I propose a cessation of hostilities today so OWFL can pay homage to our esteemed President, The Honorable HaterTot, who at 10:30 am EST will be going under the knife to have two of my dearest friends irreparably transformed. We love you HT and we will miss the pre-2/1/2006 HaterTot immensely. However in the post 2/1 world I am sure we will learn to love the new HT, even if we don't completely understand the choice you have made...
All kidding aside, keep HaterTot in your thoughts and religous things today, and I hope we can get some kind of update on her status by this evening, if not we'll know something for sure by Thursday morning.
So as you ponder your special lunch in HT's honor please share a story or remembrance about her breasts with us. If you don't have a special remembrance feel free to make one up or share a breast related story of your own. Do it for her. Do it for the blog. Do it for America.
And of course be sure to include...WFL?
ed. note- In order to foster an atmosphere of positive energy for HT please do not discuss any conference issues in the comments of this post.
Oh, wow, am I the first response?? How exciting! So we were at Local 16 a few months ago, which I think might be where we first really discussed her impending surgery. I think I'd heard about it before, but this was the first time we really talked about it. So bottom line, there was a big group of girls and she let us feel her boobs. And we all reciprocated, partly b/c of the drunkeness, but partly b/c it would be rude not to. I distinctly remember some La Choi ass-grabbing, too. Aaaaah. Good times, good times.
Farewell, HaterTits (hee hee!). Hey, HT, if you're reading this, you can borrow my bras anytime!
Oh right. Lunch. Um. Not sure. But it'll be early. I'm starving. Maybe some pita & hummus. Or maybe a bagel with cream cheese, tho it's more of a breakfast food. Hm.
LT -- Don't you remember the neuroscientists that weekend? and also, a neuroscientist putting on lipstick to kiss HT's boobs? now THAT was the classic part of the evening.
lunch, in honor of HT, is going to be either a hoagie or a hamburger.
Poor HT, I think I have been having sympathy pains all morning. I'm not sure how familiar some of you are with the nitty gritty of the surgery, but they will be completely removing her areolas from her breasts! My god, that makes me nauseated and makes my nipples throb [not in a good way] at the mere thought of it. Poor little Hater Tot. I got to feel her boobies at Goldstar when she was in Chicago in December. I was surprised by their firmness.
You can read the story rico is referencing on HT's blog right here.
I'm thinking a chicken breast sandwich and a side of melon is appropriate for today and rather tasty, as well.
La Choi, I forgot! I think I put my lipstick mark on her boob, too! Not that she doesn't (oooh, didn't? is she out of surgery yet?) have enough room on there for several lipmarks. Even with my ginormous mouth.
Well Jade, at least she would approve of the meal. Rubbery chicken breast and all.
I have no good stories about HT. I have a feeling that the loss of a little boob will actually make her very happy in the long run. But I digress.
LT, there is an occasion you can only see in your mind when it involves the prettier sex. hehe I can only imagine Jo et al were involved in a pseudo-group-masturbation if they were still playing chest urrm chess with all the girls around.
The RULE BOOK: rule 431 - anyone refering to their boobs in the 3rd person (man or woman) shall be sent to the corner for a 15 minute time-out.
BBQ chicken BREAST hoagie with cheddar and the works from Cap Grounds. No mustard.
I remember reading an article from Mad Magazine when I was a kid that stated "If you can see a woman's breasts from behind, MARRY HER." Let's hope HT doesn't ruin her chances at matrimony...
Jo - Maybe HT's grandmother read that article in MAD and got confused...hence why she asked if her excess boobage would be removed through her back...or maybe that was just good old fashion senility....
I think I'll make HT some titty cupcakes in remembrance...vanilla cupcakes with pink cream cheese frosting topped off with a pretty raspberry in the center. Oh, and I think I'll have a chili dog for lunch.....
yes, abs and i went to breadline...i didn't get a hoagie like i should've in honor of today. i'm slippin' people.
but the chicken used in the chicken curry salad is probably made with BREAST meat...therefore, i think i'm still in theme.
the WFLers should send HT some flowers...though, i don't know how to orchestrate such an endeavor.
lachoi, we go to a flower shop and drop them off. Perhaps on Saturday afternoon.
sweet. that is what we shall do.
I decided to focus on other body parts, so I had 1/4 dark at Boston Market. Thigh & drumstick! Mmm. Chicken skin. And creamed spinach & caesar side salad and corn bread. I think they've changed their creamed spinach recipe. It wasn't as deliciously satisfying (in a way that no steamed veggie can be) today as it usually is.
I'm in for fleurs for the newest member of the C-cup club (bet you didn't know we had a club).
does anyone know what nichole's favorite flower is???????
UM LaChoi, you get minus 2 points for breaking the anonymity rule.
Huh. I'm not sure what the significance of Bonnaroo is, but Tom Petty will be there! Awesomeness!
TP and Elvis!! I'm sure there's a I'm there.
Phew. Tough day. Not as tough as HaterTot, though. Why am I complaining? I only met the two of them once, but they seemed like nice people.
I collected on my last NW v UM bet -- Chipotle Glazed Charbroiled Chicken (Breast) Salad from Baja. Very tasty. It has grilled pineapple in there. Strange, but it kind of worked. I'd do it again.
I'm sure there will be a lot more good stuff, but who cares? I'm there.
Today is a day of monumental change in the DC area. Truly, on a day when one of our own is undergoing her own lifechanging change, what better day to discover . . . (drum roll please) . . . the new voice of the Washington DC Metropolitan Area Metrorail System.
I am Randy's biggest fan!!!
I mean Randi.
Jo, I don't like that avatar picture at all. It gives me the willies. Can you go back to the lion, please? That was much more fitting for you.
Jade you just need to read The Watchmen. I'm feeling very Rorschach-ish.
Some friends of mine from Calgary came down to Chicago about 5 years ago to appear on the Jenny Jones show. The topic was "I'm Obsessed With My Breasts".
Ruthie was going to go in and have hers augmented, while Jen was the friend who didn't want her to go through with it (Ruthie really didn't need any extra padding in the tit-tayyyyyys).
Needless to say they were the only girls on the panel with all their teeth and any sense of hygiene.
They did get a free trip out of it though.
Lunch today was at Dagwood's. A new sammich joint in the vein of Potbelly's. They're on Franklin btwn Lake and Randolph for all you Chicagoans.
As my uncle likes to say "that's some good shit". I had "The Wicked 'Wich", a spicy chicken BREAST with cheddar & blue cheese and celery on toasted french bread. Basically a buffalo wing sandwich.
Highly recommended by yours truly.
Is the Watchmen a comic?
That sandwich place sounds intriguing, Brian. It's good to have you back. How's the new job?
Watchmen is the finest comic ever written
We have a Dagwood's back home.
Yeah, I recognized Dagwood's right away. I think we talked about it before when we were on one of our many EL nostalgia tangents. I think it is one of the best dive bars in the area, along with Paul Revere's. There is also a place in Lansing I really like right next to the train tracks, they have awesome food, but I'm blanking on the name.
Is the Watchmen available on like Amazon? I need some new reading material. Is it too much for me to read to Ace?
oopsies on the anonymity...i totally fouled that one up. how could i have not caught that?
too bad there is an admin block on the blog, else i would've stricken it from the record.
Watchmen is too much for Ace.
But it is widely available.
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