Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rendezvous at Hot Doug's

Josephus and I just made way-more-complicated-than-they-needed-to-be plans to meet at Hot Doug's in a couple of hours. Expect a report on duck fat fries tomorrow.

Jo also wanted me to ask everyone else what they're having........for lunch.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Wednesday was my favorite Addams

I wonder what the Addams Family would have for lunch.
Was Lurch the chef?
How would Cousin Itt eat?
Did Thing ever do a #2?
Does Christina Ricci prefer the original theme song or the MC Hammer remix?

And, most importantly, WFL?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


That title should be read a la Winston delivering the last line of "Ghostbusters."

Winston -- my homeboy.

I do love this blog. I'm SOOO bloody busy right now, but I force myself to find the time to pop-in and get things a-rollin'! Happy to do so, too!

I'm thinking pizza, but things could change in a heartbeat. If I go pizza, should I JUST do pizza, or complement it with something else? Salad?

Kids, tell me something...


Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday, Monday...

A new week brings new opportunities. So many different ways to enjoy lunch. After a weekend playing with young Josephus Jr. I am nursing a sprained ankle so I need some comfort food. Any suggestions?

And of course WFL?

Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday Hate/Lunch

Wow, am I full of piss and vinegar today. One of those mornings when I’m on the train platform muttering ... to the train ... which is completely on-time, “will you fucking hurry the fuck up?”. Where everyone on the street is walking in slow motion directly in front of me. I swear on everything that I ever have, do, or will ever care about or believe in that standing on the left side of an escalator should be punishable, for the first offense, by death. I would pardon any folks from Great Britain for this transgression due to cultural differences. Of course the question is moot, as they would already be dead just for being the twits that they are.

I could go on and on. I need an attitude adjustment. It's gotta happen at lunch.

I've got a fantastic Saturday planned. Come on 5 o'clock!!!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Where can one get a good broth?

I was very very very very very very bad last night. (Each “very” representing an irish whiskey shot – complemented by whatever amount of miller high life was appropriate for the situation – I have no idea.) I do know that there was a japanese novel and a guitar on my couch when I woke up this morning -- I don't play guitar and...READING?!?! I know that I got out of bed at 8:12 and was at my desk at 8:44 with pants on. I know that I pumped enough analgesics into my system to numb a beluga.

What I do not know, and am hoping someone can help me with, is what in the wide wide world of sports I am going to have for lunch.

The thought of food makes me a little queezy right now, yet I am starving and I anticipate that the hunger will increase exponentially over the next several time things. Oh, I ate nothing last night.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My group has a Work Lunch today...

...with our CEO. And hopefully it won't be all bad news. The boss has mixed it up a bit by foregoing his normal Thai spot for McCormick and Schmick's. Now what does one order at a work lunch with the CEO? Here's the menu, make some time and help a lunch-brother out.

And of course WFL?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Regional Specialties...

I happened to think about this as I clicked on the link to and realized that I have no idea what a Chicago Style Hot Dog is. What is it? What other regional specialties are there our there? NY slice. Chicago Style Pizza. CA mexican. Let's start chatting about some unknowns or favorites of ours.

"Back to the world"

A normal week begins again, finally.

And can anyone identify that quote?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Sweet Christ on a Triscuit - I've never seen anything so awesome

I've been lazy about getting my butt to Chicago lately, but someone passed this morsel onto me. Dipso - do you know this joint? This is going to hasten my trip to Chi Town for sure.

DUCK FAT FRIES! My God, it sounds like heaven on a plate. Make sure to look at both the menu and the specials page. I am drooling.

Now, I need to get myself to Expedia to book a ticket. I always knew I loved that city.

Let's all drink to the death of a blog...

Or is it? Regardless, let's all drink.

Can't do the meatloaf today. I'm looking for something. Maybe I'll go see what that Au Bon Pain can do for me. Pizza sounds kinda good, too. What are y'all doing............for lunch?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Brown Baggin' II - The Next Level

Monday night I was cooking until @ 10 p.m., but I didn’t eat anything I cooked that night. My efforts were completely dedicated towards future lunches. Once everything cooled it went straight into the ol’ Gladware and got stacked in the fridge. I made enough for four lunches! Turkey meatloaf with garlic roasted potatoes and green beans. I had that yesterday and will have it again today, tomorrow and Friday. I think I’m going to make an eggplant parmesan next week….maybe lasagna. You know I’ll keep you posted!

Hey! What’s for lunch?

Monday, September 12, 2005

More Cottage Cheese and Tomatoes

Wow, I'm boring. Actually, I'm poor. Really poor. Shamefully poor. WAY poorer than a responsible 30 year old with a well-paying job should be. We're talking 4.18 to my name poor. ('til payday on Friday, that is)

So, let's explore two themes: What do you do for food when you're broke? For me, I start to open all the weird tinfoil and saran wrapped items in the freezer, and if that doesn't turn up anything edible - I buy a dozen eggs and subsist on that. What's your solution? Do you revert back to ramen and mac and cheese? Or something more creative?

And of course, what's for lunch today?

Friday, September 09, 2005

Cottage Cheese and a Beefsteak Tomato

It is but 10:30, and though I already know what I'm having today, I'm looking for entertainment in the lunch ponderings and choices of my fellow What's For Lunchers.

I'm in a much better mood than I have been and rather than being disgruntled at the thought of a tomato at my desk, I'm looking forward to it.

So my friends, What's For Lunch on this lovely Friday?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's All Greek to me...

Working in Chicago and having a lunch meeting at Rodity's.

Not sure what I'll have just yet. Any suggestions?

And of course...WFL?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Fruit ain't gonna cut it, right?

I have a pear, a plum and a banana, as well as some vanilla yogurt and orange almond granola. I'm a little too into this brown bagging thing and I think I forced it a little when there were no leftovers from last night. I can't eat this crap for lunch.

I do believe it's burger time.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I hate everyone

After a lovely weekend, I come back to work to be reminded that I hate everyone.

I've lost my appetite.

For lunch I think I'm going to eat a tomato at my desk, wash it down with a Diet Coke and seethe.

What's everyone else doing for lunch today?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Quiet Friday...

My office is closing early and I'm sure most of you lunchophiles have already left for the long weekend. I, on the other hand, just got to work and I'm ready for lunch!
But what to do?

A B.A.L.T. sounds delicious, or maybe Braunschweiger on rye with swiss.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

brown baggin'

The home cookin' is back in action! I'll be brown baggin' it a lot more now, starting tomorrow. I made enough pasta w/pesto, mushrooms and sundried tomatoes last night to have a lunch leftover. I don't like to have the same thing for lunch as I had for dinner the previous night, though, so I'll have the pesto on Friday. I know my lunch tomorrow, but not today! How weird is that?

I have no idea what I'll have today....NONE! I'm just walking out the door and seeing which way the wind blows me! You know what, I'm going to do that. Whichever way the wind blows, I'll go that way. I will walk 427 paces, taking whichever "walk" lights are available, and at the end I will go to whatever is the closest purveyor of lunch. Let's everybody try it!!!