Thursday, August 11, 2005

August 11, 2005 - WFL?

The half of a chocolate croissant that I scavenged in the conference room isn't going to get it. I feel hunger setting in, but I'm plagued by indecisiveness. I'm not really craving anything, and my stomach is feeling sensitive after a few margaritas (and some follow-up cocktails when I got home) last night.

What do I want for lunch?

Maybe I'll get some inspiration from your choices - What are you having?


Josephus said...

I am really not sure where I'm going today. I was thinking about keeping it easy and just picking up a chilicheese half smoke from one of the corner guys. I'm not sure what I'm feeling.

HaterTot said...

My stomach just threw a little revolt reading that. No chilicheese half smoke for me.

But I'm getting hungrier, and I still have no ideas. Salad? Sandwich? Burrito? None of the above. I'm terribly confused.

rawker said...

Burrito, most likely. The "burrito bar" at the Equinox gym commissary downstairs is actually pretty good, with a choice between whole wheat and flour tortillas, black and refried beans, etc. But I hate how they charge extra for guac! Still, it's a nice, filling package -- very efficient.

HaterTot said...

Damn you Rawker - I knew I wanted a burrito. Instead I opted for the nearby convenience of the Au Bon Pain. Steak and Gorgonzola. I found the onion focaccia to be a bit heavy on the rosemary, which leads me to believe that it had been mingling with the rosemary focaccia prior to its final destination as my lunch. I'm giving today's lunch an "eh", but I realize that this is at least partially due to my indecisiveness and unwillingness to make the multiblock trek to get what I think I really wanted (which, oddly, was Chipotle - a place that I rarely eat).

Tell me more of this burrito bar. Do you get to make it yourself, or is it like subway, where you point out the things you'd like? What are the toppings? Let me live vicariously through you...

rawker said...

More like subway. The key choices are:

Tortilla: whole wheat or flour
Rice: brown or spanish
Beans: black or refried
Good stuff: beef or chicken or veg (i.e. none)

Then it's pretty much mix up what you want. Equinox has lettuce, 2 kinds of cheese, pico de gallo, 2 kinds of salsa, guac, sour cream (low fat!), and I think that's it. I remember the first time I was offered pico de gallo -- I had no freakin' clue what the guy was saying. After asking the dude to repeat himself a couple of times, I just said, "lay it on me, bub." I think I was reading an X-Men comic that day and decided to sound like Wolverine. I wonder what he had for lunch?