Thinking about this got me to wonder about the service you sometimes recieve at your lunch spots. Time is critical at lunch time. So most places open for the mid-day meal have figured out how to keep the lines moving. With the occasional exception.

Like at fucking Cosi
Sometimes though, at a late lunch, or at a place that's not quite ready for the lunch rush, you have to wait... ane wait... and wait. Until your lunch is ready.

Does that tardiness make it taste better? Or is it that you're so pissed off, all you can taste is your blood rage?
What are your thoughts on the (sometimes) long wait for lunch to be prepared for you?
What will you be waiting for for lunch today?
Slow service makes me angrier than bad food... does that make me a bad person? I've done my term in foodservice so I understand the joys and challenges of serving food to asshle customers... i just hate slow service, whether it be due to the kitchen or the actual servers.
Unless there is a steady stream of food and beverages to my table, I find no additional value in the anticipation of a coming meal.
That being said, it saddens me when i have time for a long leisurly lunch and the restaurant is on its game that day and before i know it, i'm driving back to work after only 20 minutes have passed.
I chew my lip, tongue, and inner-cheek until the food arrives. This leaves me with an eloquent reaction when my food comes late, "Sir, here is your food, sorry for the wait."
Me, "meh".
So the waiter knows that the only thing left to s\him is to spit in my next refill in frustrated retribution. To which I tip them the appropriate %15 which, for me, is like bugs bunny with a glove and a vendetta.
I hate waiting, for anything\anyone.
At Adam's Express, I've run in to a problem waiting for my food. The actual problem was cultural.
In the Asian cultures, they put a premium on presentation. I mean, have you seen Iron Chef? In my culture, you do things quickly.
this one time I went doen to the express to get some sushi and get home in time for what ever... let's say it was for a TV show, or a game to start or something. I don't really remember the details.
At any rate, I went, ordered and waited... and waited... and waited. And I watched them leisurely going about the prep work and rolling and the cutting and the plating, and then when I thought I was about to be released from the wait, the old man puts on a whole show of putting everything in the bag and then cleanly folding the bag closed and he presented it to me with a bow.
I was pissed. I didn't say anything because they thought they weredoing me a pleasantry, but I wanted to stab necks with chopsticks.
Ugh. It's Death burger day at the middle school cafeteria. I will not be doing that. So I'm going to wait...
Fitting and clever right?
I'm going to wait until after work (I'm sneaking out at 1:15) and go hit up the arches. I saw an ad that said they have new Mcnugget sauces. I'm willing to wait... an extra minute or two tops, to try the sweet chili flavor.
Slow service is a major pet peeve of mine. As a former waiter, and a damn good at that I might add, I know what it takes to get the job done. If there is one server for like 50 people, I get it, and don't blame the server, I blame the manager.
But places with no table service that are slow, I keel you! You know what you need to do, you should be able to crank that shit out. I too have been annoyed by Adam Express, but i have a solution, I call them about 20 minutes before going there, and say "make me some bi bim bap!". And they "name please?", and I say "Watchdog" (real name inserted), and they say "Oh Rawtchdog! OK!" like there's only one Rawtchdog who eats there. But they still cool.
In Bermuda you have to practically tackle someone to get your bill. Which is nice when you're having a dinner with friends & finishing a bottle of wine, whatever, but not so great when you're on your lunch break & you've spent more time waiting for the bill than you did actually eating.
Dislike waiting, usually. If there are some cocktails/vino/good bread with fancy dipping sauces, I can wait for a bit. When nothing's coming out, LT is not happy.
Today was a mixed bag for me. Went to Big Buns with 2 coworkers, and was going to get the fish in a bowl (healthy!), but was seduced by the "Lobster Roll while they last!" sign in the window. I did get it on a wheat bun, at least. So mine came out almost immediately, while my 2 coworkers had to wait . . . and wait . . . and wait . . . . It took a bit of time.
Ooh, I have a question for you peeps. Anyone know what to do with swiss chard? My sis-in-law gave me some & I've never used it before. Anyone?
@ LT
Yeah, you follow this recipe for Swiss Chard:
Preheat oven to 425
Remove scales
remove bones
remove head (optional)
Beat butter with a wisk and stadily add bread crumbs
Coat Chard evenly
Toss in trash
(what is Swiss Chard? It sounds like a shitty little fish that is full of holes)
Um . . . thanks?
This is swiss chard: http://www.flickr.com/photos/santos/140047807/
It's a green, not a fish. Though I was thinking of making it as an accompaniment to fish, given my mayo-heavy lunch.
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