When I was younger I used to read the Asterix the Gaul comics. They were great. One of the things I remember is that they were always drinking wine (or mead or beer) and eating wild boar. I always thought the wild boar looked absolutely scrumptious. (And of course, I can't find a good picture of an Asterix whole wild boar.) Anyways, it always looked so shiny & yummy. Like it had been slathered in butter & roasted over a spit & now the skin was all crispy, but you knew inside it would still be juicy and delicious. I think about it now & wonder if maybe wild boar would actually be a little bit gamey for my taste (though I'll try most anything at least once), but mmmm, it still looks good. So what about you? Any cartoons or comics that got your drool on? Or am I just a weird freak? Hey, at least I never lusted after Blondie (you know who you are).
And WFL on this fine Friday??
LT, I loved the Asterix comics and I was also a big Tintin fan. In fact I think full length movies of each are coming out soon or have already come out in Europe.
Asterix' big feasts always looked good, same with Hagar the Horrible's or Beetle Bailey's.
I think the Dad and son in "For Better or for Worse" even put together some impressive sammies over the years.
Jughead was an accomplished eater in the Archie comics. On GI Joe Roadblock was a Louisiana style chef and they would sometimes show him in an apron cooking up some gumbo or jambalaya.
The Transformers had those succulent energon cubes and went to war over them.
Fred Flintstone's brontosaurus burgers were a tad over the top, but I remember getting a small tinge of excitement when I saw the "real" version in the spectactular Flintstones movie with John Goodman.
Garfield made lasagna appealing to me when I was a pre-teen and rarely saw it.
But of course Dagwood's sandwiches are the epoch, the pinnacle of comic/cartoon food. They would make me drool when Blondie wasn't in frame.
For lunch today in honor of the post I will search out some energon cubes, if I can't find them I will get a sandwich with alot of shit on it and pay tribute to Dagwood.
Ah, I knew Jo would come up with some good shit.
I prefered Asterix over Hagar's or Beetle's meals because it was in full technicolor. And they seemed more detailed, too, so you could imagine the pork drippings . . . mmmmmm . . . drippings.
Lunch today is my salad I didn't eat yesterday for lunch: lettuce, tomatoes, onion, chicken and a vinegar-oil dressing. Not nearly as exciting as wild boar.
Oh, and oh my god. I'm going to have to see those movies.
I don't know if it's because I grew up in south Georgia (where it is rarely cooler outside) or in a kitchen governed by parents who didn't do a hell of a lot of baking, but I used to go apeshit over those pies that were always being left on window sills to cool (and subsequently stolen, usually by Tom or Jerry).
Wow. I didn't realize until this moment just what a dearth of pies there was in my childhood. I just got really sad. I'm going home tonight and baking a cherry pie. With fresh cherries. That. I'll. Pick. On the side. Of I-66?
Damn it.
For lunch today, I'm having the best meal ever: FREE! Thank you work on New Guys At Work Day!
We're going to Gordon Biersch, which is better than getting kicked in the junk.
I have to agree with Jo and Garfield's lasagna. I wouldn't eat cheese as a kid, and only will now because of a willful suspension of disbelief regarding the mold factor, so I refused to eat lasagna for a long time. Then I started reading Garfield and loved it. C'mon, I was a kid. One day we were visiting my Auntie Donna, who is an *amazing* cook and she made us lasagna. I tried it because of my feline friend Garfield and loved it. I've been hooked ever since. Dave's Italian Kitchen in Evanston makes my favorite lasagna in the world. I need to make a trip to the burbs soon to get some, I think.
Excellent! I was quite directionless for lunch today, now I will go here:
Peep, wanna meet and split a Dagwood?
I always wanted a caldron so i could whip up brews like Broom Hilda. I still have a little thing for Aeon Flux...
My boss just alerted me that she brought me lunch from home.
Salmon and some orzo stuff.
Might still go with a late dagwood.
Damn you dipso.
Did Aeon Flux eat?
Oh my god, that dagwood's place looks great. Why wasn't that on the agenda, Peep????
Yeah, i'm with Jo, those Dagwood sandwiches are goooood looking.
In fact, now i'm super hungry and i'm going to have an early lunch!
feel like shit today. will go home early. will take the other half of my egg salad sandwich home with me too for lunch.
i wasn't into comics. but i agree with EQ about those pies looking mighty good on tom and jerry cartoons.
Uhh...you could bring me a sandwich. That could work.
Actually, all the better. I can't see over the limes today...lunch will be an express trip out and back to the desk.
We'll dagwood it another day.
I just looked at your crotch.
Sooo hungry....
Let's go check out this salmon.
hmmm Miso, me wanty. I just got a salad, but now I think I should have got a burger. Perhaps a trip to the BK lounge this afternoon is in order.
I just had a flashback of Garfield lying face down in a pan of lasagna, and it made me want to eat lunch even sooner.
Speaking of lounging (and lying face down) this afternoon, I was thinking about drinking some beers in our nation's capital.
Anyone got any plans that I can horn in on? Or want to make some?
EQ - come to my birthday/house-cooling party. I did not have your email address so I couldn't evite you! I have beer. It is across the river, though . . . .
I used to have a really big thing for Garfield. It was really odd. And yet, I was never that excited by his lasagna. Except for the melty cheese part. I can be seduced in 3 seconds by melty cheese.
Speaking of melty cheese, I've had a couple slices of quesadilla so far. One chicken & one steak - leftovers from a goodbye party yesterday (yes! 2 free work meals in one day! Miraculous!). Oddly, it doesn't seem to be sticking around, though . . . . lucky I have my salad for lunch #2.
Funny, I just had the Wicked 'Wich at Dagwoods yesterday:
spicy chicken breast on wheat with cheddar, crumbled blue cheese, diced celery, ranch dressing, lettuce & tomato
It's like eating a buffalo wing on a roll.
Don't try to do it all at once, Miso. It's like heroin addiction - you need to slow down first otherwise the withdrawal will kill.
With today as the last day of my unscheduled vacation, that's what I am calling the first week of my unemployment, I chose to do breakfast for lunch.
Wild boar tastes just like pork. Earthquake, remember the pulled pork, I mean boar junk that came out of the crock pot. It was tastey. Not cartoon tastey, but good none the less.
I always used to just know what Shaggy's sandwiches tasted like just by the sound of his chewing. I thought it was like pate' or something classy like that. I wanted one so bad to see if I was right. Alas, It never happened.
My favorite cartoon feast lately was what Elzar, the 6 armed alien version of Emeril, cooked up for Bender in the robot mafia episode of Futurama.
"Fry, you gotta try this Sterno ni suaz"
"no. that's Robot food"
"The secret to good robot cooking is you start with a good quality oil. Then you eat it"
Earthquake, I may go for a beer or two, but it will be difficult for me to go out too big since A) I have no income stream to replace what I spend on beer, and B) I have draft beer on tap in my living room, which reminds me... If I'm going to be unemployed, I might as well work on my alcoholism a little, and it is about half past beer o'clock.
I'm having another salad today with turkey...I REALLY wanted a meatloaf sandwich cause I still have a ton of leftovers. Maybe I'll just gorge myself later tonight on my latest cake creation for LT!!
I want the Grubb Road Deli or Amphora's souvlaki and fried zuch this weekend...or maybe both.
Great call on Shaggy Mikey.
On Shaggy, Mikey.
Not "Shaggy Mikey".
anyway the salmon, orzo and veggies were very tasty, now it's time for a simple sammy from the ladies in the lobby.
Ham & swiss on wheat toast with tomato, pepper and mayo.
LT here's the scoop on the Asterix movie.
Extra Mayo?
regular mayo today.
I just started singing "Shaggy Mikey Sunshine" to the tune of "Little Rabbitt Fru Fru." I don't know the rest of the words, yet, so after "Shaggy Mikey Sunshine," I just go "Doo doo doo doo doo doo."
That was a short ride on the healthy train. Char dogs from Gold Coast. Well peppered.
Dipso, how come you never eat at Soprafina? I used to love that place.
shite day.
starts out with a flat tire and an hour late to work. then i realize how dumb my coworkers are for the next 4 hours and apparently neither my boss or my employee decided to come in today.
ugh. i hate UAT.
so i went to a place called Ginger and Spice on 17 and had their Pad Thai. It was acceptable and now the second half of it sits in a 80d car growing life threatening bacteria.
i want to eat what aeon flux eats. i also always wanted to do that double pizza flip on a trident thing that the littlest ceasar did.
I remember looking at the last supper as a child and thinking about eating
Yeah, I’ve had as many bad experiences as good at Soprafina, often in the form of watery pasta. And it’s too pricey to be that hit-or-miss. Jo used to go there a lot and get the three salad combo, i.e., three different kinds of chicken and/or pasta salad. Their curry chicken pasta salad was pretty decent, I guess.
Let me know if you make it to Amphora Lady A. Me and the WD clan may join you.
Sunshine! Come to my house!! There is free beer! Although you will have to pay for a metro ride . . . .
Oh, I remember that Asterix book! Man, I'd like to dig up our old ones - probably moldering in my parents' basement somewhere. I'm so going to see it. It looks better than Snakes on a Plane.
Sunshine: Good get! I had forgotten about Smiley the Boar. That shit was fantastic! It wasn't roasted boar, but it was tasty as hell. Just goes to show that you can't go wrong with slow-cooking anything in beer for 48 hours.
I had GB's gorgonzola pear salad today. I was going to get the fish and chips, but the side of garlic fries as an app fed that need for me. Tasty, tasty.
Of course, I'm burping up some garlic like I'm some sort of self-abusive vampire. I may need an undead intervention.
LT, where's your house? Is there an event there tonight, or are you trying to get me to pony up on my pledge to get you laid on your next b day?
Earthquake, Watchdog. Did we begin a tradition last week of a Newton Reunion? I don't know, but am ready to host if we did.
I meant a Newton Reunion on Fridays, not just a newton reunion in general.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't last Friday. I was hungover ALL day on Friday. I just pulled it together long enough to go eat dinner in the Commonwealth.
In fact, it was the Thursday prior.
That said, I'm willing to listen to some Friday evening beer plans, mikey.
I'm out kiddies. Off to a weekend in the birthplace of Dipso and Peep and to be spolied and indulged by the 'rents. Fingers crossed for sun, not rain.
Have a great weekend, all!
I;m half drunk right now, have no plans until tomorrow at 1 when instead of watching the Gators devestate the Golden Fairies of University of Central Florida, I'll be going to a surprize 65th birthday party. Yeah, 65th. It's going to be all old lady and poop jokes.
I might have a fellow coming over to represent the black market at some time this afternoon, but Let's chat. The keg isn't dead yet, and it seems I have a standing invite to go to LT's joint tonight.
Where is the birthplace of them fellows? Is it Michigan? I always wanted that to be my birthplace. instead I got this crummy carribean paradise.
I think Newton reunions should be a regular occurance. But tonight LT's got a shindig going on, so that may be the place to be.
Chuds are going, confer with them.
All right, between mikey and Lady A, I bet I can figure out where lt lives.
Yes, that is why you are invited Sunshine. ;-p Argh - see I didn't have your email in my evite list, which is why I mentioned it on the blog a couple weeks ago so I could put you on. Argh! Let me see if I have your email at all. I'm sure I do. Somewhere...
copy shin dig. If I can get me there, I'll be all up on it.
LT How does one find your place? Do I have to wear pants, or is it.. you know, a cool party?
Earthquake, the snickerdoodle is in fact a bullshit cookie. I agree. What else is bullshit is Word verification and author aproval for publishing a post on a blogger site.
My email is real tricky. Write this down so you don't forget it. Ready?
As a non-worker, I pledge to scan the airwaves to see what exactally the cartoons are feasting on while y'all be at work.
So far, Bloo on Foster's home for imaginary friends is the only carton Ihave seen eating. He scarfed down some popcorn.
Spongebob is totally digging on a crabby patty. I have to imagine that is something like a crab cake on bread with green stuff, maybe lettuce, spinach, seaweed, american currency, collards, or leaves. i don't know, but the dude can cram several in his mouth at one time.
Wilt , also from Foster's home: Feasting on a three foot tall stack of pink cupcakes.
mikeysunshine, by the looks of your last six posts...I would say you qualify as full-drunk.
Well, sorry to break up this long line of Sunshine posts, but Sunshine, Earthquake. Check your emails.
That way I don't have to put up with bullshit from the Half-Drunk Undead.
Jimmy Neutron on Nick: Escaped from some place, either jail or camp. ate talking mushrooms.
mmm... talking mushrooms.
If anyone wants a ride out to LT's hook up with Kweef at newton. He's coming to pick me up around 5. I have a few stops to make en route though, so depending on your mood it may be worth the $3 metro ride.
Anyone want to come up to NYC tonight?
OK, somewhat drunk now. LT, no eamil yet, do you have it on a time delay so I never know when it is coming. Keeping me on my toes eh?
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LTC is so much better!
Aw, thanks LA! And it totally will be - I'm looking forward to my birthday cake. It's not going to be too raunchy, is it? My parents are coming . . . .
Keep checking Sunshine! I didn't put a delay on it. Maybe it's because hotmail sucks. Or is your address actually hotmale??
Yeah, that was a typo. I meant hotmale.cum
Still no email. how does one get to LT's joint?
cross river, hit old town, look for mini.
Ride with qweef sunshine
sunshine told kweef that he would decide if he wanted a ride at 4:20...
sunshine - go to evite & register with your address (btw - hotmale.cum - niiiiice) & then you can view the evite without the email. It should pop up under your evites or something. Provided you're not too drunk. ;-) EQ, do the same thing with your e...mi.com address.
Jo, I know of at least 2 other Minis in Olde Towne. It should read "Look for Mini convertible"
No e-mail for me either.
Unless you sent me a myspace message.
Roger, lt.
Roger dodger.
By the way, I went and got fitted for a tuxedo today, and they didn't even have the courtesy to take my inseam!
Outseam? What kind of bullshit is that?
OK, no email. Was that an unvite LT?
I am playing eye in the sky to lady sunshine over in Scotland, so I probably won't be able to get a ride with the Chuds. (you know them as Uni and Mr. Uni, or whatever they are called now) I;ll try to ride a metro out to braddack road then call for detailed instructions from there. Is that the right metro line and stop?
Horray! I got the invite. See you later this evening bitchez!
Poor EQ - no scrotal groping? How insulting.
I'm glad yinz finally got the evite! Phew!
I know nobody will ever see this, but I just mentioned today's topic to the the pinger and his response was:
Them two guys who always get stranded on a desert Island and the one looks like a hot dog and the other guy looks like a cake and they chase each other around.
That is the ultimate cartoon feast... your homie. For shame for all of us who forgot that.
Soylent Homie.
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