Hello all! It's my first post, and I was so excited I couldn't sleep! No, not really, but I do have a wee bit of insomnia, and thought I would get a few things off my to-do list before the sun comes up.
But, of course, since it's 4:30 in the morning, I'm already thinking about lunch. (Actually, it's 4:30 so I'm thinking about breakfast, which will be a honey crisp apple and some smokled gouda I picked up at Eastern Market yesterday). Hangover lunches have been discussed at length, but what do you eat when you're experiencing lack of sleep due to something other than alcohol? We've all been there, up before dawn, whether it's because we've been cramming for that big test, doing laundry the night before a big trip, nervous about an interview, or you're just a freak like me. But what do you eat the next day? I know I always feel a little off, so I want something soothing, but nourishing. Something that doesn't take a lot of energy to digest, since I need that energy to just keep going. Usually soup fits the bill, but I'm open to suggestions. What do you eat after a long night of working hard or staring at the ceiling? Anybody know of any good energy boosting meals? And, at lunch, how much caffeine is too much?
Oh, and according to the calendar, today is also "Family Day." So if you have a kid, please eat with them, no matter how tired you may be.
And, as always . . . WFL?
uuggghh nothing .. because by then my stomach is turning backflips... ok maybe I'm jamming Tums down my throat and washing them down with Sugar Free Read Bull (or the saviour as it is commonly known).
I brought the lunch today, smoked turkey, swiss, raspberry chipotle sauce, various fruits and vegies, and a sugar free read bull.
Good first GG!
uuhh Red Bull
change the "is" to "and"
Usually when a lack of sleep is concerned I get really lazy about food and I typically crave the worst things possible. Like burgers, steak and cheese, fries, a bag of chips etc. Basically anything that someone else makes for me, and even better if someone delivers them to me!
Typically I will come to terms with the fact that I need something lighter and a little more energizing like a big salad or light sandwich. BOO! So lame.
Today may be an extra coffee day.
Just because I can.
I have no idea what's for lunch today, but it will be cheap and somewhat celebratory as I am no longer bound by the confines of Ethics. Woo Hoo!
YAY! for GimletGirl's first post!
I have been facing a pretty chronic bout of insomnia the past couple of months. I haven't quite figured out where exactly it is coming from. Work has unfortunately reasserted itself as a little more involved in my life than I would like and, with that, I find myself stuck thinking about stupid shit at times when I certainly should not be thinking about it. Of course, I also quit smoking around the time the insomnia started, so I'm more likely to blame the metabolic and chemical shift.
Lest this sound like a complaint, I've found that the best cure for insomnia is heavy drinking, and I have pursued that course of treatment fiercely. And, sure, there are times when the treatment is worse than the disease, but I seem to sleep better with Basil Hayden whispering in my ear. (Well, and sometimes shouting.)
That said, on the days when I'm really hurting for sleep, I tend to turn lunch in to about ten cups of coffee. I figure between the caffeine and the getting up every 20 minutes to piss, the day will run by long enough for me to get home and, hopefully, get a good night's sleep.
(After this weekend in St. Louis, I find myself in one of those days today. It's not so much that I didn't sleep well last night, but I didn't sleep long for the past four days, and I spent most of the time I was awake treating myself for insomnia.)
Despite my claim of today being one of GG's described days, I'm going to lunch at Chick-Fil-A today. I'm hoping the tasty chicken sandwich will somehow convince my body that having solid food isn't necessarily a bad thing.
my boss leaves at 2 today... I think a nap may be in order.
To answer GG's brilliant question (and Job Well Done on the first post!) - I have insomnia all the freakin' time, as GG well knows. But, unlike her, I don't ever initially fall asleep, instead I find myself wandering around the house at 4am, moving furniture, watching bad TV, or surfing the interwebs. Last night, I ate some room temp wings leftover from earlier in the day. Other times, I will cook up a full blown meal, and often, by the time I'm done, I don't feel like eating it.
And, while this sounds counter-intuitive, often a Diet Coke will cure me. The caffeine has zero effect (we're talking like, one can, which is about 1/4 of what I drink in a normal hour) and there is something calming about the deliciousness of that magical elixir.
I like the way HT's BlogBlogBlogBlog looks likes waves. That was pretty.
I used to love to get huge Jamba Juices when I couldn't sleep, but I no longer live or work anywhere near one. Now I usually just drink even more coffee and maybe eat donuts. Not that I don't do that already.
Good job on the first post GG!
Am on hold with my bank trying to change my address. So fun. And . . . I'm off. Wow, that was actually pain-free, once I got off hold.
Nice first post, GG! Hm, as far as eating from insomnia . . . I don't usually eat . . . actually what I usually do when I have insomnia (which I've also been suffering from lately!) is get up after about an hour & take a melatonin. Those things knock me out. I don't know if it's the placebo effect and I don't care.
So hungry right now. I had breakfast, but that just gets my stomach awake earlier. I'm going to stop eating breakfast. Must check out this "Warriors Diet". Not sure what lunch will be, but it will be soon! And hopefully something that won't produce leftovers for tomorrow's lunch, b/c I'm pretty sure I'll have leftovers from dinner tonight for that! Woo hoo! Living with Mom & Dad rocks! (For the moment...)
LT that could possibly be the most brilliant article I've read in years. I wholly disdain breakfast (unless it is sugar and/or fat laden and eaten after noon on a weekend) and am sick of its proponents forever telling me how important it is. Yay!
What the f is wrong w/ Blogger!!! Okay, trying to comment again.
Amazingly, I'm not experiencing the traditional no sleep stomach problems. But I am so very, very hungry. So, I went w/ Lady A's plan to eat something really bad for me. In this case, an "Italian" sandwich, which is basically various fatty cured meats and provolone on a baguette. Washed down w/ an "energy" flavored Vitamin Water. I hope it lives up to its label. I also have a feeling there's going to be some crazy snacking this afternoon.
I'm posting everything I have to say into a lot of separate comments. Again, because I can.
I just wrote up a little rant for my blog on the FRUIT BASKET I just received. I will cut and paste here because this is too fucking precious to not share with the OWFL:
I was planning on writing about this later today, but something has happened that has increased the urgency of blogging. (yes, urgent blogging – shhhh… leave me alone. I have nothing better to do, as you will soon learn)
I am at home this morning. Why, you ask? Well, because I was fired on Friday. Er, sorry “laid off” or “let go.” Something about a strategic direction and consultants. Now, I’m not unhappy about my separation from the organization, as I’d updated my resume a week or so back, because I was increasingly unhappy with things at the ol’ job (a favorite quote from my boss in recent weeks, “…friends can be distracting…”). However, I’m a bit unhappy that my boss got to it first, but sometimes that’s the way things go. The cool thing about being The Boss is that you can fire and hire people for your shortcomings, and she has exercised her right to do so, here.
Anyhoo, I’m not especially bitter over the actual firing. (though, “we’re not calling it that.”) At least I wasn’t until a few minutes ago.
My doorbell just rang at 11:30 on a Monday morning. When I’d normally be working. I answered it and was presented with a fruit basket. My first thought was, “Who the fuck would send me a fruit basket? I hate fruit. This must be a joke.” I checked quickly to see if there was wine and/or cheese involved, as that would markedly improve the status of this basket, but there was none. Then I read the card.
Whoa. Weird. That was over two weeks ago. And, everyone knows I wasn’t really broken up about the matter. But wait, there’s more.
What the motherfuck fucking cockwhoresonofabitch?!! The woman in our office who is in charge of these things knew in advance that I was being “let go” on Friday. So assuming she must’ve ordered this on either Thursday or Friday, either way, she knew that I would be sitting at home on Monday morning.
I am inclined to send the whole thing over to the office of my former employment with my own note, something to the effect of,
Are you people out of your goddamned minds? Who in the fuck thought THIS was a good idea?! Was I, or was I not just canned because you want to go in a new strategic direction? If THIS is a clue as to your new “strategy” you all are SO fucked.
I am so shocked at the appalling inappropriateness of it all, that I am frozen from action. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fucking hilarious, but Jesus Fucking Christ. A fucking fruit basket? What do I say on the Thank You note? “Gee… uh, thanks for the fruit. That sure helped me cope with the loss of my grandmother. Oh, wait. I wasn’t having coping issues with THAT loss – it was the LOSS OF MY FUCKING JOB I WAS HAVING A TINY PROBLEM WITH, YOU FUCKING WHORES!”
However, I will refrain. Instead, I will make sangria from the fruits, and toast to new opportunities. I’m also making MamaHT’s fried zucchini today, so if anyone wants to come over and drink sangria and eat fried veggies, give a holler.
great post gimlet...
the night of said insomnia i usually will stick to something a bit cheaper than basil... usually my spare jim beam or when it's around, a bottle of cheap french red... (highly recommended.. it makes your all warm and sleepy and round and if you can deal with the potential hangover you can repeatedly medicate yourself until you are in a coma-like state).. i often will temper this nightly liver abuse with corn chips or triskets or some other salty carb... The mechanical nature of mindlessly consuming an entire bag/box of said delicacies seems to help with sleep...
the next day, post insomnia is usually a foodless day.. maybe a small bag of chips and a few gallons of water (stop when your blood chemistry changes)...
Lunch today: 1 oz of doritos. i didnt sleep much last night..
HT, great response.. kick those motherfuckers inner children to the curb.. i retaliation prank is always cathartic... i highly endorse burning bridges... the emotional release is worth it. Also, starting a new life is one of the best things ever--enjoy it.
miso/peep: how is the move going? stealing internet yet?
HT--don't return the fruit basket. Free stuff in poor taste is still free. However, you should save the cores, rinds, peels, etc. from your sangria-making and send THOSE back. With a nice note.
hahahah HT...how's that for irony?
not sure what to eat today people. please throw out suggestions. i'm seriously open to any food genre at this point.
GREAT post GG. you da bomb, yo.
when i'm super tired, i happen to eat more than i normally do, which is shocking b/c i usually eat a lot! then i chase it with cups of coffee or espresso shots. that'll do it until around 5pmish when i crash. then hopefully i don't have to work that night and can go home to watch movies on my couch or pass out early in my soft comfy bed.
that's it for today. i am only limiting myself to 1 (or 2 if i have something REALLY important to say) a day. got to be "good" or else.
When i'm sleepy, I think a high-protein lunch is the way to go. I crave meat. Must eaattt meatttt.
Fight the power HT!
My old employer, the cooky congresslady, once canned an employee on Christmas eve, or maybe the day before that.
How's that for respect? And no fruitbasket, so chin up!
Holy crap, HT. That's fucking ballsy. And to send it to your house. Somebody needs their house tp'ed. You should send a 'thank you' note, but if you can (I can't - believe me I tried) make it something that will make them feel guilty about being such fuckwits. Holy cow, is that passive-aggressive.
Lunch was CA Tortilla blackened chicken caesar burrito with the caesar sauce on the side and no beans. Which they made up for by putting a ton of rice on. It's just not as tasty without the sauce inside it & dripping all over you will you try to eat. Sigh! But it did cure the rumblies. Phew!
Oh, wow, I just finished that article about not eating breakfast that I linked to earlier. The best line is the last line: "Eat breakfast for lunch."
Great first post gimletgirl.
My answer to you is RELISH TRAY!!!
Always keeps some olives, pickles and cheeses on hand for snacking. Cheeses and meats especially work late at night with some hot or sweet mustards for dipping.
I also find myself making tuna or chicken salad when I'm up late.
Your culinary creativity is at it's highest when you are sleep deprived.
And of course microwaved popcorn always works, keep a variety of styles handy.
I'm about to go get the trio of salads for lunch (Vie de France again).
I should note that I made meatloaf this weekend. I used a Rachel Ray recipe as a base (ht and lachoi know what I'm talking about) and added some of my own little twists.
They were individual loafs cooked in oversized muffin trays.
I made mashed potatoes (1st time) as a side and the missus put together a big salad.
Very, very tasty. The meatloaf served as breakfast (with a fried egg on top) and dinner on sunday.
Mmmm that sounds good Jo.
And that burrito isn't sticking. Dammit. And I don't really have time to grab anything. Because I'm off to my condo-closing! Woooo! Wish me luck!
Where the hell is everybody today?
Just got back from the Chick-Fil-A run. Went with the classic Chick-Fil-A sandwich with waffle fries and sweet tea. Added an 8-pack of nuggets to ease out of my long long weekend of self-abuse slowly.
I feel like taking a mulligan on this week. I really want to cut my losses, go home, and give it another go tomorrow.
Also, my insomnia thoughts earlier made me look at the amount of coffee I drink on insomnia days (which usually come in bunches). I've switched to chamomile for the rest of the day in hopes of easing making sleepytime easier to find this evening.
ht, that is outrageous and demands some response. I would wait a couple of days to see if that wine and cheese basket shows up with condolences for the loss of your job. If not, open up. Me? I like the "Gee… uh, thanks for the fruit. That sure helped me cope with the loss of my grandmother. Oh, wait. I wasn’t having coping issues with THAT loss – it was the LOSS OF MY FUCKING JOB I WAS HAVING A TINY PROBLEM WITH, YOU FUCKING WHORES!” line. If that bridge can be burned, I'm pretty sure that's the accelerant I would recommend.
Shorty - I considered that. And then I considered that I would have to pay for that.
I've decided a "Thank You" note is in order. Not the bridge-burning missive EQuake is fond of, but something a little more "bridge warming."
HT: roll with the thinly veiled sarcasm.
"Thank you for thinking of me during such a difficult time in my life, rife with unexpected changes and hardships. The fruit basket you gave me reminded me how much you care about me..."
Okay, cooler heads prevailing. I agree.
I would still end the civil and thinly veiled sarcasm message with "..., you bumbling, insulting jackasses."
there are so many potential "fruitbasket" retaliations... but that is just gross...
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