Have we talked about this? Well regardless, we are now....maybe again.
Obiviously, i would thrive on some bloodies right now. But seriously folks, if it were the 50's again and a 3 martini lunch was still the rave, how would you spend your lunch period? Would you get plowed off your ass or go for a nice thick drink to stave off your hunger till that beer and turkey leg are had at home?
I'm thinking PeeP would fuck some shit up. I'd have 3 shots of Jameson, a cold pilsner to wash it down followed by a nice bloody with 3 gorganzolla stuffed olives finshed off with a B&B to warm my walk back to the office.
So what would you drink for lunch...and shit, WFL today??
god, can you imagine the beauty of such a world???
In the current one, i'd be fired for buying a single beer at lunch.
As for lunch drinks, i highly suggest throwing back a few bourbon and waters (i'm on a basil hayden kick now) and then finish up with a nice Guinness to clean your breath and sate you until you get home and your wife has served you the roast she has been working on all day while wearing a rather uncomfortable coneshaped bra and chainsmoking unfiltered cigarettes and soaking up nuclear radiation from the leaking plant down the street.
god the fifties were weird.
I like drinking. I like lunch. I like drinking for lunch, but I don't like being at the office with a good buzz on. I have a tendency to say what I think when I'm at the office with a good buzz on, and hearing what I think at the office tends to kill my buzz.
So, I probably wouldn't dive too much in to the three-martini lunch on the work scene, but I loves some day time drinking. I like leaving work at lunchtime and getting drunk for lunch. I tend to focus on beer in the afternoon, although I've been known to track down an Irish coffee on a rainy (and, oddly, Irish) afternoon. Have I ever told you about the day I turned the corner on the bloody mary (which I have since learned to embrace as a sibling)? Good story. Not really.
For lunch, I'm not having booze today. I'm having leftover sausage ragout over shells which I made last night. It ain't terrific, but it ain't bad.
Also, for you DC OWFLers (or anyone familiar enough with the area), I got the following request from a woman who used to work for me. Any help?
"I was wondering if any of you had any restaurant recommendations? My sister is coming here for business in February and she asked the following:
" Do you know of any hot or trendy restaurants in the DC area (around the Capitol or Dupont Circle)? I'm trying to book some nice places for my team for dinner when we come to DC and didn't know if you'd heard of anything."
I couldn't think and I just thought I'd check. Thanks and hope you're having a good one!!"
dirty's and bloody's everday.
Just got into work after redeyeing it back from the desert.
sleepy and not so happy.
Hm. The only time I think I've ever had a liquid lunch at work was 9/11. Well, then there are the office holiday luncheons, but everybody's drinking at those. And there's a lot of food, too, so that doesn't really qualify as a liquid lunch.
Tell us your story, EQ. I, myself, have always been a fan of the bloodies. Yum.
Lunch today will be the leftovers of my restaurant week lunch from yesterday. It tasted good, but I was a little disappointed in the selection. I went to Bobby Van's steakhouse, so you would expect, maybe not a filet, but at least a sirloin or something. There were 4 entree choices, and only one of them had steak in it. And it wasn't steak. It was chopped steak, i.e. salisbury steak, i.e. a big burger. Like I said, it tasted good, but I was disappointed. Also, Boston Market does way better creamed spinach. Hmm, maybe I'll go out & get a creamed spinach side to go with the rest of my burger & mashed taters.
Well, EQ, I don't think it really counts as hot and/or trendy, but if they're up for sushi, they can get a room (depending on their size) or a short table at Sushi Taro. Mmmmmm.
Oh, and Dragonfly at least used to be a good place for the hipper-than-thou, but I haven't been there in awhile, so take that with a grain of salt.
When I worked for the Earthquake company, I had no problem drinking at lunch. My favorite was the 2 chalices of dos equis at Senor Chotchky's, however when that company was still downtown and I could bike home at lunch, I would go home and take bong hits. That's where it's at. I mean I would pull tubes before going to the office, then they would wear off and I'd go home to pull some more to get through the afternoon. I really had about an hour of work a day, split through 4 or 5 tasks, so I could handle it.
The lady who gives me tasks at this temp gig is out today so I have nothing to do today, so if I were still seeing Mary Jane regularly, it would not be a bad day to pull tubes. That said, I am not going to get a drink at lunch today either. I had a rigerous swim workout last night ans am so sore and tired, that I think even a Michalob Ultra would pass me out straight up.
I have noticed that the less I smoke, the more and more often I drink, but I am not what I would call a 'functioning' alcoholic. I get drunk, so the mid day trip to the bar don't work for me.
I mean, remember when PeeP had to fire his temp for drinking, and he was sent back to Jesus to sort out his life.
I used to have a big problem with bloody marys because I was hung up on the whole tomato-juice/texture issue. I couldn't get past the thought of sucking down a cup of menstrual flow with my eggs benedict, even with the strenuous encouragement of a couple of dear friends.
Then, one Sunday hangover morning, I found myself at DC's Sign o' the Whale, and its Make-Your-Own-Bloody-Mary bar. I figured I couldn't beat the All-You-Care for $10 price tag, so I called upon the bar's owner (who was tending that morning) and my buddy TheParkerBrother to hold my hand through my introduction. Once I understood: a) you can adjust the tomato-vodka ratio to correct the texture issue and b) making a bloody mary is like making spaghetti sauce: you can put whatever you want in it!
By my fourth trip to the fixin's bar, I was sold, and I had discovered a new affinity for celery salt and beef broth.
Thus, my nearly instantaneous transformation from hater to evangelist.
Lord A, makes a good Bloody with Clamato, and horseradish. I know, I know, why would anybody willingly drink clam juice, but he makes them savory, and you can get past the image of somebody squeezing the clams for juice
Ahem...Clamato is actually Lady A's thang...a little trick learned from an AA'er so I figured it gots to be good!!
menstrual flow. jesus, eq.
I saw a funny shirt today.
It was for AS
Alcoholics Synonymous
Which is funny because it means that I am the same thing as an alcoholic. (plus in small letters towards the bottom, where the shirt might be tucked in, if you were in to tucking in Tshirts it said I love {heart} beer.
Doesn't BM mean Poop? Eww.
Well, EQ, you'll find out about Charlie Palmer's on Sunday!
EQ, I kid about the menstrual blood thing. I couldn't eat alfredo sauce until I popped that cherry.
GOd. Kojo's topic on NPR today is Naps. I am so tempted to just go into the closet and pile up all the unsold sweatshirts, and take a nap.
I'm going to have to instead go for lunch.
OWFL, this is what you're here for. WHat would you suggest I get for lunch today.
lt: no worries, and I stand by the image. It's the only way I've found to convey the depth of my aversion.
I'm kind of in a big mood for a bloody mary now, too.
I was about to say that E-Que.
I deal with that by nicknaming Earthquake to quake and E-Que to EQ. I know it is 3 more letters for quake, but it's not like we're carving these letters out of rock here, so it don't take much.
You should get some bread and make a sandwich. that is the good lunch
Thanks ILL, I like sandwiches
italian panini for lunch today. blah.
tonight a friend is coming over and we are making deep fried pickles and dipping them in ranch dressing.
i think i'd rather drink clamato
On the whole, this group (OWFLers) are very good bloody makers. I like the idea of a contest though, but in my opinion, Shorty's got it on lock down. (even though I'm more than fond of the other creations)
I drink at lunch. Or in the afternoon. It's part of the job, from time to time. And, I'm a better writer with a few in me, so when it's proposal writing time, I've been known to hole up in my office with a bottle.
I had a long chat with a longtime donor this morning, and he always makes me feel dirty. I could use a drink today. Anyone want to come have a drink for lunch in Old Town?
That's what the ol' GrandQuakes have told me since I was just a tremor in my parents' eyes: "son, typing letters on a computer keyboard ain't like carving stone."
Sorry, E-que! I was referencing Earthquake.
Looks like this guy was psychic about our topic today . . . .
Oh, and Sunshine (probably too late for today, but maybe tomorrow), what you really want is a day-old 'chopped steak' from Bobby Van's steakhouse. I wasn't that impressed with it yesterday, but man! It's amazing what a day melding will do! It was really good! Still doesn't make up for the fact I didn't get an actual steak there . . . still debating going out for that creamed spinach. Mmmmmmm . . . .
Not to be worrying Sunshine.
I am always rapping late at night so I am not getting up in the mornings too much good. That is why ILL Mitch demands flexible hours from working job. This means most of work I am doing is work from the home. Sometimes I write emails to people trying to get their bank account information for my friend Gen. Nimbuto Mkumbe from Nigeria. SOmetimes I try to buy houses with no money down, like I learn from those identical twin midgets in that video I buy last year. But mostly, I am doing bar back work for shooters saloon which is on floor 1 of the 2 floor ILL Mitch residence tower. So lunch time for you is roun when I am wake up, so I like the screwdriver around noon, boss never say anything about Mitch drinking. If he do, I just say I am researching for new rhymes and he is goes mumble mumble something I am cannot understand, but then I just give a little hustle and he is all smiles. I think he is kind of a little retarded.
clamato sounds like an std. and it's too watery.
beefomato sounds porny. I've never had it.
I prefer almost anything else - V-8 or spicy bloody mary mix or regular tom juice, with a big spoonful of radish. mmmm . . . chewy . . . .
Deep fried pickles are delish. Yum. Wonder what Lady A's doing tonight, maybe we could avail ourselves to her frier...
cirus in the bm as well.
I keep wanting to use my favorite BM quote from the movie Happiness....
E-que (that's right; I'm giving you just as many characters. No hard feelings?): I take a minor objection to your olive claim, but we all know that we all know that's my problem. I wholeheartedly endorse the other garnishes. I'm a huge fan of the pickled asparagus. My bartender back in Montana used to serve my bloodys with a pickled asparagus spear between two olives on a toothpick with the asparagus dangling in my drink. While I didn't eat the olives for all the well-known reasons, she always got points for presentation.
Clamato has always scared me, but I'm willing to admit the possibility that it could benefit from my Slippery Slope concept, especially if I am exposed to it in a properly appointed bloody mary. (Was that what they called a bloody caesar out in Montana? I can't remember what the subtle difference was.)
lt: I'm guessing beefamato isn't porn so much as a position or scene formula (e.g., schoolgirl, delivery boy, etc.) for porn. Anyone have any thoughts on what such beefamato would entail?
And, in addition to my leftover pasta (the sweet Italian sausage is remarkably good, especially considering it was sold under the Giant label!), I had some dried apricots and "Colossal" pistachios from Sunnyland Farms in Georgia which I received as a Christmas gift. Quite good.
Speaking of good quotes, I was sitting at Midway airport one painful Sunday morning a couple of years ago when the only person on earth who looked like he was in worse shape than I was walked in and said to the bartender: "Give me a bloody mary and, for the love of the Holy Mother, if I can't see through it, it won't do me any damned good."
Can someone tell me what the difference between szechuan beef/chicken and hunan beef/chicken is?
I ordered szechuan chicken for lunch. It is en route. No drinking today, though perhaps later on the comfort of my couch.
Hunan has mushrooms, green peppers and onions, in a clearish garlique sauce
Seczuan is more of a spicy brown sauce, sometimes with peanuts.
This all depends on the particulars of the 'chef' and the joint serving the food.
Turtle, I know it's mot my day to be giving out points, but the SDT comments almost drew attention to this temp because of t out loud laughing. I'd give that shit like 30 points.
turkey club and potato salad for lunch.
vitamin water to drink.
I drank 16 salty dogs on Monday night.
Sweet, thanks Sunshine!
And Quake, beefomato is clearly hermaphrodite porn.
Huh. That's interesting since Jo was at the Gator game and when I was a Gator, my favorite bar was the Salty Dog. My favorite drink was $4 pitchers.
Michael Shea's blonde was the best thing they had on tap.
Sorry for replying late again. Good topic. The 50's were weird .... what other time could you get key parties and still go to church the next day?
Regardless, I had the anemic sandwich because I am on dealine for some projects in Brasil and needed to get my running done today. Jason's sucks but it is so close and one of the only places I can go where I wouldn't have to go home and take colon blow.
I think alcohol is wonderful at lunch... it keeps me regular.
I'm changing my name.
I want to reflect my new year's resolution to be more self centered in 2007
You can still call me sunshine or MS to abbreviate here on OWFL, but my new name will be a little more anonymous too since I really am known as MikeySunshine in the real world.
I will reappear as Heliocentric. Stand by.
Since Watchdog is in another country, I will give him props for his BM's...he makes them strong and spicy!
yellow grapefruit (not ruby red).
They might not have been puting alcohol in the last 14 since they only charged me for 2.
Check me out, Check me out.
The Sun is the center of the Universe (that's what heliocentric means)
This is pretty good. I likes
Diz is right, the 50's were great. I did a google image search for the cone shaped bras that M mentioned at 11:08. How funny looking and titilating they were.
Anybody remember nurse deisel in High Anexiety? The ultimate coneshaped bra.
Wait - JO, this is VERY important - was your salty dog made with REAL grapefruit juice?! (REAL = yellow)
Wow. Yellow Grapefruit.. How I miss you so...
Oh my god. I might not last the final hour of this day. I am so tired, bored, and sick of looking busy.
Anybody been to the Macaroni grill? I used to go when I lived in Maimi, but that was like 14 years ago.
Got a date tonight with Lil Miss Sunshine, probably going to go there.
Dear Heliocentric:
You are a huge nerd.
PS - Speaking of huge nerds, I got a package in the mail today from a buddy of mine in NYC. It is a little plastic picnic table that holds a ketchup bottle, a mustard bottle, and salt/pepper shakers. There is also a wire loop on the side to hold napkins. It is called the Gemco brand The Condiment Table.
Oh my god. I might not last the final hour of this day. I am so tired, bored, and sick of looking busy.
Anybody been to the Macaroni grill? I used to go when I lived in Maimi, but that was like 14 years ago.
Got a date tonight with Lil Miss Sunshine, probably going to go there.
Dear Earthquake,
You're just jealous that I co-opted your spot at the center of the universe. Enjoy playing with your dolls at their new picnic table action play set.
Sunshine at the center of the Universe
Mm . . . I like Macaroni Grill. They have the best foccacia with the dipping oil. Snarf.
I can't believe nobody's commented on my beefomato description.
Welcome Heliotrope!
I like your beefomato, lt. In fact, I like all beefomato.
Especially midget beefomato.
Speaking of midgets!! HT, I think that there's a story on Primetime (I think? Whatever newsmagazine is on ABC tonight) about primordial dwarfs. I'm totally watching this and you should, too. In fact, you should probably DVR it so you can watch it over and over and over and . . .
I just read that Tycho Brahe, an old timey Danish noble man and astronomer uset to keep a midget named Jepp as a jester. Jepp would hang out under the table at banquets and pop out to entertain briefly.
He also had a tame Elk that died when it drank too much beer at a banquet and it stumbled and fell down the stairs and broke its neck
Man, I would love to see a drunken midget ride a drunken Elk. That is way cooler than anything I've ever seen on TV.
Thanks LT! I will try to get home in time to to that... Which shouldn't be a problem since I'm leaving "early" tonight to go to the gym.
The thing with primordials though is that they're less fun seeming and I more feel bad for them. I mean don't get me wrong - I'd love to carry a three year old one of them around in my pocket, but I'd feel bad about it.
Kind of.
I don't think it's on until 10, so you should be good to go!
Awwww, little pocket baby! I think you don't think they're as fun b/c they have the same proportions as us regulars (well, maybe not as fat), so they just look like they've been shrunk to 25% on the copy machine.
thank you all. rather than kill all my coworkers as i was planning i read those last twenty messages and pissed myself laughing.
so now i am going home to change.
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