Happy Birthday to:
Robert Craig Knievel
AKA Evel Knievel, Daredevil and one-time action figure
Born: October 17th, 1938. Robert Craig Knievel turns a very young 68 today. And under President Decider’s new plan, is now able to start collecting social security. So unless ol’ Evel invested well, looks like its Alpo, figs, and rock candy from here on out.
But back in the day the professional stuntman ate meals filled with risk and danger.
Breakfast at Evel’s was a thick-cut bacon steak with deep-fried eggs and scrapple on a hot-buttered croissant. The danger!! The excitement!!
An afternoon snack at the Knievel residence was known to be pop rocks and coke. Shit dawg, your head a-splode!!
For dinner, puffer-fish and taco bell. No Evel!!! Don’t do it!!!
But for lunch, no one knows what Evel ate that surely made his friends and family exclaim, “Oh I can’t watch!!”
Share with us what you think an appropriate lunch would be for a professional daredevil. What would you eat if you’re feeling dangerous and want to shock and awe your fans?
If OWFL ever had an Olympics, or some sort of food eating competition, what kind of feats of daring should we include? And I’m not talking about Fear Factor bullshit eating of pigs’ uteruseses. I mean real food, but nonetheless daring in some way or another.
(For example, I’m thinking Lady A could concoct some sort of cake that could deliver 5000 calories per slice. )
And of course, what’s for lunch for the little dare devils of the world? Oh, and I better not here anything about Ben Affleck’s “Daredevil”, i'm blogging in your direction Jo!
(And posting early cuz i've got a morning meeting)
The Director's cut of Daredevil (Affleck) is pretty good.
If i was a daredevil parent i would get my baby faded as per scientists suggest...
Friendly Bacteria In Alcoholic Milkshake Could Fight Food Allergies
Feeding babies alcoholic milk may help to protect against some food allergies. Kefir, a traditional fermented drink, is consumed in Eastern Europe as a health food, and is often used to wean babies, as it is easily digested. Food allergy prevalence is especially high in children under the age of three, with around 5-8% of infants at risk. Currently the only treatment is avoidance of the problematic food.
Hum. Good question. Are there any owfler's who don't know the joys of raw fish? I imagine that would be quite daring for them. But for the rest of us . . . hm. Anything alcoholic during the workday would be quite risky for me. I have to think about this.
I'm starving. I wish it were lunchtime. It's almost lunchtime in Bermuda. It's probably past lunchtime in Greenland.
When I was a little kid, I loved Evel Knievel, but I pronounced it as above.
I had the little action figure, and sometimes he'd marry Barbie, and other times he'd officiate her marriage to Ken. As I recall, Eebil was much shorter than Barbie and Ken, but he liked to race Barbie and her Corvette on his motorcycle, which made up for what he lacked in height.
Daring lunch? I don't know. I think I'm getting sick, and I'm really tired and nothing sounds appetizing. Plus this weather is terrible. Bah.
the extreme version of eating isn't eating something weird.. it's eating a substance that is of unknown origin. Think about your first dim sum...
"what is this"
"[chinese phrase]"
"[vigorous shaking of head, chinese phrase]"
"... [chinese phrase] mouse of trees!"
"... no.. no tail..."
it was tasty mouse of the trees tho... anyway.. yeah.. that’s a daredevil eating... getting a odd slimy brown mass of somethingness put in front of you and eating it...
Oooh! Oooooh! jalapeno eating contest!!
Oh watchdog. it warms my heart to see people still taking an interest in danger.
I think M hit on a good event in the danger lunch olympics. The allergy contest, where you eat what you are allergic to. not too sure on the rules, but I could see either: Contestants eat a dose of their allergy food and the one who stays out of the hospital longest wins, or all contestants continue to consume the allergy food and the last one left breathing wins.
And if I were a practioner of Danger, I'd use three small words to explain my danger lunch.
"Mexican Street Vendor"
I love danger. I Live for danger. I have been seeing this webnet site many days now, but this is the first time I have posted, because of topic is so great.
ILL Mitch came to US&A from Russia for three things. Skateboard in america is best in world. Rap in america is best in world, and punching bags here are not full of rocks.
As you see, I am in love with Danger, and skate, Punch, Rap.
I am also somewhat daredevil too, so I can speak as expert on what they have for lunch.
It may surprize you to know that the devils of daring do not have exciting lunch. Most days we eating cheese, grilled and tomato soup. At least that what is served at municipal hospital for lunch most days. Friday they have pizza.
Welcome Ill Mitch.
In a kind of daring feat, i am going to be eating restruant leftovers for lunch today that were not refrigerated overnight, bought by a lesbian, in Mt. Pleasant.
It's kind of daring.
I almost can't wait to get in to the half cuban sammie and the half Brie Burger (made with chicken breast instead of beef meat), and some High quality Tater Tots.
All from Tonic.
Mitch is the illest.
I want to enter one of those 72 oz steak eating contests.
A hot pepper contest would be good too.
And did any of you ever do the "hottest wing" eating contets at BW3 or any number of other wing joints where you have to eat a dozen wings shmeared with some god awful "nuclear" or "hellbound" or "Krakatoa" paste and if you succeed you get your polaroid put on the wall and a free beer (usually a Honey Brown)?
I'm hungry now.
Danger meal= day old, half priced sushi.
Or any cuisine from "Good Danny's" or "Yum's" or any of the other bullet-proof-glass encaseed purveyors of fine chinese cuisine, subs and fried chicken so familiar in the DC area.
Today, my co-workers and I are heading out in the rain for some Vietnamese food. The only thing we're in danger of is catching cold.
welcome ill mitch!
that head cheese thing sounds oddly familiar...much like the korean sul lung tang soup i described a while back in that posting of "comfort foods". it's what my grandmother loving called "cow head, cow head" when we asked her to tell us what it was in english. i watched her take kitchen scissors and clip off the hair folicles. though nasty sounding, the soup itself is DAMN good. and chewing the cartilage is the best part.
my sister was a vegetarian at the time, but she couldn't say no to my grandma. what a way to fall of the wagon of vegetarianism by consuming "cow head" soup.
today i have not a daring but healthy lunch: tofu stir fry and white jasmine rice. however, if i were to get a daring lunch, it'd be some sort of mexican dish with lots of super hot sauce...like the atomic spicy shit that you can only get from street meat vendors in mexico city. and yes, i've eaten from carts in mexico city, and it's the tastiest stuff i've ever had. talk about daring.
but i have a stomach of steel.
I used to regularly eat the Nukular wings at the Pic-a-Lilly in in Atsion NJ.
Them fuckers hurt both ways, in and out.
No contest though, just the best wings anywhere this side of heaven. I will stand on that statement and challange anybody to counter offer a wing joint.
The night before I flew home from Bermuda, we went to the pub & I got the shrimp curry - extra spicy (like I always did). I had the worst hot butt the next day. Luckily it ended just in time for my flight.
Sorry, that should read
Pic a lilli
Remember from news of the weird the Wendy's chili finger, or the mcdonalds Chicken head mcnugget?
I think fast style food mistakes would be danger.
Also any food from home is danger.
Good thing russia have much Vodka, because beet, and hog organ stew is only good when a man is blind drunk
Check this out. I wanted to upload during our discussion months ago about school lunches, but I didn't until now.
And for the HTs & Sunshines of the group today's Onion calendar thing.
Hey, we haven't been to Russia House in awhile . . . .
Russia House is for people with jobs.
People with Jobs? I'm out.
Yeah, I was ok at unemployment, but it turns out that the longer I sat around the house looking for the perfect job, the higher I got and the less effective my seaZrch was.
LT, you should photoshop HT's head on top of today's onion calendar. it would be so funny in so many ways.
we never did do an eating contest between the OWFLers...perhaps next conference, it should be on the agenda.
We can have a irish car bomb or IED (yeager, red bull, and vodka) drinking competition... that is dangerous given our group
I could go either way with this, but Deep Fried Coke?
What's next?
Yeah, I think drinking contests are better than eating contests. But competetive drinking is not 'one of the fastest growing sports in America' and competitive eating is.
Lunch today:
Bean soup
Honey BBQ chips
Vitamin Water (power-C)
reese's penut butter cups for afternoon snack.
The picketers are out in the rain today.
But they didn't bring the rat.
Ha!! That would be funny, LC. If I could find a picture of her, maybe I could copy it on . . . .
God, 'competetive drinking contests' . . . maybe when I was 17. Just the thought of that upsets my stomach & gives me a headache.
Hey, M, is that a picture of a dog with a cast on? If it is, that's so sad! If it's not, what is it?
carrots, Chai latte flavored yogurt (special edition), lean pocket (chicken and cheese), Monster (lo-carb) and slim-fast shake
peep: actually the words hog, head, and cheese CAN go together, but it really should be in a sentence about blow jobs, not lunch meat.
Back when I was working at a summer nerd camp in south Georgia, I decided the kids on my hall should order Chinese takeout. I got menus from a joint up the street, took the order in, picked it up, and we celebrated an evening meal outside of the cafeteria. (Incidentally, I had the Pu-Pu Platter.)
A week later, one of the other staff members decided to do the same thing. She asked me where I went and came back about an hour later with a completely aghast look on her face:
- Did you know that place got a 62 on its health inspection?
- Of course I did. They have to post it on the wall right next to the register.
- And you still ate there?
- No, I brought it back here because the kids can't leave campus.
- Are you crazy?
- No, I'm a Chinese takeout connosieur. You don't want Chinese takeout from a clean (or non-bulletproof) kitchen. It won't taste right.
So, I consider that my shot at a dangerous meal. Taking it a step further, what did I have for lunch the next day? Leftover Chinese that had been sitting out all night.
For lunch today, I have leftover (refrigerated last night) Bloody Mary Pot Roast over farfalle. Hanging out at lt's with lady a the other night got me all fired up about the Crock-Pot, so I busted it out on Saturday night and slathered my bottom round roast with beer and Lea & Perrin's Zing Zang bloody mary mix. Let it cook for 24 hours, but I went and got drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrunk at the Redskins game on Sunday. So, I got home, put it in the fridge, and put it back on the cooker on Monday morning. That shit was crazy good last night. It will be today, too.
What a crappy day to be protesting!
Lunch was a ghetto chicken caesar salad (leftover side caesar salad & chopped up leftover chicken from Boston Market). It was ok. The chicken was kind of . . . something. I'm not sure. Maybe it's b/c I ate the skin & it was cold. I like my chicken skin crisp.
Unless you're protesting the weather. Then it's perfect
Thanks, Whore.
Daring for me would be to finish everything that I had stowed away in my freezer and pantry...cause there is a serious amount of random groceries in there!
I once had a jalapeno eating contest. Perhaps Peep will recall, it happened at our old restaurant. Not really a contest, more of a "dare". Me and one of the cooks each ate a whole, uncooked, jalapeno. For the first 10 seconds after downing it, we both thought, "hey, not so bad". The next 2 hours really sucked though.
Not recommended!
Just got back from lunch. There was a sandwich combing head cheese, pate and "jambon" (ham?) on the menu. I am not a thrillseeker, so I had grilled beef wrapped in grape leaves with vermicelli.
lunch today.
Smoked turkey, lettuce, tomato, onion on foccacia bread.
Ruffles Cheddar and Sour cream chips.
Dr. Pepper to drink
I once ate one of those long, skinny, green peppers in Indian food. All of the old Indian men laughed at me, but were nice enough to give me a glass of milk so as I would not die. Jalapenos are nuthin' after that.
Benson is on. He's so articulate...
watchdog = pansy ... right ILL Mitch?
I once ate an entire jar of habanero Korean BBQ sauce. It was me and a joker from my Dad's job. I totally kicked his ass though ... as I may have been crying (yes folks ... you can cry as long as you stay in the fight) ... he stopped (not out of pity but clearly out of pain) because the blisters in his mouth started to pop.
mmmmmm popped blister juice...
The sb of le.
Did Benson and Krauss ever fuck?
allright then Diz. I triple dog dare you to eat a jalapeno. Whole and raw. You will see that its no joke.
I am not knowing this watchdog, but I can say fer sertain that ILL Mitch would be walking away with his lady fan if there was a rapping contest. Everybody knows Ill Mitch the Best.
We do not have what you call spice in Russia. These pepper dares would be like murder back home.
We could win at a bland eating contest though. I caould probably eat more cardboard than anybody ever been here.
I certainly would never challenge ill mitch in a contest of rap or skateboarding. Mitch is the illest
Peep, it was Mario, the guy who had the massive head wound.
My favorite dishwasher was the crackhead/drunk. I needed Kem to translate for me, even though english was the only language he spoke
You talking about el Azteca?
I found a shirt from that place in my attic.
WD, Yours, perhaps?
personally, i used to work at el Indio.
mmm... apple burrito
jambon = ham.
head cheese = vomit.
Ah, I'm so bored. And someone has a burrito and it smells sooooooo gooooooooood.
I was in a pepper eating contest once. But it was at the Olive Garden & it was the peppers that were in their salads (banana peppers?). My friend & I called it a draw, b/c the peppers had hardly any heat, but they tasted disgusting.
peep: Although it may not qualify as a recipe, the Bloody Mary Pot Roast is up on the recipe post.
Back when I was working with the jail crew in San Antonio, I used to have to eat pickled jalapenos at least thrice a week to keep the inmates on my side. There was this strange gift culture that you couldn't refuse anything one of the prisoners offered you without offending them. You would be shocked what sort of stuff you eat when it's the difference between a docile jail crew and a hostile jail crew. I have to say, though, that some of the guys who worked on that crew had big power inside. They always showed up with twice as many lunches as they needed. That worked out well for me on chicken-patty-sandwich day. Between the chicken patties and the whole boiled potatoes, I loved Wednesdays.
[Let the prison sex jokes start here.]
ewww. You had sex with whole boiled potatoes.
Either you're hung like a mouse or you were playing catcher.
Oh and the old router works Earthquako. Sucker. You only took our entertainment portal, not our porno portal.
You'll be glad to know I can't get the other one running.
And, since you're online, check out: www.fuckingwholeboiledpotatoes.com
I accidentally forgot to show up for jury duty a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm on hold trying to avoid going to jail or whatever they do if you miss jury duty (jurty, for short). I also paid some parking tickets today. Something about unemployment has got me in the mood to be a responsible citizen.
I ate at the olive garden one time. I felt at home with the bland, flavorless food they serve you piles of. Reminded me of when my бабушка would cook for the whole family... except olive garden seems to use more hog organs.
Ha ha. Maybe ILL Mitch has future in comedy
i like the old food eating contest.. i believe the competition should involve food of varying post creation ages and it works like a bidding game... the person that eats the oldest food wins..
and there is no cast on the dog.. it was my dog when i lived in philly.. i was just looking for a replacement picture and my flickr account is rather outdated..
No, but they tend to run in the same circles.
Potato sex and ass meatballs, that is.
Potato sex and ass meatballs tend to run in the same circles.
I used to play Mike Tyson's Punch out with Nikolas. He has the lazy eye that drifts outside. he look crazy, and he do not play punch out too good. he is the glass Joe to my soda popinski.
Why is it that lazy eye to the outside look crazy, but lazy eye to inside look kind of funny cute. Unfair.
The ladys think Ill Mitch cute, but not because of lazy eye. Both eyes point straight so I can see the road when skating.
Peep, I think the lazy eye was related to the massive head wound thing I mentioned earlier. Wasn't he shot in the head or something?
I know he went to jail for a while for having about 200 lbs. of weed in his apartment.
I think a lot of those dudes ended up in jail. Remember Rueben? Liz's ex-boyfriend. I saw him this summer at El Azteco and he told me he just got out of jail.
Oh and sunshine, that's my El Azteco shirt yo!
Miso - do not be such a wimp about heels and falling down. I assure you - it builds character.
Does anyone remember the theme to Cannon Ball Run II.
Menudo did it.
I want, scratch that, I need a copy.
I thought you were saying that you wanted to scratch that, like you're some kind of Old movie soundtrack mixing DJ
maybe I am...
WD - come to Tejas and we will have a contest.
"You hit me like a cannonball.
Wooo-oo-ooooo, like a cannonball!"
That video was the bomb! They were all stuck inside a pinball game, which really makes no sense when you think about it b/c pinballs? Cannonballs? Maybe pinball & cannonball are the same in spanish. Or spanglish. And at the end of the video, the hot girl came in & his forehead lit up with 'TILT'. HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, thanks for that trip down memory lane, Jo. Sorry, I don't have a copy of that, but if you ever need an original vinyl copy of Wham!'s 'Make It Big', I got you covered.
deviled egg eating contest...followed up by smelliest poop contest.
ok Joe, but you have to promise no ass-raping ever ... not even slightly threatening about it. I have CBR II and Gumball run on the same DVD ... Sam's Club ROCKS!!
By the way, ILL Mitch is cracking me the fuck up today!
ILL Mitch is funny, but I miss Ultimo Dragon.
You're on Diz, except for the Texas part. Who would want to go there? Come to DC and its on.
And Lady A, not sure about the smelliest poop contest, but if you feed me deviled eggs, the gas I release is classified as a Class A contaminant by the EPA
Ill Mitch, you should share your website with us so we can check out some your rap attacks!
Sorry, Gumball Rally
CBR actually kinda sucks compared to this movie.
BTW some British dipshit is trying to get this put in celluloid again here.
Actually the movie is a documentary and it doesn't sound that bad here.
How could I forgot?? Everybody think ILL Mitch the best, but only after hearing the raps.
What is Miss Ultimo Dragon? Sounds like chineese prostitute.
I hear she can ass meatballs...
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