Hello What'sForLunchers!!!
I realize it's a little late for a lunch post, but I know how neglectful I've been, and wanted to send my best.
First, to comment for only just a moment on dipso's comment on yesterday's blog. Less than 24 hours after I was having my photo taken on the trading floor with the current and former CEO's of Merck, we get the verdict. It was a nice way to end a great event and start a lunch meeting with Merck re our funding for the next couple of years. Which segues nicely into the fact that my lunch sucked. We had food brought in that was bland and boring, and wholly unsatisfying. I endured a turkey wrap with mozzarella and sundried tomatoes, followed by a slice of carrot cake, while I sat through a bizarre meeting where I decided that everyone is plotting against my organization and that no one is to be trusted. (long story) However, this was more than made up for by dinner, which I had at my friends' apartment, made by another friend of theirs. She made Japanese pancakes, which were made from cabbage and pork and/or squid and some sort of batter topped with Japanese mayo, brown sauce, some kind of amazing spicy sauce and a touch of dried seaweed. So tasty.
Yesterday, I had horribly greasy pizza, which I didn't keep down long due to my now legendary nervous stomach. But, I had it in my Phat Suite (which, I was nearly evicted from last night during the afterparty, but that's a story for another time) so that made everything alright.
My party was a raging success, and I can't say it wasn't pretty fucking cool to indulge in open bar on the trading floor. Sadly, I didn't really get to eat, so I've got no report there, but the wine was quite good.
I've decided to stay on in the city for the next couple of days, despite my lack of funding and appropriate clothing. I've got friends to see and beer to drink. Tomorrow I'll meet a dear friend for lunch, and will be pleased to report on that when it happens. It's possible burritos will be involved, so rico, I'll try to keep details to a minimum.
I'm pleased to see the blog thrive in my absence, and I know I've recruited a new reader, who may turn to a poster, if time permits. I'm working on it though. Spreading the word. Evangelizing if you will.
Good luck, Godspeed and Happy Lunching.