in some gum and congratulate yourself later when you're still standing.
7:30PM - Since your happy hour specials have ended, it's time to head up the neighborhood to the bar you actually want to go to. Finish your first full-price well drink and convince that cute co-worker to come along with you. Don't forget to slam an ice water to soak in during the transition.
8:00PM - Take over the back room at Angle's.
9:30PM - Take your turn getting Budweiser pitchers.
11:00PM - Order two falafels so you still have something to eat after you dump the first one down your shirt. Congratulate yourself on planning ahead so carefully and looking so put together. Ignore garlic sauce in back pocket.
12:30AM - Cheer and applaud couple in car parked in garage across the alley during their feverish heavy-petting session.
12:45AM - Wonder when and why cute co-worker left.
1:00AM - Congratulate self again on being so reasonable that you figured out so quickly why co-worker left: s/he got totally wasted for lack of proper planning for big night out.
3:12AM - Narrowly avoid fistfight outside of jumbo slice by offering to buy.
3:19AM - Run like hell and don't let your cheese slide off while you're going.
3:42AM - Congratulate self on discovering the Universal Truth that the best end to a proper lXuXnXcXh is two GoGoTaquitos with nacho cheese and chili from the self-serve pumps from the 7-Eleven on your way home.
3:44AM - Congratulate self with the sly thought (which you say out loud), "they totally don't know I'm drunk."
6:24AM - Wake up on front porch in the aftermath of a snack orgy. Remove nacho cheese/chili/garlic-/buffalo-sauce-crusted shirt. Walk to your own house.
Give or take.
Watchdog, "that was a veritable cornucopia of imagery." (name the film I buy you dinner)
I'm over the top. So when I go for an over the top lunch I take this 30 minutes before I run 5.1 - 6 miles along the bayou, get a shower and get back to work (still sweating).
That crap actually works.
Now, for real meals.. if I want to go extreme it used to be the Fred Flintstone steak at the Capital Grill. But that much cow would make me start growing horns and looking at ever bigger women.
Good post, I'm off to TN today. C' ya'll soon.
HAHAHA! You can't use IMDBsd to cheat on the quote! The scene in question isn't on the original script!
TheBestFriend and I refer to anything X-TREME! or WORLD'S LARGEST/BIGGEST/GREATEST! or the BEST EVER! as "Vegas style" because everything in Vegas is billed using those sorts of superlatives.
As such, I'm thinking my extreme meal involves a buffet... like one of those crazy, ridiculous Vegas ones. Or one of the ones on a cruise.
Lunch today was breakfast. But, I had pasta for breakfast. My stomach is all screwed up. Blecch.
we get it, HT.
Yikes, I need an Xtreme lunch today cuz i'm so freaking busy. Off to get that! mostly its going to be Xtremely quick to get!
Oh, this extreme discussion reminds me of possibly the tackiest, most obnoxious, disgusting, and did I mention tackiest displays I think I may have ever seen. I saw it while driving in yesterday & was immediately filled with rage. (Also my cameraphone is like 1/2 megapixel.) I think the title of the photo says it all. So not only are you driving around in a huge fucking SUV getting all of (what does a Lincoln Navigator get) 10 miles an hour to the gallon, fueling terrorist rage at the US, but you're trying to tell me that you're hung with balls made of gold? Seriously, does anybody think this person is anything but a complete douchebag? Said person driving, btw, was a woman. With a child seat in the back. Argh!! I can't even express in words how fucking tacky this is. Agh!
Oh yeah!! Babaganoush!! Not moussaka. Also good, but it was the baba I was looking for. Thank you Lady A!!!
you all know how i feel about sports. i go to gatherings that may include sports, but i don't play them or really pay attention to who's scoring.
i was an "artsy" type growing up. i did play softball very briefly, but quit after 2 weeks when my best friend at the time complained that it would cut into our playing time. (obviously didn't take much convincing. i did get a cute little league photo out of it too even though i only played one game)
so, anyways, i sang and danced my way through HS and college. i guess if you consider dancing sport-like then i would say that i just ate a lot of crap...nothing specific really. i had the craziest metabolism back then, so i just needed to make sure i was eating SOMETHING or else i'd disappear. ah, those were the days.
today is same fatty po'salad. i brought some add'l salad makings to round it out since i eat way too many carbs. i thought of bringing in the kimchi stew i made last night (one of many great comfort foods of mine), but i didn't think the coworkers would appreciate the smell. it is quite stinky as it is made with fermented napa cabbage, garliic, fish sauce, etc. but damn, that shit is good.
prepping for sports as a child and in the rarity i go running now usually involves not eating.. blood don't flow when there is food in it.. dunno... i guess that i pretty extreme..
no lunch today as coworkers are selfservering motherfuckers and don't seem to reciprocate any of the pleasantness i fucking lather on them daily.
very rather angry right now.
Prebinging always starts with a greasy breakfast (where the eggs are fried in the runoff of the thick cut bacon... usually followed by a carb laden lunch.. then right around lunch i start drinking..
so i guess thats all there is for that XTREME meal...
i enjoy the fact that Ticklemeelmo now has an XTREME version...
WD - great post, i like how you were able to sneak alcohol related content
EQ - fing hilarious.. possibly because it is so true.. sucks when you lose the cute ones, eh?
also.. was that quote from "Grosse Point Blank"?
I went with the trio of salads from Vie De France...again.
This Terell Owens business is keeping my attention from work today...heh heh heh
I was always just trying to sneak in a smoke or two pre-lacrosse practice. It did wonders for my game...
Are you ready for this? I made a run for the border for lunch. Apparently, I'm on a bit of a health kick lately. Or not.
So, I had the grilled stuft burrito, nachos, and a crunchy taco supreme. Totally in your face!
I think I went on a tirade recently about how I think it would make much more sense to put the cheese on top of the "meat" so it has a shot at melting a little, rather than insulating it from the only heated ingredient with the sour cream and the lettuce (which, I think we can all agree, are pretty fucking poor conductors). I renew that tirade here.
And, I raise another one. Stepping up to the soda bank at Taco Bell is like stepping into the Bizzaro Realm. It looks familiar, but it's just all wrong. (Maybe this is because I grew up in the cradle of Coca-Cola, but I'm not convinced yet.) All of these beverages I don't see anywhere else: Wild Cherry Pepsi, Sierra Mist (which I only see in commercials), and MOUTAIN DEW BAJA BLAST(?!). What the hell is that? Did I just have lunch with the Devil?
That said, I went with a half-n-half of Sierra Mist and the Baja Blast. And, if lunch wasn't Xtreme enough for today's post, I assure that the BM with which I have already passed it was.
Put me in, coach.
PS - lt, that was my babymama in your picture.
"Put me in Coach, my Daddy's watching!"
There’s a story about a high school football player who took his faith and put it to work. This young man was the second string running back for his team. The boy’s father happened to be blind. They had a special relationship because of this. They talked a lot, and the father had a special ability to sense how his son was doing. Well, a terrible tragedy also happened to this family - the boy lost his father. He died suddenly over the weekend. On Wednesday they had the funeral. Friday night came and the boy told his coach he wanted to suit up and be with his friends, his teammates.
During the first quarter of the game, the first string running back got hurt. The coach went over to the boy, and said, "Son, you just saw what happened. You’re my second string tail back, but you don’t have to go in if you don’t want to." "No, put me in coach. I’m ready. I want to play," said the boy. Well, they handed him the ball. On his first play he ran 30 yards. On his next carry, he scored a touchdown. He scored again before halftime. During the second half of the game, he scored two more times. He ran for almost 200 yards that night. After the game his coach pulled him aside and said, "Son, I didn’t know you could run like that. If I had known that you’d never have been my second string back. What got into you tonight?" Well, Coach, you remember that my Dad was blind. This was the first game he’s ever seen me play."
Just, wow.
Oh, and I'm referring to PeeP's link, which Jo was also gracious enough to email to me.
For those of you near Portage, IN, I present the XTREME SIX POUND CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!
got a second lunch b/c the salad just wasn't enough. got chili cheese dog (thanks jo) and a side of route 11 garlic and herb chips. the chips cost almost as much as the dog.
ooh, now i'm putting the chips INSIDE the dog. delish.
i think i just got chili on my keyboard.
I have yet to look at Peep's link! I need people to leave the office so I can do so. The nerve of them, sitting in here during normal working hours.
If I did that 6 lb. challenge, I would look like the cow in the picture. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the cow looks so excited about eating her friend?? It's like those pigs looking all happy to be eating pulled pork at those bbq places (this may be more of a southern thang).
Jo, if that story's not about you personally, it's really nauseating. Uh, otherwise, aw, how sweet.
Oh yeah, lunch was not enough leftover thai red chili coconut milk curry chicken. Yum. But with too much rice - flavour was far too dilute. Ah well. Still yummy. And a slice of my dad's birthday cake (mom's pound cake from recipe from my dad's mother (or grandmother, maybe?)). It's the best pound cake ever. Also a couple of bites of a birthday cake for someone in the office - this was a pina colada cake complete with rum baked in. Oooooh, it was good. And now I'm hungry. Siiiiiigh. Maybe I'll have yogurt or tapioca in a few . . . .
I am f'ing starving!!! I had an interview during "lunch" today. And stupid me told my boss that I was meeting friends for lunch to explain my extended absense...stupid stupid stupid. Cause now I can't very well go get a sandwich right now without him wondering why I'm eating lunch...again considering I "just got back from lunch".
I'm eating a "2nd lunch" that consists of:
1 ice cream sandwich
1 bag of "smokin' sweet" chips
2 reeses peanut butter cups
and assorted starbursts.
That earlier story was NOT about me LT.
But I was surprised to find it online since I have heard variations of the story from different coaches most of my life.
I'm pretty sure it's complete bullshit.
Everytime I've heard it I imagine the kid running up to his coach and proclaiming "Put me Coach!!! My Daddy's watching!!!"
I think I've told the story a few times when I get really drunk.
No one ever enjoys it as much as I do.
Woop woop! I found a kashi bar...thank god for drawer goodies!
Bizzzaay day to the MAXXXX!!
ugh. Whatever happened to slow days? My boss is out of town fah fuke's sake!
Anyhoo, lunch was grabbed at the buffet place, market to market. I think it was jalapeno chicken, a couple california roll thingys, grilled chicken, spring roll.
The jalapeno chicken was half joe camel and a third Fonzarelli
Well, I am relieved. I was really afraid you were going to tell me your blind dad was dead. That really is quite the glurgy story, though I can see it being quite amusing when under the influence.
I can't believe the DC DMV let you out in less than an hour Eque. That is truly miraculous!
So how was "lunch" Lady A? Good? I hope so!
My basketball coach's favorite motivational saying was "There's no 'I' in team". And we would always reply (but not to his face, b/c he was kind of scary sometimes), "But there is an 'm' & an 'e'! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh we were so original.
Jo, is that the plot to 'Rudy'?
E-que you had much better success at the SSA than myself...you've got that whole born in the United States thing going for you. I went there twice to get a new card, the first time I left because I couldn't wait any longer and the second time I sat there for over three hours.
Jo's dad is neither blind, nor dead.
He's the mayor of Stamford, CT.
And, I think I have a mouse in my house. I think it lives between the wall, and under the sink in the cabinet. But, I'm too scared to root around in the cabinet (it's wear I keep all the leftover grocery bags, so you can't really see in there).
For more sports glurge, see www.snopes.com!
HT, whatever you do, do not, I repeat DO NOT get glue traps. They are the worst inventions ever.
They do have snap traps that have a big cover on them with a trigger so you can trigger it & release it & never have to look at the dead mouse!
HT's mouse story just made me think about the book "Why Mosquito's Buzz in People's Ears".
One morning a mosquito saw an iguana drinking at a waterhole. The mosquito said, "Iguana, you will never believe what I saw yesterday."
"Try me," said the iguana.
The mosquito said, "I saw a farmer digging yams that were almost as big as I am."
"What's a mosquito compared to a yam?" snapped the iguana grumpily. "I would rather be deaf than listen to such nonsense!" Then he stuck two sticks in his ears and went off, mek, mek, mek, through the reeds.
great day to see an article on XTREMOphiles
Jo, that story is dumb, and I don't get it. What does it have to do with my mouse?
Is that the Michigan version of he "went wee, wee, wee all the way home"?
And the thought of a skeeter in my ear gives me the willies. Ooh. I just got chills. Yuck!
That's the cutest glurge story I've heard today!
Baseball and Beer with BonBon time! My mouse is going to have to wait to be vanquished. This is the whole reason people date, right? So that someone else can kill the vermin?
That's what I thought.
I thought this was the awesome apt?? Or is it just the job is awesome & the apt is crappy?
Oy, HT that is the first page of the story...it's a classic.
I'm not surprised that an unemployed person wouldn't appreciate it...silly welfare queen.
Government cheese again?
I can always get a union job, Jo. Oh to be paid to sit around and watch movies all day.
We both know you wish it could be...
An awful lot of parables running around here today. You feeling preachy today, Jo?
You have no idea what sort of GI trauma I'm facing this afternoon as a result of Taco Bell.
Bad Idea Jeans...
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