Friday, September 29, 2006
dear blogger...
this is a formal letter of complaint from the OWFLers about your inability to perform as of late. i mean seriously WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!? we post, and your site is unavailable. we comment, and you randomly erase what we've spent a long time formulating and typing. how are we able to talk about lunch when you act so erratically? honestly, do you need to do a system "master cleanse"? how about viagra? i mean, you used to be so good to us.
therefore, i hereby announce that we OWFLers will be divorcing your ass as soon as possible. irreconcilable differences? that's just the tip of the iceburg, buddy!
so, please allow us to talk about lunch today without more problems. and if we cannot, i will understand that it is not a result of our lack of OWFL dedication as it is your stupid inability to satisfy even our most basic desires.
blogger, you are about as limp as my boyfriend after a few drinks. (that is, if i HAD boyfriend...)
ok, WFL?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Over the Top Lunches

Seems these days the new product lines are about extreme-ness and to-the-max-osity. My deodorant talks about how it provides “Extreme Protection Against Wetness and Odor!!!!!” That sounds pretty nice if you ask me. Gatorade was many Extreme!!! Beverages, even Spanish Gatorade “Es muy X-TR-R-R-R-R-EEEE MOOOOO!!!”

So if our deodorant is so fucking pumped and awesome, and our drinky’s provide so much “over the top” ultimate power:
Are you getting the most out of your meals?
Does your lunch provide eXtreme power and performance?
What do you eat when you know that later that day, you too will need to go "Over the Top Dad! GO OVER THE TOP!!"
What exactly would a high-performance meal entail?
What would a triathlete eat for lunch vs. someone preparing for a night of binge drinking? Does your lunch choices ever vary depending on something you’re preparing for that will require you to be at your peak performance?
And today, WFL?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Soups, Stews and Stoups...Oh my! and Your Standing Backup Plan
So the seasonal transition is in full swing....never mind all the holiday crap that is starting to creep into the grocery/department stores already...but there is that crispness in the air that makes you want to pull out your most comfy sweaters or that broken-in just perfectly hooded sweatshirt. This is my favorite time of year! I love getting up in the morning and stepping outside and feeling the cool, but not too cool weather. I love the colors that the leaves turn, sitting by a campfire with a cup of hot cider spiked with rum, I love how there is Thanksgiving right around the corner and I love ALL the thick, rich foods associated with the season!
I got the bug last night for something hearty and spicy, so I had HT and LC over and threw together a big pot of white chicken chili full of beans, peppers, onions, spices...the aroma of it filled the apt. and got me all excited because it made me realize that soup/stew season is upon us (quick shout out to HT's fried zuch and LC's fatty bubbalatty salad-delicious)! The crockpot is my second favorite kitchen appliance, next to the kitchen aid of course...and I am ready to dust it off and give it it's seasonal home outside of the cupboard and on the counter. There is nothing like coming home to a rich stew that has been simmering in the crock all day. AND not only does it make wonderful dinners...but GREAT leftovers for lunch! So let's welcome the season of beef stews, hearty soups, spicy chilis and split pea specialties today!!!
So tell us not only WFL today, but what are you looking forward to in your upcoming autumn lunches?
Business note: I set up the calendar for October. I know there are still a couple of you who don't like the schedule, so here is another option for YOU to pick YOUR days. If you are particular or have a hectic schedule, then go sign up for what works for you! I'll fill in any blanks that are left and if you can't do it, either delete yourself or swap with someone else. There are a good amount of contributors now, so if you do sign yourself up only pick up to two days max. And if it turns out that some people didn't get a day, we can just do some more swapping.
Any questions?

(E-Que, Eq...what's the difference?)
I'm sad to say I haven't run in to this situation all that much since my stupid employers moved us out to the silly suburbs since nobody in their right mind would just happen to be here, but back when I worked in downtown DC there would be days when I would get a call from a friend I hadn't heard from in far too long:
- Hey, man, what are you doing?
- I'm at work.
- What are you doing for lunch?
- What the hell do you care? I'm not in Atlanta.
- I know, but I'm in DC, and I'm three blocks from your office.
Suddenly, I had to shift gears from resigning myself to eating stale styrofoam peanuts and old Post-It glue for lunch to coming up with a suitable lunch venue to take an out-of-towner.
So, what's your go-to lunchery for such last-minute swings? And, why?
And, of course, WFL?
(post combining courtesy of HT - things are crazy round these parts these days...)
Monday, September 25, 2006

Hello all! It's my first post, and I was so excited I couldn't sleep! No, not really, but I do have a wee bit of insomnia, and thought I would get a few things off my to-do list before the sun comes up.
But, of course, since it's 4:30 in the morning, I'm already thinking about lunch. (Actually, it's 4:30 so I'm thinking about breakfast, which will be a honey crisp apple and some smokled gouda I picked up at Eastern Market yesterday). Hangover lunches have been discussed at length, but what do you eat when you're experiencing lack of sleep due to something other than alcohol? We've all been there, up before dawn, whether it's because we've been cramming for that big test, doing laundry the night before a big trip, nervous about an interview, or you're just a freak like me. But what do you eat the next day? I know I always feel a little off, so I want something soothing, but nourishing. Something that doesn't take a lot of energy to digest, since I need that energy to just keep going. Usually soup fits the bill, but I'm open to suggestions. What do you eat after a long night of working hard or staring at the ceiling? Anybody know of any good energy boosting meals? And, at lunch, how much caffeine is too much?
Oh, and according to the calendar, today is also "Family Day." So if you have a kid, please eat with them, no matter how tired you may be.
And, as always . . . WFL?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Happy Hour foul up
Timing and technology kept me from meeting up with anybody at Bravo Bravo and I wasn't there for the New President Toast, and I had to raise my Mug at the apointed time.
I got to BB at the time that everybody went to peek in at another HH. I thought that perhaps they had gone to Buffalo Billiards and went to check in up there. Found nobody, went to Furduckers.
Couldn't call anybody since I haven't gotten all of my numbers transfered from the old phone to the new one.
Terrible first attempt by the OWFL Special Events Cooridnator. Sorry Folks. If you give me another chance, I guarentee improvement.
This is not today's post, just a message. So don't tell me what's for lunch.
Lady A Amendment....
Ms. HT so gracioulsy covered me the other day so we'll give her a break on today's post and just use MikeySunshine's foul up post.
SO, did anyone else foul up last night?? I did fo' sho'. I drank a little too much last night, wound up getting a crap load of food from McD's (a Big Mac value meal/crispy chix value meal/10 piece nugget meal/and a double cheeseburger to be exact...for me AND mr. Uni..I swear!!) and started baking a cake at 10:30 at night...finally had to go to bed at 2am...and got sick at some point (coulda been the mcdonalds...just maybe...and the vodkas).
And of course people....WFL????!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Stickin' it to the man...

Welcome, fellow OWFLers, to my first official post! And so it begins. Please be gentle.
So, yesterday my boss and my boss's boss took me out to lunch. In part, it was because my boss's boss was worried about what I was going to say when they told me that my boss is going to be working from home three days a week until she has her child in three months; however, it was mostly because my boss's boss likes going out to lunch.
Now, I don't object to being taken out to lunch, although it's kind of beat when all of those lunches for OTHER people wind up cutting in to my profit-sharing check. That tends to be more of an issue when you wind up going somewhere nice. Like Morton's, The Steakhouse. Which we did. Yesterday.
As I sat there yesterday, it put me in to a minor moral quandary. I really wasn't all that hungry, but how often do I eat - lunch or otherwise - at Morton's, much less on someone else's dime, even less on the company's dime? Do I order the $27 Stacked New York Strip Steak (with blue cheese and tomatoes)? Or, do I settle in for a more reasonable $16 Warm Steak Salad?
When your boss is picking up your lunch check, do you go with reasonable? Or, do you go all the way?
Wait a minute. The fog I created last night is lifting here for a moment, and I seem to recall having that discussion here in the recent past. Damn it! I was all excited about this last night, and now I'm botching my maiden voyage!
So, how about this? In addition to my menu anxiety yesterday, I was having the type of day when I could have fucked up a beer at lunch (as opposed to fucking up about a dozen later in the day). So, in the same situation - work lunch with higher-ups - what signs do you read to order an adult beverage? Where's your green light? Where's your red light?
And, of course, WFL?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
So then I did one for "angry lunch" and liked what I found better. And, I'd be happy to share them with you, if blogger wasn't such a motherfucking whore. So, you'll have to make do with my descriptions of the two images I chose for you.
Image #1 - an open faced bologna sandwich, looks to be on wheat, with angry faces drawn with mustard on the bologna (two faces, one on each piece of bread)
Image #2 - a drawing of a male unicorn in chaps and a star spangled banner t-shirt, flashing a peace sign, with a dialogue bubble that says, "Patriotism doesn't have to be bloodthirsty"
I have no idea what the latter has to do with anger or lunch, but it was funny.
So, you may have deduced that I'm pissy today. Not for any reason, I'm just tired and cranky and I don't feel like doing anything that doesn't involve sitting on my couch, watching tv and napping. Instead, I'm revising a proposal.
Special thanks to the E-que/Shorty family for dinner last night. Pierogies with bacon and sour cream is always a good time. Washed down with a glass or two of Boreskola (what we call Bull's Blood and Coke in Hungary) and I was a happy HT.
For lunch, I'm having two tomatoes - one yellow, one red - with a smidge of salt and balsamic. Blogger will be having my tiny, little fist up its incompetent asshole. What will YOU be having?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
So, its Talk Like a Pirate Day...I have a post-it eyepatch on in celebration and my index finger (when not typing) is hooked. So, what are we eating on this holiest of holidays?? What would a pirate eat?? I have an apple in honor of the late Captain Barbosa, but the rest is up in the air. I wish there was a turkey leg stand somewhere around here...
Monday, September 18, 2006
What special events are for lunch
As Special Event coordinator, I assume it is my role to get information and details posted for all to enjoy.
The first event of this administration should natrually be an innauguration and I propose that alcohol be involved. For discussion, I throw out the suggestion of a Happy Hour at some BB place in downtown Capital City as the site for this celebration. I personally like Buffalo Billiards, but I know there is always momentum towards Bravo Bravo. In your comments today, please address your thoughts on this special event. (I hate alcohol, I hate the new Czarina, I am tired of Bravo, Bravo, I'll be out of town, I don't have a job and therefore no income, I live in Houston and can't make it on such short notice, I'll be there at 3:00...Whatever the case may be)
And for discussion, I submit to you..."What does it take to make lunch a special event for you."
I am sure there are those among us who would say that lunch is by definition special, and that's fine, but the question stands. I know that back in middle school all it took to make lunch a special event was the inclusion of pizza. As we mature, like in college for example, what makes lunch a special event is when somebody else picks up the check. Nowadays, a simple lunch where the food is good, the company and conversation are interesting and there is no line for the Tilt-a-Whirl qualifies as a special event for me.
So as you tell us what is for lunch today, please also let us know what would make it less of a meal and more of a special event.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Last night though, I had what might have been the highlight of my trip, when I met up with the always fun and lovely Watchdog family at Fatheads on the Souside. (that's "the South Side" a Pittsburgh neighborhood, on the - you got it - south side of the city, across the Mon (Monongahela River) from Dahntahn (Downtown).) Having eaten earlier with my dad, I picked at the parm wings and shrooms, and admired the gusto with which WD and the older of the WD kids eat sandwiches bigger than my head. Actually, WD only consumed about 1/3 of his Fuddwich, with the kids firmly outeating all of us. Anyhoo, I was proud of my fellow Pittsburghers' collective behavior in not giving the head-to-toe MSU clad WD family a hard time, though Pitt's loss at their hands likely played a role in keeping the Yinzers in check.
So, are there any other OWFLers out there today????? I'm dying for some entertainment. Yesterday afternoon I did some shopping to take advantage of the Macy's sale and PA's lack of sales tax on clothing. But today, it's me, the couch, the dirty cat, and the tv. BOOOORRRIIINNNGGGGG (but better than the alternatives). So, what's everyone eating today? I had some cold pizza when I woke up, but nothing since. I might have a beer. Inspire me, OWFL!
Friday, September 15, 2006
I’m thinking about what’s in your drawers.
The reasons behind my distaste for posts and schedules are myriad. For one, sometimes I just don’t feel like, or am incapable of, being clever. Most significant, however, is the concept of “busy.”
I get really busy at work from time to time. I’m sure that many of you are similarly situated (with the notable exception of Professor Four Twenty, of course). Sometimes I get so busy that I don’t have a chance to visit yinzes for a day or so or so. (As a matter of fact, as I type, I ought to be working instead of blogging.) So, anyway, I guess I feel that the schedule represents an obligation. Understand, this is not an obligation that I resent. Rather, it is the potential that I might end up neglecting this obligation that causes me angst (i.e., I’d feel bad about missing a post and leaving you all hanging, but dammit, I simply have to work sometimes and I don’t want to feel guilty about that either. Curse my tendencies towards self-flagellation.).
And, let me tell you, folks, the free-swinging non-contributor lifestyle was pretty sweet. I will miss it.
Yet, I serve.
But I didn’t come here to talk about the draft…
I came to talk about being busy, which is the point of this post.
Sometimes, I get special busy. So busy that when the day ends, I realize that I’m dying of thirst and I have to pee like a racehorse—neither sensation having been allowed to manifest itself over the furious hours that just flew by. So busy that, not only is blogging about lunch out of the question, but any opportunity to take leave of the office and acquire a midday meal is also sacked (so to speak). When such a situation arises, I can always turn to my emergency reserves that are stashed around my workspace.
(Ho! Cute co-worker just asked if I wanted to make a bet on tomorrow’s UM ND game. I said “Let’s make it lunch!” Oh, Dipso, you sly sly dog, you.)
Back to the emergency reserves. At first blush it’s pretty slim pickins. A closer look, however, reveals a caloric content that could match a month’s worth in your run-of-the-mill Darfurian village. In the enclosed shelf to my left here, I have a box of cereal from Battle Creek, Michigan. Kellogg’s Smart Start—Antioxidant. It keeps me cancer free. I also have the big bomb—a can of Campbell’s Chunky Vegetable Beef. I used to have two of those, but I ate one a couple weeks ago over ramen noodles, several packages of which can be found in the bottom drawer to my immediate right. That drawer is big and deep.
I will now perform an inventory: three packages ramen—two beef, one chicken. I need to restock. I don’t do those Styrofoam cup things, either. Those are for Sallies; one Star-Kist “Lunch To-Go” (Bonnaroo! Just doesn’t taste the same in the office -- I promise you that); three other cans of tuna (I didn’t know I liked tuna so much); a cylinder of Quaker quick oats (I still have to do that coffee/oatmeal thing, I know); two pouches of lipton instant chicken noodle; @ ¼ bag gummy orange slice candy, all smashed up; ½ bag sunflower seeds, in shell; a million little packets of condiments, the mode of which seems to be “soy sauce,” or upon closer inspection, “water, salt, caramel color, sugar, msg, and sodium benzoate sauce.” Hey, soy-free soy sauce! I also have a container of soy milk in the fridge. There are some turkey and cheese hot pockets in the freezer that have been there for as long as I can remember, and a couple Salisbury steak frozen dinners. I didn’t buy them, but I would have no qualms about pilfering those in a pinch. I think they may be left there by a co-worker who got fired. I believe he was spending too much time on the Internet. I also have that bottle of Cholula I stole from Baja Fresh, some green tea, a box of Alka Seltzer, and half a bottle of now-crystalized Pure Michigan Star Thistle Honey, a product of Michigan that promises to re-liquify under certain meteorological conditions.
I’ve been typing this post for 25 minutes. I could type it for another 25 minutes. I’m not proud…or tired.
But at this point, I’d like to know what y’all have in your little makeshift workspace pantries (which is just an “r” away from being panties). Be as descriptive as possible now, and tell us what’s in your drawers.
Altogether now, with feeling:
You can get anything you want…
Go Blue!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
a darker kind of lunch question
manager: god, i think time is moving backwards
SK: what do you mean? isn't it 8pm yet?
manager: NO! it's only 7:30pm.
SK: (gasp) are you serious?
manager: this is what happens when it gets dark earlier. it's so deceiving.
(no kidding. it's painful when you close at 9pm and you think it's 8pm but it's really 730pm...ouch. at least we treated ourselves to a nice $30 of wine. yay wine!)
ok, so if you cannot tell, i'm effing hyper this am. i woke up on the right side of the bed today. (woot) yet being bipolar as i am, SK wants to flip things on its head and ask a more morbid and darker lunch question today...
what would you eat in hell??? b/c according to most religions, we'd all be going there. (and it'll be a great group of individuals, i guarantee you that!) but of course, my vision is that even though we'd all be together and make the best of a bad situation, the whole purpose of hell is to punish us for our wrongdoings. so, say that in hell, you'd only get to eat the thing(s) that you hated the most. what would that be?

alternative question for the atheists: pretend that you're held up in guantanamo and the US is torturing you by giving you food that you hated everyday. what would that be?
and of course, tell us what you are actually having for lunch today.
PS - RIP ann richards...she was one badass mutha and will be missed.
PPS - i showed up to my therapist's office the other day in my workout clothes. at the end of my session, she asked "what does WFL mean?" i gave her a very condensed answer, to which she replied "well everyone needs some comic relief in their lives! i think that's great!" i love her.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
This is NOT Thursday's Post...just wanted to show my cakes.... :)
Things are happening...
We also went over the 20,000 visit threshold yesterday and that is something worth note and pride. This little engine has certainly come a long way from the days of 3-4 people annoying eachother via email.
These are very exciting times for us...which brings me to this...
One of the many things that occurred at the Chicago conference that has yet to be reported also has the biggest immediate impact on the blog. And that is the transfer of leadership. Hatertot graciously stepped down as our Blog Leader and after an impromptu nominating session it was agreed that Lady Amalfia, the blogger formerly known as Unicorn, should take the reigns. It took some strong encouragement (non-volent) and cajoling but shortly after being nominated Lady Amalfia graciously accepted the role of Big Blog Boss.
In many ways her uni-ness has already been a strong leader in the OWFL community, working as the OWFL's in house baker of deliciously magically themed goods and in improving the schedule each month. It should be noted that it was Lady Amalfia who got the very succesful Chicago Conference off the ground and moving while the rest of us waited for something to happen.
The Lady Amalfia also produced the memoir of the Chicago Confrence, the 1st Official OWFL cookbooks. She spent many, many hours (ask mr. uni who put in considerable time and effort himself) of blood, sweat, tears and cash into creating a perfect way for us to memorialize the Chicago Conference and to keep our fellow lunchers' recipes readily accessible.
Lady Amalfia/Unicorn has always shown herself to be a diplomat in times of strife and someone unafraid to act in times of indecision.
So in honor of our new boss let's have spend today doing what she wants us to do, have fun, it's an anything goes topic day. We may even indulge a little eso-terrorism..As long as you start by congratulating the new boss and telling us, of course...WFL?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
we may have already covered this topic, but do you share your lunch?? do you enjoy mixing it up a little? who do yuo share your lunch with? do they have to fill out an application for lunch sharing? are there any requirements?
what would you be sharing for lunch today??
Blog Business
Today's post is not going to be one of those fun and entertaining ones about TV or favorite lunch treats or Lunch with The Devil. It's not going to be replete with entertaining and clever pictures. Today we need to deal with some blog business that we needed to nail down at the conference but was circumvented by drinking, smoked meats, corn holing and drama. Besides, this might be a better forum because we will have a lasting record of everyone's opinion.
I think we have unanimously agreed that we want to move from Blogger to a new system, but before we do we should carefully consider our options and decide what we want from a new system. In order to do so, I have some questions for you to think about to help solidify what our needs and wants are.
1. What do you specifically dislike about blogger?
2. What are some features or services you would like to see the new site have?
3. What domain name would you like our home on the internet to have?
4. What kind of time and/or money investment are you honestly willing and capable of contributing to the transition?
Additionally, I think it would be great to have a clear and concise mission statement for the new blog. Currently, I think the subtitle functions as a mission statement of sorts, but that it should be more complete. If I am not mistaken, I believe a longer version of it exists somewhere. Am I right, Dipso? In order to write a mission statement that fully encompasses our collective goals and ambitions for The Original What's for Lunch, I would like to hear from everyone why lunch is so important to them that they regularly blog about it.
5. What does lunch mean to you?
6. Why blog about lunch?
If there are important issues or ideas that you have that are not covered by the topics I have enumerated above, please share them with us so your voice and concerns can be recognized. I understand that those questions can yield wieldy answers so don't feel compelled to respond them all at once, but please try to formulate a response to each at some point throughout the day.
And of course, What's for Lunch on Tuesday, bitches?
Monday, September 11, 2006
America...Fuck Yeah!

Today of course marks the 5-year anniversary of the September 11th attacks on America. And while we will all be reminded of this fact throughout the day, I still thought it would be an appropriate subject for today’s blog entry.
However, we need not discuss how that day changed us all and America. Rather, let’s discuss how we dealt with such a heavy day. I for one spent the day with E-Que, whose birthday now will always be impossible to forget (Happy Birthday E-Que!!).
I remember the day vividly, but I can’t remember what I ate. Is that the case for the rest of you? I’m sure I ate something, but the details elude me. Lunch may have been at E-Que’s and Shorty’s house, but I can’t remember. I do recall that a group of us had planned a large press event for that day, and needless to say it was cancelled. In the evening, we all went to Adams Morgan, which was teaming with people, as if it were a Friday night. We had dinner at The Diner, which is a great place for comfort food.
My guess is I ate a burger topped with bacon and cheese, and a big side of freedom fries. Whatever it was I’m sure the mindset was to eat whatever felt good; concerns of artery clogging grease were certainly not in the mix. Not only that, my recent quitting of smoking went out the window and I probably smoked 2 packs that day. Its funny how when faced with such a stark reminder of mortality, my reaction was to return to old habits that are known to increase your risk of dying.
Nonetheless, the main item on the menu that day was lots of beer. Beer and good company and playing pool at Kokopooli’s, and trying to have a good time and forget for a minute about what happened.
So do any of you remember what you ate that day? If not, what do you think you ate? What would be the appropriate food for such a day?
And what is a good bet for lunch today? I’m thinking a big greasy burger, with bacon, and fries…freedom fries…
Friday, September 08, 2006
Cartoon Feasting

When I was younger I used to read the Asterix the Gaul comics. They were great. One of the things I remember is that they were always drinking wine (or mead or beer) and eating wild boar. I always thought the wild boar looked absolutely scrumptious. (And of course, I can't find a good picture of an Asterix whole wild boar.) Anyways, it always looked so shiny & yummy. Like it had been slathered in butter & roasted over a spit & now the skin was all crispy, but you knew inside it would still be juicy and delicious. I think about it now & wonder if maybe wild boar would actually be a little bit gamey for my taste (though I'll try most anything at least once), but mmmm, it still looks good. So what about you? Any cartoons or comics that got your drool on? Or am I just a weird freak? Hey, at least I never lusted after Blondie (you know who you are).
And WFL on this fine Friday??
Thursday, September 07, 2006

What Would Jesus Do... For Lunch?
We know he can turn water into wine, and he did that thing where he fed something like 1,000 people with one basket of fish and bread. But that was so year 25. Now that its 2006, surely there will have been some changes. His followers have gotten a lot more sophisticated, and now may be looking for a little sushi with some miso soup coming out of that one basket.
And perhaps due to the largely influential OWFL blog, he'd go for the last lunch instead of the last supper. Lots of good grub would be there i'm sure.
So share your thoughts on what Jesus might be eating for lunch and sharing with his brethren. What about Moses? Mohammed? Buddha? What do you think they ate, and what would they eat today if they were around? Would Buddha be caught dead in a McDonalds? Would Moses be seen eating bacon and eggs at Denny's? Do share!
This is a last minute replacement for Diz, so pardon the slapdash effort.
And of course, WFL?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Cooking from the Couch
When I set out to watch 12+ hours of television, it’s highly likely that a few of those hours will be spent watching cooking shows, and I have anecdotal evidence that suggests I’m not the only OWFLer who wiles away the hours learning to make 30-minute meals.
A brief rundown of some of HT’s favorites:
Julia - I like that she was always dropping shit on the floor and throwing it in anyway. She was a disaster in the kitchen from a cleanliness standpoint, but there was no one better from whom to learn the basics. Her The Way To Cook is the best kitchen reference I know.
The Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith) - Poor, dead, child molesting Jeff. I actually think maybe he just sexually harassed some adult men, but I'm not entirely sure. For all of his faults, this man is the sole cause for my love of TV cooking shows. The Frugal Gourmet was one of the only shows my parents and I could stand to be in the same room, at the same time, to watch. The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American is still one of my favorite cookbooks, and I miss Jeff's wacky sense of humor, and even his occasional interjection of Jesus talk into the kitchen (he was a minister, as I recall)
Nigella - I love this woman, and want to be her. I love that at the end of her show, it often shows her coming down to her kitchen in her bathrobe and eating out of her fridge. Watching Nigella is one of my favorite things in the world to do. She's hot, she has an accent, and her food is just ridiculous. Plus, she makes pretty kitchen things. What's not to love?
Alton Brown - I don't really like him actually. I think his show is interesting, but he gets on my nerves. I'd like to beat him with that snapper sometimes. He's here because I know he's popular with a lot of you OWFLers.
Jacques Pepin - MamaHT's favorite and Julia's sometime partner in the kitchen. I don't really enjoy when his daughter is on the show, because she's kind of stupid. But Jacques makes French cooking seem really simple and like something we could all do.

Giada - Oh, lovely Giada and your Everyday Italian. No other show makes me drool like this one. It's just so porny. Nigella may have led the food porn revolution with her
soft lighting, flowing hair and round, firm, uh, tomatoes, but Giada has perfected it. I could watch nothing but this show, everyday, all day and be completely mesmerized. And fat. Really, really fat.
And lastly, one of the most devisive figures on the cooking show scene. The mere mention of her name elicits groans or squeals of glee, depending on if you love her or want to drown her in a boiling vat of EVOO.
That's right, Rachel Ray. Myself, I like her food, hate that she's a big liar with her 30-minute bullshit, and generally want to stuff and truss her and roast her like a Thanksgiving turkey, but I rarely turn her off if I happen upon her, because the woman can make stuff that's probably already in your pantry (and DEFINITELY already i n Uni's pantry) into some delicious goodness.
So, who are your favorite tv cooks? Which are your favorite cooking shows? What do you look for in quality food television? And when are we going to see Lady Amalfia and her damn meatloaf on the Food Network?????
Special shout out to LizTurtle - Happy 18th Birthday!!!! Congrats!
Oh, and lastly - WHAT'S FOR LUNCH????
(I'm aware that the spacing on this is weird and fucked up, but I don't know how to fix it. Anyone who's able is welcome to go in and change it)
Monday, September 04, 2006
Ripped Panties and a Wet Crotch
I really, really don't know where to start with this one. This weekend was pure insanity. First of all, I don't remember much. Bits and pieces and really, my last true memory was seeing Hatertot and Horsecock/Rico doing some insane grinding at Lemmings. HT, could you feel "it" through his pants?? fucking HOT!!
Alright guys, i'm really sad to see you all go. I made some new lifer friends for sure. Not one of you disapointed Chairman PeeP. I seriously walked away from this with a changed life...scarred but seriously changed in a positive way. Thanks!!
A couple of bizness type things:
- A new blog will be done. All we need is a domain and Kirk and Jada will both research their ideas and present them to the group.
- I think we have a new leader. I don't want to jump the gun here but could that said person or one of the other former leaders please do the honors. I want to make sure it's done right.
- I think Chairman PeeP became Master of Technology but i'm not sure. I think Dipso made a mention of it.
- The next WFL conference will be held in New Orleans I think some time in April. We should probably have a side conversation about that.
- Anything else i forgot?
Since my memory is a little shady, I'm going to need all of your help with this entry. I'm going to start it off with a little list of some highlights and the rest of you just chime in. I had a wonderful time all weekend and let's do this again!!!!
- so much underwear ripping! Miso owes LT some meshy things. Jada and Horsecock were wearing my boxers around their neck for hours. HT's thong somehow ended up with Miso after a very secretive and quite dark initiation ceremony.
- New word: BLOVIN (blog + lovin)
- I'm going to Rochester in a couple weeks!!!!!!!!! (enough said because i'm sure if you saw miso and i make out one more time you might puke)
- The La Choi Super Drunk Dive Splash Spill Special
- Hanging out in an alley for hours. Serioiusly, i want to have every party in an alley now.
- Was there a fight? Old Town Ale House? I thought i heard that mentioned.
- Who puked?
- Thanks to someone for watering my crotch!! It's "LOOK AT MY CROTCH" not "WASH MY CROTCH"
- LC was bitchin on stage. That photo of her biggest fan needs to get up here now!!
- Uni killed a monkey
- I proved to LC, LT and HT that i really know nothing about the suburbs and proved it the wrong way
- Did LT get on her plane? Yeah, there are 2 airports in Chicago.
- There might be 2 new hottest girls at the airport bar.
- CRIMEY!!!!
Ok, i'm sure there is a lot more and people, please feel free to ask questions or elaborate about the above.
I love you all and will see you sometime soon!!!
OH, AND WHAT'S FOR LUNCH????????????
- Chairman PeeP, Master of Technology
Friday, September 01, 2006
Chicago Conference Day 1
I was peeled from the comfort of my bed on the orders of the Czar to put up today's post or they will not bring me food. Yes, I have once again missed lunch during the lunch conference. It is fitting then that my hypothesis yesterday was that this isn't a lunch blog but a drinking and hangover blog. [Suck it, Jo!]
What did our beloved lunch brethern that were not with us in Chicago do last night? I bet you didn't have as much fun as we did. How bad are your hangovers lovies? When are we getting our "Look at my crotch!" tattoos? How did Peep get naked pictures of Miso on his phone if they had just walked in the door when I called them from the California Clipper? Why the fuck did Rico just leave without saying goodbye? What else happened last night? And what should The Czar, Madame Presidente, Spam Kitty and LizTurtle bring me from the Bongo Room? But most important of all, WFL?
Uni and Mr. Uni arrive in less than 8 hours. Countdown to the Franzia shuffle.