Brrrrr.....Hot Buttered Rum Day.....Yummmmm....how appropriate considering it is cold as balls outside!!
I have a feeling that many of us will be in search of some soul warming comfort food today for lunch, a soothing soup, hearty stew, a chunky chowder...perhaps paired up with a melty cheese sandwich. And it would probably be preferable if it were from a locale that wouldn't require you to step outside!
Anyways, in honor of hot buttered rum day let's discuss our steamy drinks of choice on chilly days such as these. Do you take a shot of baileys with your coffee? Have you sipped on hot cocoa laced with butter schnapps? Or is a hot apple cider with some spicy rum more up your alley? Of course since most of us are at work, we may have to get by on plain coffee or tea until post work hours. But do you trade in your sodas, V8's, Shnazz (or whatever that seltzer water is called from Giant) on cold days like this for an extra trip to Dunkin Donuts for crack coffee?
And don't forget...WFL??
I almost froze walking to the metro this morning. And then I went pleasantly numb & it was fine. Except that Rosslyn stunk like ass. What's up with that? Ugh. Anyways. I love me some gluhwein (not sure of the spelling) - it's the german version of mulled wine. So good! Hot cider (w rum, of course) and the occasional hot chocolate or coffee with Bailey's. Yummmmm. In fact, maybe that will be my first drink when I meet up after work with HT at Vermilion. Come on, DCers, break out of your comfort zone & get thee to Olde Towne!
Lunch today is leftover jamba-liar. It's ok. I'm not too psyched about the recipe. Maybe it'll be more exciting the next day. I think it called for too much shrimp & not enough chicken/ham. Oh well. At least I don't have to go outside!
I drink tea when it's cold. Coffee upsets my tummy and I don't like hot chocolate all that much.
If I don't have to work or function, I drink hot whiskey with lemon, or hot port, or mulled wine - but it's important not to heat the booze too much, otherwise you lose the alcohol. The trick is to make a separate pot of mulled syrup or whatever and add it to the booze.
Sadly, I will have to go outside for lunch unless I order something for delivery. Which, I just may do. Otherwise, I will likely have a greek salad with chicken in advance of meeting LT and Bon Bon and any other adventurous OWFLers at Vermillion.
Bridges in Houston are iced over. If this town gets snpw they freak out and call in. Its sad really. All those tough Texans are so afraid of a little ice.
Speaking of which ... no ice in the drink but keep it warm ... hrrrm I like Old Fashions and I like mulled wine.
I am WFH today. Because I am a techie and I put together all the stuff so that we can work from any computer in the world and get all of our crap securely.... I'm just that fuckin good.
Whisky and lemon is good as long as you heat it with the twist still in it and add a dollop of sugar. (old fashioned)
Ha! At least in TX you don't get ice all that often! In DC we usually get an inch or so a couple/few times each winter, and every single time it's like the apocalypse. "OH NO!!!!! There's a fine layer of snow lying between the blades of grass on my front lawn! STOCK UP ON MILK & BREAD & EGGS!!!!! We could be snowed in for, literally, hours!"
Ha ha. DC snow-panickers are stupid. That being said, I'd love me a good snow day. Doesn't look like it'll happen this year. Damn you, El Nino! And damn you for making my upcoming ski trip crappy with the rocky ice, etc. instead of powder!
Drinkboy says that an Old Fashioned is really the pinnacle of drink making. Mainly because as HT mentions, this sucker better not be overheated.
Sorry LT, I've been there too. Stupid non-existant-El-Nino, really folks .. it is an Inconveniant Truth.
Moscow is even 50 degrees F
Old Fashioneds aren't actually meant to be heated. They are the iced equivalent of the drink I mention, and are usually made with Bourbon.
Myself, I prefer Irish whiskey in my heated concoction, though I've been known to use whatever I can get my hands on, even scotch from GG's airplane bottle stash.
The one good thing about the colder weather is that it is clearly whiskey season now. I know many of you imbibe the Water of Life all year, but I prefer clear, cold vodka in the warmer months.
I may even eschew a Moment of Clarity this evening in favor of a Manhattan.
ARRGGGHH! I love you HT because you a definitely a creature after my own heart ... however .. Old Fashioned(s) are heated drinks ... and no ... you don't make them with soda .. on this point I stand firm ... I agree with Drink Boy. My Dad makes them the right way ... we do it every winter when the fam gets together ... bitters, heated simple sugar with a twist (whatever Citrus you have on hand) and Whiskey ... not f'in Bourbon.
Fox 5 morning news this morning said that coffee gets panties wet.
Well that's my bastardization of what they said, which in turn is a bastardization of the study they were reporting.
Fox 5 reported that coffee is like viagra for females. Then they said it depends on the dosage, and they recommended a "Grande" coffee from your local coffee shop. First off, They are obviously endorsing those evil douchbags over at starbucks because my local coffee shop only has one size and it's called a mug of coffee (Dos Gringos, bless your dirty hippie hearts). I for one refuse to learn or order in starbuck's-asshole-talk on the odd occasion that I find myself in there. I say small coffee and they usually deliver me a 12 oz drip coffee that is invariably burnt or over roasted, but I digress. So what ever a "grande" is, that is the dosage that works best as a sex kickstart for women.
Then they showed the study that they were reporting on.
In Rats in Rat heat, they had a cage where a male rat and female rat were seperated by a wall that they could pass through almost at will. The lady rats in the control group would go over into the bachelor rats side for some rat loving at a certain rate. The chick rats in the experimental group received doses of caffine (not Coffee) and them rat sluts went to the rat boys to get rat fucked in their rat holes at a higher rat rate.
So it is not coffee, but caffine that gets panties wet. At least that's what one study with rats seems to show.
At any rate, I'll probably head down to starbucks to pick up horny women for lunch today.
Maybe someone should try this one.
Diz, really, they are not meant to be heated. Even your boy Drinkboy mentions the addition of ice. I mean, the "Old Fashioned Glass" is named after the drink and you don't serve warm beverages in those! On the Bourbon point - that is the traditional whiskey used; the drink was invented in Louisville! What else would they use but Kentucky Bourbon?!
For lunch i am going for soup and sandwich.
Maybe from Au Bon pain.
I drink hot chocolate at work when it gets really cold (it isn't "really cold" today, pansies).
I have taken to drinking bourbon in the evenings when I get home out of the cold. It immediately warms me up and puts my body into a nice, relaxed state that fits perfectly onto my couch with remote in hand. Bliss.
By the way "Baby it's cold Outside" is the world's greatest "talk the panties off of her" song. I was going to say "world's greatest date rape song" but that would've been insensitive to rape victims and to Bing Crosby, who was certainly no rapist.
See the lyrics below:
I really can't stay - Baby it's cold outside
I've got to go away - Baby it's cold outside
This evening has been - Been hoping that you'd drop in
So very nice - I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice
My mother will start to worry - Beautiful, what's your hurry
My father will be pacing the floor - Listen to the fireplace roar
So really I'd better scurry - Beautiful, please don't hurry
well Maybe just a half a drink more - Put some music on while I pour
The neighbors might think - Baby, it's bad out there
Say, what's in this drink - No cabs to be had out there
I wish I knew how - Your eyes are like starlight now
To break this spell - I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell
I ought to say no, no, no, sir - Mind if I move a little closer
At least I'm gonna say that I tried - What's the sense in hurting my pride
I really can't stay - Baby don't hold out
Ahh, but it's cold outside
C'mon baby
I simply must go - Baby, it's cold outside
The answer is no - Ooh baby, it's cold outside
This welcome has been - I'm lucky that you dropped in
So nice and warm -- Look out the window at that storm
My sister will be suspicious - Man, your lips look so delicious
My brother will be there at the door - Waves upon a tropical shore
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious - Gosh your lips look delicious
Well maybe just a half a drink more - Never such a blizzard before
I've got to go home - Oh, baby, you'll freeze out there
Say, lend me your comb - It's up to your knees out there
You've really been grand - Your eyes are like starlight now
But don't you see - How can you do this thing to me
There's bound to be talk tomorrow - Making my life long sorrow
At least there will be plenty implied - If you caught pneumonia and died
I really can't stay - Get over that old out
Ahh, but it's cold outside
Baby it's cold outside
Brr its cold….
It's cold out there
Cant you stay awhile longer baby
Well…..I really shouldn't...alright
Make it worth your while baby
Ahh, do that again….
Is there a difference between whiskey & bourbon?
HT, does this mean we have to go back to Vermilion again so you can get your Moment of Clarity? (And: YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!)
Helio, I think you'll agree with me when I say there is nothing better than a {person of opposite gender, or same gender if that's how you roll} that stinks of coffee. How can coffee smell so good in the cup, but when it's actually coming out of a person, just smell of funk? And not the Prince type of funk, either. And why do some people just reek of it, and others, who I know to be huge coffee drinkers, never seem to stink of it? Hmmm. The mysteries of the universe.
Ah, I love that song. And it's been going through my head ever since I saw the words written on the main page. But I have the Dean Martin version alternating with the Ann-Margret version in my head. And can I just say: Damn you, Ann-Margret! You want it for reals! This is why guys don't think that no means yes! And dude, move out of your parents house while you're at it.
The answer to that question is here ... I specifically meant Jack in my Old Fashioned(s) because ... lets face it ... my whole family is from the other side of those mountains (Oakridge, TN).
Oh, LT... where to begin...
Bourbon is only distilled once, and it's made with a mix of corn and grain (barley, wheat, rye, what have you). It's a purely American concoction.
Whiskey (the Irish sort) is made of 100% grain (whether it's blended or single malt is another issue - most Irish whiskey's are blended except for the really delicious ones) and is distilled 3x. There is no peat used in this process.
Scotch Whisky (note the spelling difference) is made with grain (again, can be a variety or just one), and is distilled twice. The malted barley is dried with smoke (usually from peat) which gives it that smokey flavor.
There's a lot more to it, but that's the basics.
Yeah, I probably would have started drinking coffee earlier in my life but for the odor burned into my memory by Mr Schrek the 8th grade life science teacher. That was the worst breath I can remember ever having smelled.
I haven't thought about that in quite a while, and now that I drink a coffee just about every day, I wonder if I offend that much... I mean without having a tiger shit in my mouth, I can't conceive of that even being possible, but coffee breath; now I have something new to worry about.
You know what, I am kind of looking forward to coming home from HH@BB and not smelling like barsmoke. Not exactally the same thing as coffee breath, but not pleasant either.
I move that we disallow helio from eating any wings or drinking any alcohol until the Pittsburgh Conference.
All in favor?
wow, guys, I'm impressed. i was expecting a lot more vitriol. i guess i wasn't snotty & dismissive enough. and good info! anyways, i lost a fight to one of the brown liquors when i was 14, and can't drink any of them anymore. i suppose i could force myself to learn to enjoy it, but meh. i'm happy with my vodkas, rums, & vino.
I vote 'nay' to that Jo. He's just saying what we're all thinking. And by 'we', I mean 'me'.
PeeP - Lady and Lord A and I caught that the other night. Horrible. What's with all the makeup???
EW!! I SAW THAT PEEP!!!!!! Ugh, that was freaky. He was all plasticized. Ugh!! Although to be fair, he was less annoying than that Six Flags guy. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? I don't think Orville Redenbacher is ever going to be a good "character", like Ronald McDonald or possibly even Colonel Sanders.
Didn't they have his extra-geeky grandson on commercials for awhile? I guess they thought he didn't have enough of that 'it' factor to be on tv. Or am I thinking of Jim Perdue, who they evidently did think that of.
I move that in light of Lizturtle's comments she be forbidden from enjoying any QUIZNO'S SALAD for 30 blogging days. All in favor?
LT, I find the new Burger King creep .. but at least it is funny .. it got a laugh out of my when he was doing that kick-return.
and of course "they" seem to know he is creepy ... which at least makes light of it. Maybe it is a tongue-in-cheek- campaign against clowns that hock hamburgers ... clowns are creepy.
What are clowns trying to say with their huge noses and feet?
Just creepy.
Damn you, Jo!
Eh, that's ok. I have no coupons for a QUIZNO'S CHOPPED SALAD anyway.
Hungry! And so late suddenly!
I completely forgot that I actually brought a lunch from home today!
I ordered way too much food from Spices last night so instead of trying to force the duck fried rice (Thai style) down mine and the missus' throats I intentionally left it alone for lunch today!
Hooray for me!
And hooray for Ducks!
LT--No *brown* liquors? You must fit in really well w/ all your fine politicians in the Commonwealth.
No outside drinking for me tonight, as I am having a few cash-flow issues, but all this talk of warm drinks has me dreaming up some home brews. Think I'll bust into the airline bottle stash, and spike some decaf or hot cocoa w/ a little Bailey's b/f turning in. Yum!
Yay Notwitty is here!
I've never made an old fashioned warm before...and if I had...I would've cursed the old ladies who typically ordered them to their faces instead of behind their backs like I used to do.
Lunch today is a salad with leftover rotisserie chicken (sans giblet bag). If I was going out tonight I would definitely get a cup of coffee with shot of baileys on the side.
Notwitty I thought you were like me...Irish?
hi all!
just to take us off the hot toddy/old-fashioned debate, my favorite drink is from tryst and it's called the "Voodoo Lady" and it's made wtih meyers dark rum and coffee liqueur in hot vanilla chai. mmmmmm......
and as for being "a techie" that "put[s] together all the stuff so that we can work from any computer in the world and get all of our crap securely", where's our new owfl site??????, do we need to put a due date on yo' ass???? you know i LYLB, but seriously...i'd even kick my brother's ass if he was as late as you.
that is all.
Hi Notwitty!!! Good to see you re-surfacing!!
And LC that Voodoo drink sounds D-vine, I'll venture to Tryst with you anytime for that!
I was just trying to throw out some fodder before I left for lunch with that Burbon & whiskey are for pussies comment. It did not go as far as I thought it would.
What the hell would I know. I just broke a 7 year personal ban from hard alcohol in any form about a month or two ago.
Lunch was a stroll to the white house, then up to the fruit loop then back to the institution where I made my own sammie with ham, turkey, swiss and lettuce. On a silly ass bread that has heaps of sunflower seeds and other little nutty jim jams in it. Plus a fountain cherry coke and a sack of fritos.
I love hard liquor drinkin' Sunshine!
Man, what a shitty day to get stuck doing work instead of keeping up with the blog.
Helio: You know damned well neither whiskey nor bourbon is for pussies. Give half an hour to put down half a fifth of the 1792 Ridgemont Reserve, and I'll tell you all about it while constantly standing up to kick your ass.
diz: I lost track of the old-fashioned/hot toddy debate, but I've found the old-fashioned is sometimes thought of as a warm drink because it is easier to dissolve the sugar in warm water than cold; however, as a Certified Mixologist from the Profession Bartenders School in downtown Chicago (a town which, I daresay, knows a thing or two about a cocktail), I assert it is a cocktail served on ice.
To the topic at hand: I love Irish coffee on a rainy afternoon. Of course, there was a good stretch there (read: the turn of the 21st century to present) when I began to take great pleasure in the Tennessee Coffee, which I like to think of as black coffee lightly to immoderately sweetened with Jack Daniel's.
Generally speaking, however, I am a purist. I like my coffee black. I like my bourbon/whiskey/whisky neat, although I don't mind it on the rocks if I'm refreshing as well as relaxing.
For lunch today, I think I'm going to drag myself out of this chair and downstairs for a bowl of passable chili and a grilled cheese sandwich from the mediocre place downstairs.
I remember having a discussion the other night about who is allowed to use the term "Y'all".
I don't think notwitty (from Michigan) is allowed. And by the way nw, WFL?
I am thirsty.
hahah, helio called dupont the "fruit loop". or maybe that's something else. if he doesn't call it that, i will.
lady a, we should definitely go and get the voodoo lady soon. it's just so warm and tasty.
oh, i ate a hummus veggie sammie and the last of some spicy warm homemade soup. (the same soup that lord a and lady a had, as i had a vat to spare) i am happy that, even though i don't go on the blog as often as i used to, that i can still eat something related to the day's topic.
I miss abp. I'm sure there's one somewhere around here (in the airport?) but it's not just down the street. Oddly, I don't miss breadline as much, mostly b/c I o.d.'d on that place towards the end of my time over yonder.
I have not gotten lunch yet. It's cold outside and I don't want to leave the warmth of my office.
I don't know what's it's called, if it even has to have a name, but when I used to (occasionally) study at Georgetown (Apartments in Gainesville) I would do it with a cup of coffee that was half decaf and half regular with half & half and mad sugar. One day Neighbor Dave stumbled home all drunk with half a handle of Cap'n Morgans and poured me a generous dallop into my coffee. I did well on the test I was studying for, so I made that a study tradition. it turned out that the longer I studied, the less effective it got and the more hammered I got. But at the time I was a recreation major, so how hard is it to figure out a double elimination tournament bracket anywise?
Yay for scottish mutts!!! Yay Notwitty! And me!!! Woooooo!
And as GG pointed out, my liquor consumption is yet another reason my state gov'ment is out of step with me.
I say y'all all the time. Y'all y'all y'all. And I support others who do so, regardless of where they are from. Y'all!!
La Choi, First off, it's lovely to see you here. It's been a while and I always to see the return of an old timer. Same with you not witty.
Secondly, I like that you were able to figure out that I was indeed referring to Dupont.
HT, yeah now that I'm in training, I think Gin & Tonics are less harmful than beers. With Lil' Miss Sunshine going to China on Friday, I'll have nobody to reign me in at HH, and Bob now knows how I like'em... strong.
God, could you imagine the craziness of the March Madness office bracket competitions if the NCAAs were double elimination?!? I would need a coupla stiff drinks just to fill mine out.
LT March Madness is easy.
Gators Win again!!!
Take it to the bank.
That was pretty witty notwitty. Dizinformed. good stuff.
aww.. i feel bad i missed all the conversation today.. this could have really helped me avoid work and the coupled impending doom...
Hot Toddy's are my favorite drink for immediatly after returning inside after freezing your fingers off outside.. but those will only last for one or two... a nice bourbon (which may or maynot be for pussies)or three after that will do just as much to keep you warming up.. even if it's over ice.
HT: that differentiation of bourbons and whiskeys was quite hot.
Lunch today was IHOP... i got the "philly cheese steak stacker"
and it was pretty goddamn wonderful. as were its loving onion rings.
Oh, and I did get the grilled cheese/chili combination from the mediocre joint downstairs. It even required me to walk about 30 yards outside, which was the perfect amount of time to make me feel good about ordering the chili.
So I'm out of the country for a week and a half and all I hear about is how warm it is in the U.S., then I get back here and its freakin' freezin!!
So I had my all time favorite hot drink this morning, coffee.
I also loves me some hot chocolate.
In Mexico they take a block of chocolate and pour boiling water over it to make hot chocolate, but I always thought it would be 20 X better with milk.
Watchdog, welcome back to the US and A.
impending doom = every second i spend dealing with these people increases my chance of ending up in jail for a long time. I think of it as the CDF function of a normal distribution.
oh and i LOVE coffee breath... is there something wrong with me? the stank of old stale coffee is such a beautiful thing.
i'm drinking Stash Fusion Green and White tea now. it's pretty good.
Welcome back, WD! We were just kidding - it wasn't that warm while you were gone. We just wanted you to get back quick.
Hey, how was the weather over thar?
and welcome back watchdog. since you've been gone all of america's problems have been solved. hope you didn't have any attachment to poverty or the energy crisis
M, you must love that stale ciggie flavour, too. And what about the gin coming out your pores the day after boozing it up? Even a shower don't get rid of that stank. Yum.
welcome back watchdog!!!
HH@BB on Friday!
and you can bring the wife cuz it's no smoking!
Welcome back WD! I hope we will see you Friday - you and Bob should have a lot to talk about!
the stale cig smell is horrific. i wished i liked it because then it wouldn't be so hard to live with myself
Thanks for the welcomes everybody. The weather was fair.
But the food, ahhh the food was awesome.
I now love Meze. Where has Meze been all my life?
I tried to do a blog entry from Beirut, but the ol' internet connection there is mighty slow. I clicked login and publish but nothing ever happened
I would have reported that I had some awesome Beirutese grub. Chunks of meat in red sauce with rice and pine nutz.
At Zatinya? Or Lebanese Taverna?
I have seen those Lebanese places before, but never gone. That will be rectified!
Lebanese Taverna is yum yum yum in my tum tum tum!
Kudos OWFL. We finally hit our stride after a long time in the pits.
I am referring to a day in which the comments to the post are witty relevant entertaining and over 60.
Well done team. You earned yourlelf a drink.
I think we'll hit 100 today...let's git on it folks!
I just snacked on broccoli and brussel sprouts...I really wanted cheetos so it wasn't quite as satisfying as I hoped it would be.
I'm jetlagged, and as such will have another warm drink this afternoon, and that is COFFEE. My body is telling me its 11pm right now but must stay awake until at least 9 or 10 so I don't wake up at 3AM.
i'm glad to know i've earned that moment of clarity (or birthday cake? or something else?) that i've earned. Huzzah for me!
and wow, lady a. good for you. but i could have told you brussel sprouts is no substitute for cheetos. dammit. now i want those chips from 2 days ago. argh!
100 eh? I am sceptical. I mean I can get in touch with a few guys who can help push the number up, but I think we'll lose the witty, entertaining and relevant part.
I am not beleiving that ther has even been question or debating. There is one thing made for cold days and it comes from my mother... mother Russia that is. i talking of course about Vodka.
Ultimo! You broke the anonymity rule! For shame, muchacho.
I ate those chips & what a disappointment. They were mesquite bbq flavoured, but they were kind of sweet. Yuck.
Sorry about the absense. I slogged into work today to find myself facing shots for BRAZIL!!!!
YEAAHHH!! I get to go to Brazil in the middle of Feb!!!! YEAAAAAYYYYY!!!!
Ok LC, you win, I have the server ready. I was playing with the two different types of blog software. I don't even know what we all really want. I feel like a huge ass. I could prolly make a living ust setting up this crap. As for design, I SUCK!!!! Oh well, too bad there aren't any good microsoft blogging thingys.. I know noone here gives a crap about what we use ... I just want someone who can code this crap.
yay miso! have you made the bundles in peep friendly sizes?
diz - i thought we were just moving blogger over?
Good to have you back W-dog!
I am drinking more coffee now, too, watchdog! I think it's mostly just because I went to the dentist yesterday to have my teeth cleaned, and, for the first time in my life, the hygenist opened up with "coffee drinker, huh?" instead of "so, do you smoke?" Fuckin' hygenists, trying to make me lie.
Of course, my gums bled so much yesterday that I'm beginning to think that the sharp decrease in my gum-chewing (to get rid of the tiger shit smoke-mouth) has led to a general decline in the cleanliness of my mouth. I figure it's either that or the sharp increase, although only in the past three weeks, in my sunflower seed eating.
Seem like I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out why my gums were bleeding so much yesterday? Having a crime scene in your mouth will do that to a seismic event.
WD, we can do that today if everyone wants.
Quake, do you whiten your teeth? What kind of toothpaste you usin?
Jo, do you like Player vs. Player?
Current Vermillion Specialty Drink List (please note the absence of the Moment of Clarity and the hot beverages on the bottom):
Stoil Oranj, Licor 43, and Orange Juice
Stoli Razberi, Chambord, and Sprite
Stoli Oranj, Peach Schnapps, Cranberry, and Orange Juice
Apple Vodka, Apple Pucker and Sour
Don Juan
Stoli Vanil, Malibu Rum, and a Splash of Cranberry
Vodka, Cointreau, Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, and Grenadine
Birthday Cake
Stoli Vanil, Pineapple Juice, and Sprite with a Cake Sprinkle Rim
Vodka, Cointreau, Lime and Pomegranite Juice
Lavender Naughtiness
White Chocolate Liqueur, Stoli Razberi, and Chambord
Vodka, Kahlua, Hazelnut, Creme de Cacao, and Bailey's
Stoli Vanil, Godiva White Chocolate, and Godiva Dark Chocolate
Wild Turkey, Chambourd, Cointreau, Apple Pucker, and Cranberry Juice
King St. Lemonade
Absolut Citron, Fresh Lemons, Mint, Sugar and a Splash of Soda
Vodka, Red Bull, Fresh Lemons, Mint and a Splash of Cranberry
Absolut Citron, Lime, Sugar and Sprite
Rum Muddled with Mint, Lime, Sugar, and Soda
Scarlet Margarita
Tequila, Licor 43, Grenadine and Traditional Margarita Flavors
Cachaca, Lime, Sugar, and Sprite
Siggy’s Hot Toddy
Maker’s Mark Bourbon, Sugar, Honey, Lemon, Hot Water, Cloves
Seat Warmer
Southern Comfort, Peach Schnapps, Apple Cider
Misty Cocoa
Irish Mist, Crème De Cacao, & Hot Chocolate With Whipped Cream
43 Degrees
Licor 43, Crème De Cacao, & Coffee With Whipped Cream
Very Irish Coffee
Bailey’s, Jameson’s, Irish Mist, & Coffee With Whipped Cream
Grandma's Cider
Grand Marnier, Hot Cider, Lemon, Cloves, Cinnamon Stick
Ohh! Cider
Bacardi O, Hot Cider, Lemon, Cloves, Cinnamon Stick
Mint Cocolicious
Hot Cocoa, Godiva Dark Chocolate & Peppermint Schnapps With Whipped Cream & Crème De Menthe Drizzle
Oh, Ultimo, you're such a flirt!
Ah, HT. I trust you to ask them to go off the menu for you! It's probably off b/c you went there & was all "dude, I make it better than you" & inspired a massive insecurity complex, so they gave up making them. It's all your own damn, fault really.
And oh god. Combining the godlessness that is Wild Turkey with Cointreau and Chambord? Have you no decency, sir??
Well, I do make it better... it's the combo of teas I hand selected (Ginseng Lemon Green Tea and Mint Green Tea) combined with my muddling technique. But, they made it first. My guess is they don't have it right now b/c some people consider iced tea to be a summer thing. Booo...
I was eyeing that Cornucopia monstrosity though...
bundles of miso-crap. she said she finished packing today... when do you show up in the uNY?
btw... i really want to listen to some billie holiday now
I don't whiten, although I do use some form of "tartar control whitening" Crest or somesuch for the past month or so.
Dental hygenist: "Do you take aspirin or a blood thinner?"
Earthquake: "Does medical science consider bourbon a blood thinner?"
Dh: "No."
Quake: "Then, no."
Yeah, that's the godless monstrosity I was talking about!
HT, you are so mean to bartenders. I'm surprised they don't curl up into the fetal position & start wordlessly sobbing when you come walking in. "I do your job better than you!"
I'm just jealous b/c I have trouble making a Cape Codder well.
maybe because i work for the horrible brown overlord.. but for future reference, when i refer to bundles, i may be referring to packages.
i was justified by google who said
Definitions of bundle on the Web:
package: a collection of things wrapped or boxed together
in related news.. here is another definition of bundle that makes me giggle:
sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
DIZ, what do you mean by "player vs. player"?
I am not mean to bartenders at all!!!! And, I didn't intend it to be mean as much as a foray into suggesting how they might make theirs better. I am very nice to the gentlemen that serve me my drink!
wait.. jo - you are irish?
NICE JOB U guys!!! I knew I could count on you alls!!
Nice one Quake! You tell that hygenist! Just a guess, but you don't floss very often, do you?? Ew! Hm, which reminds me, I need to floss more.
Hee hee - I kid, HT, I kid! Like I said, just jealous! I would never have the audacity to try to make a special fancy cocktail right off a drink menu from a fancy bar! For one thing, I'd get the proportions all wrong & either be trashed immediately or never.
So M, is 'bundled' in that context a verb or a noun? As in "Honestly, Mom, we just bundled!" Hm. I guess I can't think how that would be a noun.
These ginger jelly candies are keeping me awake. For the time being . . . . HT, email me your office number.
yeah.. that second one's gotta be a verb... as in "i bundled her so hard she couldn't walk the next day"...
before you think less of me, i'm not even sure what that means
The Fightin' kind M, the Fightin' kind...
LT, I sent it. I will be sitting here blinding myself...er... perusing publicly available documents... until I hear from you.
M, that statement (um, well, part of it, anyway) makes me think of when I was little & would wrap myself all up in all my blankets like a mummy. Good times!
I could walk the next day . . . .
HT, hoping to leave here w/i 15. Gah! I have earned that drink!
LT is very slow. I am tired and would like a cocktail. I wait for her to call, and all I get is... silence.
Yes, EQ - the tears of an orphan, abandoned by not only its mama, but its entire village, left to cry all alone under cover of a rubber tree, with its only hope being that a kind gorilla takes it in and cares for, raising it as one of its own.
LT just called. My drink is imminent. Yay drinks!
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